
[System User] in the multiverse of Madness

When I found out about the multiverse the first time I was told one thing. "The multiverse doesn't make any sense at all." I don't remember who told me that anymore. Back to the topic. My name is Leon Garcia and I am someone referred to by many as a reincarnator. Anyone would think that an enchanter is something special, I would be the main character and the world would revolve around me. But in reality there are thousands or millions like me. No one in this place is unique or special, that's something I found out for myself. And if you want something you have to earn it through force, in this place the most honest or the most honorable doesn't win. The most bastard and unhinged wins. So I will set out on my journey through this place with my annoying companion with the goal of fulfilling my dream. To have a harem of beautiful women and a peaceful life. That would be it, at the end of the day I don't think it would be that hard to achieve..... "Did I just raise a flag?" □•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□ [Warning]: English is not my first language. □•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□□•••□•••□

Reader_Madness · Anime und Comics
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Chapter 5.The damn [Author] became sentimental

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[Disclaimer]: I don't own anything, this is purely a fanfic to pass the time.

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□•••□•••□•••□(Third Point of View"□•••□•••□•••□

On a quiet afternoon in Japan you could see several people walking, whether elderly, adults, teenagers or children.

All of them walked calmly, each one focused on their life, on their problems, on their family, friends or lovers.

Despite this being a dangerous world with human life constantly threatened by entities known as demons, people moved through it without worrying about being attacked.

For what reason was this?

Maybe it was because of the Devil Hunters. Maybe his country was safer than the others. Maybe because they had the capabilities to defend themselves.


Actually it was none of the above, the real reason was very simple. It was because they became accustomed to this lifestyle.

And at this moment you could see a mother and her son arguing about a matter related to a girl.

"Mom, why did you change my school? "I had promised Tomo that we would go to the same primary school." - A boy of no more than six years old with black hair looked angrily at his mother.

"Jun-chan, it's not important if you don't go to the same school as Tomo-chan. You can still see it." –The mother spoke patiently trying to calm her son's anger.

"But I promised him. We would go to the same school Hmph."-The boy pouted and looked away deciding that he would ignore his mother from now on.

"Ara~Ara~ What will I do with you?"-The mother smiled at her son's childish behavior. She knew that her son had become too attached to that "boy."

"Although he doesn't know that she is actually a girl," the woman found it funny to see how her son thought that the "boy" she considered her best friend was actually a girl. And that was due to this behavior of hers.

Although the woman didn't plan to tell him, she would just wait to see her son's surprise when she found out about her, it would be quite funny when they reached high school.

But there was also the reason she changed her son's school. Not long ago the boy's father had been killed by a demon, who was the breadwinner of the family.

After his death the woman had to start working to support her son. That's why she changed her son's school. The mother felt guilty for not being able to give her child what she wanted, but she promised herself that she would do her best to make her child live happily even in a world as dark as this.

"Don't worry okay. Tomorrow we can go visit Tomo-chan."-Said the mother as she patted her son's head.

At those words her son stopped and turned to look at her.

"You promise." The boy smiled enthusiastically at her as he looked at her, clearly forgetting about her anger.

"Yeah. "I promise." Seeing her son's smile, the mother promised that she would do everything possible so that her son would live happily.

And in that moment …

"Get out of the damn way!" She heard a child's panicked scream sound from her left side, as she headed towards an alley that they happened to be at her entrance.

The woman did not have time to turn around when the boy collided with her, making her trip and fall to the ground.



At that moment the boy who had pushed her did not apologize but rather she began to catch her breath. Meanwhile, her son, seeing that that boy hurt her mother, got angry with him.

"Hey, apologize to my mother! You hurt her."

The other boy simply looked at him for a second to simply respond.

"Shut up you fucking brat."

The mother, who had already recovered, looked in shock at the foul-mouthed child next to her son.

A boy close to her son's age, with messy blonde hair, brown eyes, and strange sharp teeth like those of a shark.

But there was someone who apologized for what happened.

