
[System User] in the multiverse of Madness

When I found out about the multiverse the first time I was told one thing. "The multiverse doesn't make any sense at all." I don't remember who told me that anymore. Back to the topic. My name is Leon Garcia and I am someone referred to by many as a reincarnator. Anyone would think that an enchanter is something special, I would be the main character and the world would revolve around me. But in reality there are thousands or millions like me. No one in this place is unique or special, that's something I found out for myself. And if you want something you have to earn it through force, in this place the most honest or the most honorable doesn't win. The most bastard and unhinged wins. So I will set out on my journey through this place with my annoying companion with the goal of fulfilling my dream. To have a harem of beautiful women and a peaceful life. That would be it, at the end of the day I don't think it would be that hard to achieve..... "Did I just raise a flag?" □•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□ [Warning]: English is not my first language. □•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□

Reader_Madness · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 7,5: The Calamity Warlock…


[Disclaimer]: I don't own anything, this is purely a fanfic to pass the time.


□•••□•••□•••□(Point of View of ???"□•••□•••□•••□

Looking at the great view I had from my apartment I was left reflecting on the things that had happened lately.

what should I do? '

For a long time I have felt empty, even now I still see the horrible gray color around me.

But I remember it. I remember that person who had color in this horrible shit hole we call [Multiverse].

what should I do? '

It was a long time ago that I found out about his death. Possibly close to 200 years, maybe more or less. Time becomes irrelevant out there.

I remember my conversations with him, I remember every one of his words.

what should I do? '

While I was lost in thought I felt a spatial fluctuation behind me.

'Has something happened?'

We were currently in a world to perform an experiment with the test subjects we had chosen.

I looked behind me to see a woman dressed as a maid, I know her, I have spent nearly a century with her by my side as my helper. I had met another version of her before who died long ago, possibly when I was about to have my happy ending.

´Even she is a gray color.´

Every emotion he showed was undoubtedly false, those warm eyes he threw at me, his sweet words. Every time I hear them I just feel nauseous.

He only feels appreciation for words that I simply repeated from the real protagonist whom I possess. Emotions not intended for me but for someone else.

I would like to tell her all that, I would like to see if she would finally show her true face but she is still useful to me both for work and for sexual services, so it would be better for her to continue with her stupid, meaningless infatuation.

"Victor-kun I bring a report about what happened today about the [User] named Yuuto Tachibana." -He said bowing deeply.

"Did something interesting happen?"

I remembered what I knew about Yuuto Tachibana, possessor of a system not very useful for combat but useful for seducing women, not so remarkable strength, perverted and arrogant personality.

But currently he is the one who stands out the most above the other subjects found in this world.

"Apparently he is about to start his school arc at Sakurada High School. He has met the characters-"

Then he began a brief summary of what he did, there was nothing interesting in what he said.

As I remember, his system has the ability to go to other worlds, the smartest thing would be to go to another world to gain strength, but the most likely thing is that this idiot thinks about going to other worlds just to use women.

'What a damn idiot.'

Just when I was insulting [User], I heard something interesting.

"And apparently one of the women he plans to target came into contact with another [User]."

That was interesting, usually when two [Users] come into contact they always end up with one killing the other. -'It would be interesting to see how they kill each other.'

 But something else caught my attention.

I could see how she showed an uncomfortable face.

"What's going on?"

"It's just...how could I say it." -she shifted uncomfortably in her seat, she seemed embarrassed to speak.

Approaching her I placed my hand on her chin and raised her to look at me. Showing a warm look and smiling sweetly at him I began to act.

"It's okay Rem. No matter what happens, I won't be angry with you, okay."

[Name: Rem / Franchise: Re:Zero]

I could see how her cheeks seemed to turn red as she gave a small smile.

"Okay Victor-kun."

'How pathetic.'

Releasing her, I waited for her to speak.

"The [User] who came into contact with the woman Yuuto Tachibana was going to target is not in the records."

He's not on the records...that's surprising. I thought we had kept a careful eye on which entities entered this world.

"But knowing that, I used the tools that Victor-kun provided me to try to collect the information from him. Although it was somewhat complicated since he seems to have an ability to protect information from him, he was not able to see his skills, history, titles, etc."

Interesting, being able to hide your information. His skill must be a high level or something more…

"But I was able to get some information although it's not much." - I looked at her waiting for her to continue. -"Apparently her system is one of hunting, he has the ability to go to other worlds, detect other [Users] and his name seems to be Leon Garcia."

"That?." - I was shocked to hear a name I never expected to hear again.

"Eh? Something bad happens Victor-kun." - I felt his worried look but I didn't care.

My mind found itself in another place, given the information that this maid gave me. Lion. Leon Garcia.

Turning my gaze back to the window I spoke to Rem.

"Rem, go get my things ready, I'm going to keep an eye on Leon Garcia myself."

"WHAT? But Victor-kun according to the orders they gave him-" - before Rem could finish speaking I stopped her.

"That's why I plan to leave you in charge of monitoring the other test subjects." - I turned my head to stare at Rem. - "I can trust you, can't I Rem?"

She blushed when she felt my gaze on her. But she quickly recovered to smile sweetly at me.

"Don't worry! You can entrust this task to my Victor-kun."

After that he made a small bow and then left in the same way he arrived.

Now there was no one here. I turned my gaze to the city below.

[Re: Zero Ost - Theater D]


I remember. I remember that man who I consider my best friend.

"Leon Garcia." -I smiled when I said his name.

I remember every conversation we had, our arguments, our jokes, our most embarrassing moments, etc.

"To think you would be alive."

I remember our first meeting that day when he saved me from dying at the hands of those damn vigilantes. I remember the abnormal strength he displayed and how he made me believe that he was some kind of deity.

"And now you are a [User] that is ironic. Friend"

But I knew better than anyone, he was not a god. He was something far beyond those arrogant idiots who consider everyone else as inferior to them.

"Must this be the work of destiny? Yes, without a doubt it must be the destiny that guided us to meet again."

He was a chaotic being, full of anger, lust, envy, gluttony and greed. A perfect being for the [Multiverse].

"It means that you came to this world because of my help. It means you still need me to guide you to your true path."

But that being that he considered perfect was corrupted by that woman. The moment I saw him I knew, he told me what to do.

´save him´

'He needs us.'

'It's our job.'

I remember that expression he made that day. A beautiful hell created to save him. I remember his expression as he held that woman, I remember the look he gave me.

Pure anger at its finest. It was on that day where the [Hound] was able to see the light for the first time in the flesh.

"I guess now it's my duty as your old friend to help you, isn't it Leon" - I said while looking at that city which for the first time I felt was shining brighter than ever. - "After all."

´It is our job to exterminate anyone who tries to corrupt the [Hound

[Name: Natsuki Subaru I Original Name: Victor /Franchise: Re : Zero]


[Start of the Arc: The Hound and the Calamity Warlock]


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