"I'm sorry!"-A girl no older than the two children present, she was on the back of the strange child.- "B-But in that alley there is-"

Cri Cri Cri Cri Cri Cri

The girl couldn't finish when a strange sound began to approach them. When the girl heard the sound, she began to turn pale and tremble.

"Damn it. Brat close your eyes and leave the rest to me!" The boy shouted as he ran again away from where the mother and her son were.

The mother looked at the child walking away in confusion while she tried to understand what the hell had just happened.


That sound became louder.

"Mom!"-Listening to her son's scream full of fear. She saw how he pointed towards the place where those two children came out.


And when she turned to see what it was, what greeted her was a wide open mouth heading towards her.





"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" - the horrified scream of a teenager who was near the horrible scene echoed throughout the place.

Which caught the attention of everyone present, who only felt one thing when they saw what was presented to her visions. And that was absolute fear.

The Slug Demon who was currently tasting the mother's upper part with a smile of pleasure, while the rest of her body was lying with a few leftover organs scattered around.

As for her son, he did not come out any better because he ended up being impaled by that demon, the only thing that could be seen correctly was his look full of horror and pain with which he was left.


"That was fun! Fun!"

"Again again!"

"Look how many people there are!"

"There are even children!"

Those tentacles that were their eyes and that had a mouth with sharp teeth, spoke while they looked around, smiling full of pleasure at the great banquet that they would give.





And then all the people who were walking calmly before started running for their lives, hitting each other in the process, some tripping and getting trampled.

But no one cared about other people, only one thing was on the mind of each person present here, which was to survive, to survive no matter what the cost.

"HAHAHAHAHA! Do you want to play tag?! WELL WELL LET'S PLAY! LET'S PLAY!"

And after that the Slug Demon began his career again, which curiously was the same place where that child, or rather Lion, left.

And that was how the [Story] of that boy named Jun and his mother ended. That boy with a destiny with a girl that could never be fulfilled.

Demonstrating the most important thing in the Multiverse, it doesn't matter if you are a [Protagonist], [Villain] or [Heroine]. It doesn't mean you're special and that's why you should live.

□•••□•••□•••□(Leon's POV"□•••□•••□•••□

[Congratulations! You've killed a Protagonist!]

[You have acquired [Storyline Armor:Tomo-chan Wa Onnanoko] from Kubota Junichirou!]

'Who the hell did I just kill!?' - I shouted in alarm as I saw the system message in front of me.

We haven't even gotten to chapter 10 and we've already killed a protagonist.

[You're definitely moving fast, mate!] Zell shouted happily to the side in his typical "video call." - [But I suggest you concentrate, that idiot is still behind you.]

After Zell's words, I looked behind me.

"Why the hell is he still after me?!" I shouted when I saw the Slug Demon.

I could see a massacre happening behind me, as the Slug Demon ended up "accidentally" impaling any civilian it encountered. Every time this happened he just repeated: "Skewers! Skewers!"

I had thought he would stay behind enjoying killing civilians and forget about me.

what do I do now?

I couldn't run forever. I was already getting tired from carrying the chainsaw demon and the brat.

'Abandon the brat?'

I've been through her a lot already. So one way or another this girl is saved just because.

As for the Chainsaw Demon, I always wanted pets. That was also one of the reasons I decided to stay with Zell. I now regret that decision to this day.

[You piece of shit! Why are you looking at me like that?]-Zell yelled at me when he saw my look full of disappointment towards his existence.

'It's nothing, I'm just sorry I met you.'

[Oh, I see... Would you like me to tell you that, you bastard!]

Although I'll never admit it, it's fun to piss this bastard off.

While I had my little time bothering Zell, I continued to hear the desperate cries of the others getting closer.

I could feel how the brat couldn't stop shaking, possibly she was left with trauma due to this incident. I would say that I will help her but according to some I am a deranged person who talks to beings that do not exist.

'Hey! Help that Brat!'

'True! Help her for the future! She looks quite attractive, imagine what she will look like in the future.

´Yes, listen to the lolicon! Have a shark mind, bastard! Use that shitty slug to win his heart! Like a hero!¨

'Shark Mind! Shark Mind! Shark Mind! Shark Mind! Shark Mind!'

´Wow. That's useful coming from the [Crazy Voices]'

Who was the bastard that said hearing voices in your head was bad.

Increasing my speed I ran towards a convenience store that "coincidentally" was close to where I was.

to whom I lie. Surely that shitty [Author] had something to do with it.'

Quickly entering, I took cover behind one of the shelves.





I heard the Lolicon Demon laughing madly as he began to cause destruction.

I left the Chainsaw Demon on the ground as I now concentrated on my main objective.

"You can get off now." - unlike my rude tone before, now I speak to her delicately showing my concern for her.

The brat got off carefully, looking at her carefully I realized that she still had her eyes closed tightly, although her red and swollen eyes showed that she had cried, in addition to the fact that my back is wet.

"You can also open your eyes."

The brat carefully opened them. Looking around her in amazement, she seemed surprised to be inside a store.

She continued like this until she noticed me and just when she opened her mouth to speak to me…


"Please save me!"

"Mom! Where is my mom!?"

"Why is there no Demon Hunter?!"

'Wow, how timely'

The screams of the people outside caught her attention. I could see how she walked towards the glass where she could see outside.

I followed her and could see what could be deduced as a carnage. There were several bodies with holes, others with missing body parts, whether elderly, adults, children, no one was saved.

'I don't know why seeing this gives me a strange feeling of nostalgia'

I looked indifferent at that scene but the brat didn't see it the same way.

Fear, pain and guilt. Those emotions crossed the brat's face when she saw that scene. But the one that predominated the most was guilt.


Falling to her knees, she began to cry again as she looked at the ground. Hugging himself while she didn't stop shaking.

"It's my fault! This is all my fault!" - the brat's screams of pain echoed through the store but even so the horrible screams from outside were more dominant.

[Insert Ost - Sweet Dreams]

'What? Why is music playing in the background?' - I looked around when I heard strange music that seemed to hide the screams from outside.

"Everyone outside is dying because of me! That mother and her son must be dead because of me too!" -And then as if she remembered something, her face filled with pain increased. - "Y-Yuta! If I hadn't convinced him! Yuta wouldn't be dead because of me!"

´Yuta?... because that name sounds familiar to me...¨- Shaking my head I returned to concentrate on the pitiful screams of the brat.

Then the girl looked at me…

That look of someone that fills with despair and agony, that one who only wanted one thing...

That it was nothing more than her own death.

I felt a strange sympathy towards the girl in front of me…

"And you! You too! You almost died because of me too! My grandmother was right, I'm just a disgrace that causes death to those around me! I should never have been born! I would have been better than that Demon "It would have devoured me!" - And then he only concentrated on crying.

Seeing a girl her age in such a pathetic state… it disgusted me too much. But it wasn't because of her weakness… it was because of something else.

'I wonder... if I saw myself like that too...'

At that moment several voices passed through my head.

  "You are a disgrace! We should have aborted you when we could!"

 "HA HA HA. No matter what you try [Hound]. In the end. In the end you always lose."

 "I'm very glad to have met you Leon."

 "It doesn't matter what others believe! I think you're a good person!"

 "Heh~ I knew you would come to save me."

 "I'm sorry mate... but she's dead."

 "I wonder if everything would be better if he just shot me."

 "Fight, but not for me or for anyone… but fight for yourself. And only for you Leon"

 "All of this is your fault!"

 "I regret not having let you die in that place."

 "In the end no one in this shit hole is special."

 "Do I really deserve something like this?"

 "In the end…. The only thing I'm really good at is killing others."

I massage my temples to calm the horrible headache.

'What was that shit?' - For some strange reason I lost myself for a few seconds.

I felt like I remembered something and at the same time I didn't... how strange.

Turning my gaze to the girl the only words that ran through my head were quite simple.

'How problematic'

I'm too old for so much melodrama...

But I decided to win this girl's heart for the sake of my beautiful future surrounded by beautiful women so I will help her.

Is it disgusting to use the lowest moment of someone's life for your own benefit? Of course it is. 

Do I regret doing it? Of course not.

I've done so much disgusting shit in my life that I can say that this thing I'm doing is just a small thing.

But I don't care what others think, after all

  "I think you are a good person!"

I'm not a good person.

I approached the brat and knelt down. She didn't notice my presence as she was so focused crying.

Patting her on the head I tried to get the brat to focus on me. And seeing that she looked at me I knew I did right.

[Insert Ost - Living room]

'Wow the music changed again...it doesn't matter.'

"Listen. I probably can't give you the great speech you'd expect, first of all I'm not good with words, I'm just an idiot who has a vocabulary made up of swear words." - Speak in a friendly and cordial manner.

"But what I can tell you is that none of this is your fault." At my words I saw how the girl opened her eyes while she looked at me attentively.

This was what she wanted to hear the most in this situation but still the denial of believing those words made her open her mouth but I interrupted her before she could speak.

"You're probably going to say something like if I hadn't taken you out of that alley, only you would have died and no one else would have been hurt, right?" - It was quite obvious that she thought that. - "As I was saying, we didn't know if you If you stayed in that place, none of this would happen. Seeing the way that thing acts, it is certain that after you it would have gone for someone else."

At my argument the girl opened her mouth but this time I let her speak.

"B-But still my grandmother said that-"

"Firstly there is no proof that your existence causes the death of those around you. Also when it comes to that old hag I think she's just crazy. And she hates you for no reason"

It was funny how the brat looked in shock for calling her grandmother a "crazy old hag." But I could see how the shine in the girl's eyes returned.

"H-Hey you can't call my grandmother that. "She is my fami-"

"A real family doesn't treat you and makes you feel like your existence is shit and that you should never have existed." – I spoke dryly while several annoying memories ran through my head. Shaking my head I returned to my friendly and cordial tone - "And even though it sounds corny. A true family is one that takes care of you, protects you and motivates you to be better. "

I could see how the girl accepted my words. But still her mood did not improve.

"B-But if she's not my family then... who do I have left?"

I see. It is for that reason that the words of that old woman affected her so much, she is the only family she has of her.

"When we talk about family, it doesn't just refer to those related to blood. Tell me, is there anyone you can consider family?" - at my words, the brat seemed to remember someone, but when she saw that she was going to cry again, I knew it was true. ruin


"Y-Yuta he was… but now he is-" - the brat shed tears again.

Perfect, only I can be the jerk who reminded her possible childhood love of hers who is now dead.

"So. Why don't I try to be your new family? "-I told her as she wiped her tears with my thumb.

She stood still looking at me for a while until she finally processed my words.

"W-What?"-The girl looked at me confused by my words.- "B-But we don't even know each other. No-"

"But we can still do it, right? We can take the time we need to get to know each other better. As long as there is time, everything can be done."

She was no longer crying, instead she was calm as she looked at me attentively. 

"Why? Why are you telling me this?"

It was understandable because she told me that. After all, we don't know each other at all, so what do I gain by helping her.

'Although I do win something but she doesn't know it...'

I thought for a few seconds what to say and then something came to mind.

"Because you made me remember me." – I am amused by the confused look this girl makes. – "Alone and desperate. Believing that you are a disgrace to everyone around you. Just wishing for someone to appear who is willing to be by your side and tell you that she will never abandon you. So don't worry because I will never abandon you."

Her cheeks turn red and her eyes widen in amazement as she listens to my last words, and I simply continue stroking her head to give her comfort.

This girl was in a very fragile state mentally and emotionally. So giving her what she needed most would give me a lot of points, plus right now her emotions must be so complicated that she must not know what she feels when she sees me.

But that will be the basis of the future I plan.

"Then it would be good for us to introduce ourselves, wouldn't it?" I said as I stood up. - "My name is León García. Pleased to meet you."

To which, after a few seconds of staring at me, he let out a few small tears and then wiped them with the back of his hand and smiled at me too. She got up.

And finally I was able to see her in better condition than before. Smiling at me.

A girl with long black hair, dark eyes and a mole under her mouth. She was wearing a dark blue dress with embroidered hearts and a red bow.

"My name... my name is Rika Orimoto, but you can call me Rika, it's nice to meet you too, Leon."

[Name: Rika Orimoto / Franchise: Jujutsu Kaisen.]

The scene just now was perfect and at the same time not. The screams of agony from outside did not help the atmosphere and above all-

[HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. The lolicon got the first Loli from him. Hey.Where is a camera to record this moment.]-The bastard Zell spoke while he looked from one place to another in search of a camera.

´Yes, yes, what a funny flying parasite.´


"It's not that"-I looked at the Chainsaw Demon who simply stared while he talked with Rika.

For some strange reason I feel like he's smiling at me for what I did.

"Oh. Who is he?"- Rika looked curiously at the Chainsaw Demon.


"This is my dog. If you're wondering what that is that comes out of your head. I just dressed him up ahead of time for Halloween."-I could feel the Chainsaw Demon's annoyed gaze.

What are you waiting for? to tell him that you are a demon when he almost died for one'

"Oh. Hello little one."- Rika knelt down to caress him.

'It's surprising that he bought that lie.'

"Woof" – I could see how this guy let himself be caressed.

'This bastard... he tries to bite me whenever I try to pet him.'

"Does it have a name?" Rika looked at me as she continued caressing it.

"No, I'm still thinking about what name to give her." – I was honest with Rika for the first time in the short time I've known her.

"Oh I see…. What do you think if you name him Pochita? -She told me, smiling tenderly.

Given the name Pochita, a part of me felt quite comfortable with that name.

"Woof!"-And seeing how happy he is. It seems like he likes me too.

"Well then your name will be Pochita from today."- I said while smiling at Rika and Pochita.

[Hey bastard! It's the same shit as Pochi, only you added the "ta"] -At Zell's annoyed shout, I decided that as the adult that he was, I would ignore him.


The comfortable and happy atmosphere was killed by the anguished cry of those outside that for a strange reason sounded louder than normal as if they wanted to get our attention... how curious.

I could see Rika tremble, to which I caressed her head.

"Don't worry Rika. Remember that this is not your fault. "-I smiled at her to which she calmed down but I could still feel that she was still tense.

Although honestly if they had anyone to blame it would be me, since I brought that idiot here.

"Pochita come. It's time for you to fulfill your part of the deal." - After saying that I headed towards the entrance door.

But when I was about to open the door, I could feel someone grab my arm.

Turning to look at Rika, I saw her face scared of what she was going to do.

"Where are you going?" – Although she told me that, I thought it was very obvious what she was going to do.

'Ahhh. She worries about me

It's amazing that with just a few words I won over this girl...

'Shit that sounded bad.'

"I'll go to stop that bastard outside." - At my words Rika panicked.

"NO! you can not. If you go that thing-" - I interrupted her.

"If you worry that he's going to die. "Then I'll tell you that I have a foolproof plan to kill that thing." -I smiled at her while she saw how she still refused to let go of me.


Patting her head again I spoke firmly.

"I will not die. That's because I have a dream to fulfill. So I'll kill him and then I'll come back to talk to you." - while she let me go when she saw the confidence in my words - "So don't worry. Also, as someone who wants to be part of your family, I don't plan to die."

"Please be careful." -I heard him murmur when she crossed the door.

She continued moving forward without looking back with Pochita by my side.

[Hey mate.]-Zell spoke to me but this time without her usual happy or bad-tempered tone. -[How much of what you said to that brat was true]

Feeling her scrutinizing gaze I decided to be honest.

"I honestly don't know. And I don't care either, the only thing I care about now is that my plan goes well and for that I have to kill this bastard."

I looked at the Slug Demon who was currently not paying attention to me.

[...Okay.] - Zell left the conversation there. -[Good mate! So how do we kill this bastard.]

Seeing the same old Zell again. I just smiled.

"Get ready to take out one of the blue candies from the inventory."- Upon hearing my words, Zell seemed alarmed.

[Motherfucker! It hasn't even been a day since we really started and you're already planning to do something stupid.] -Zell looked alarmed as he had a theory of what he was going to do.

"Just do it idiot." -I said while he bent down to pick up Pochita.

'Ugh, I haven't done this in a long time.'

Pulling on Pochita's cord he began to attract the Slug Demon's attention.


At the sound of the chainsaw the Slug Demon turned to look at me.

"What! It's the boy from the alley!"

"He Appeared! He Appeared!"

"Perfect, we can eat another child!"

"Although it's missing some meat!"

Faced with the euphoric state of the Slug Demon, he continued to advance.

"Alright you piece of shit. You have caused too much trouble so now I will kill you." – I spoke calmly as I slowly approached the Slug Demon.

And at my bold words the Slug Demon responded simply by laughing.



"The boy thinks he can beat us!"

"He's funny! He's some kind of comedian?!"

I stopped and started to look around and I could see that there were several people still here. Some were badly injured, others were hiding among corpses, and others were simply corpses.

"Brat! Aren't you afraid of us!?"

"YES! YES! Don't you fear us?!"

"Aren't you afraid of death?"

"No, I'm not afraid of dying." - I spoke stoically to the Slug Demon who looked at me confused. - "I have been living much of my life on the edge of my rope. Besides, I've already died twice so I don't care." - I whispered my last words while I was just a few meters away from the Slug Demon.

"He's not afraid!"

"Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?! Because?!"

"Because?" - When faced with the Slug Demon's question, I simply smiled at him showing my sharp teeth. - "Why the hell would I be afraid of a fucking walking corpse. Very good son of a bitch."


"Let's play, whoever kills the other first wins. It is simple so that even a being with a brain made of shit can understand."

After that the Slug Demon began to run towards me with its mouth open ready to swallow my body.

And I started running towards him continuing to smile. There was something I learned from that old bastard.

  "Listen Leon. In the multiverse, righteous and moralistic people are the first to be killed." - I looked confused at the old bastard in front of me.

 "That's why I'll tell you what kind of person survives in this shit hole." - I listened carefully to his words, he had been there for a long time. Seeing me pay attention to him he smiled from ear to ear.

 "Those who survive are -

"The most bastard and deranged sons of bitches! HAHAHAHAHA!" - After that I jumped towards the Slug Demon's mouth.

"Nooooo!"- I could hear Rika scream behind me.

But I don't care, it's time to give this son of a bitch indigestion.


□•••□•••□•••□(Rika Orimoto's POV"□•••□•••□•••□

When did my life start going downhill?

If I had to say one moment it would be. When my mother died, I was only four years old when it happened.

No one knows how she died, she simply went shopping at the store one day and the next few moments my father found out about her death. At that time, my father and I thought it was an attack by a Demon due to the state he was in, but there was no proof of this.

My father was sad when he found out the news, I heard my father cry for several days while he mentioned my mother's name.

We tried to move on, we moved to another city where my grandmother lived, which she never liked. She always looked at me in a hostile way, she more than once told my father that it was my fault that my mother died, she always told me that she was "cursed"…. Even today I wonder why she said that.

The relationship between my father and my grandmother became strained due to his behavior.

But otherwise our life was improving and my father smiled again too. It was then that he proposed that for my birthday we go climbing a mountain. I don't know why he proposed that but I didn't care as long as he could spend time with my father and he was okay.

While we were climbing, I ended up getting lost after hearing someone's voice. When I went to that place there was no one and then I realized that I was lost. But the first thing I thought was that I would meet my father at the top of the mountain, so I started to climb the mountain.

But when I arrived there was no one, so I waited in a nearby shelter. But I never saw him again.

She ended up being found and admitted to a hospital. Only I was found while my father was not.

But in that hospital I met someone very special to me. Yuta.

Although at first he always seemed nervous and shy, after a while he acted normally.

I'm glad to have someone by my side at that moment.

After a while and my father was reported missing, my grandmother took custody of me.

I remember that the first thing she told me when she arrived at her house was that it was my fault that my mother and father were now dead.

But I refused to believe that, I didn't do anything.

Living with my grandmother was the worst thing that could have happened to me, but it was thanks to Yuta that I was able to continue.

Yuta always made my day, Yuta always made me laugh, Yuta...

I felt that as long as Yuta was by my side I could continue living even after everything that happened to me.

He was a few days away from starting elementary school together with Yuta. So we decided to enjoy our last day and decided to go to a convenience store to buy some sweets that we liked.

At that moment I didn't think anything bad was going to happen. I was just thinking about how I would enjoy my school life with Yuta.

As we walked we crossed an alley and then I heard it.

"Help me…"

"Please help me :..!"


Someone's voice was heard inside the alley calling for help. Although it sounded strange, a part of me wanted to go in to see what it was. It made me remember that moment in the mountains.

But Yuta stopped me, he told me that we couldn't enter, that it was dangerous.

But the voice continued speaking.

"Someone help me."

"Please. Help me"


After listening to it again, I convinced Yuta to go help that person. He told me not to come in and to call an adult.

I really would have liked to hear it. I regret not listening to it.

After ignoring Yuta I decided to go in to help that person.

And what he greeted me was something that will give me nightmares until the day I die.

"HAHAHA! They are children!"

"Yes! A boy and a girl!"

"Great double prize!"

A being similar to a giant slug was in front of me.

That slug grew insect legs which it used to move and launch itself towards me with its mouth wide open.

When I saw that mouth opening wide to devour me, I thought I was going to die, but I was pushed away, avoiding being devoured.


I ended up falling to the ground.


When I looked at the old place where I was alone I saw that Demon chewing... but Yuta was gone.

The sound of chewing, bones breaking and grinding, will never leave my memory.

When I looked at that thing... he... he was smiling full of pleasure as he devoured the person I cared about most.

Yuta died, he died to save me. He died because of me.

"Kyaaaa!" - I shouted at the scene.

That Slug Demon hid his insect legs again while he began to slowly crawl towards me.

He wanted to stand up and run away, but I couldn't. When I was pushed and then fell I hurt my ankle.

So all I could do was crawl backwards trying to get away from that thing.

I was afraid. I am very afraid. I didn't want to die. I don't want to die.

It was then.


The barking of a dog caught my attention. Turning my head at that sound I saw a strange dog and next to it a boy close to my age with blonde hair and brown eyes.

I don't know why but a part of me felt like I should ask him for help.

And when I saw the Slug Demon take out his insect legs again and launch himself at that child.

I was filled with anguish to think that he would be guilty of someone else's death.

But the boy avoided him along with that dog. And after the Slug Demon crashed, the boy approached me and after a while ended up on his back with him running while that Demon chased us.

We ended up colliding with a mother and her son. Apparently her son got angry with the boy who saved me for ending up pushing his mother.

But it wasn't his fault but mine, because if it weren't for me. He wouldn't have done it.

I apologized to the son but before I could give my reason for why this happened, I heard the footsteps of that demon approaching.

The blonde-haired boy yelled at me to close my eyes and so I did.

I closed them but that made what would come later worse.

The screams of agony and despair did not stop ringing around me.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Sorr-´

It was the only thing I could repeat in my mind as I heard everyone's screams. I buried my face in the blonde boy's back and started crying.

We continued running for a while until the boy stopped and he told me that he will gently get down.

Even though I went down I refused to open my eyes. But after his request that he open them I did and was surprised to be in a convenience store. I felt it was ironic that I ended up in this place in the end.

When my gaze focused on the blonde boy before he could speak.

The cries of agony and despair returned.

I didn't know why but I started heading towards those sounds and I ended up looking at the window of the store and I could see everything.

Everything that I cause. My grandmother's words echoed in my head at what I saw.

She was right, this was my fault. I really was a cursed being as she said.

At that I collapsed and started crying, this was all my fault.

I remembered Yuta's face, my father and my mother. Three people I loved who died because of me.

But while I was accepting that this was all my fault, I felt someone put their hand on my head.

A strange feeling of warmth ran through my body from that simple action.

Then I looked at that blonde boy. Smiling warmly.

And then he started talking to me… that this wasn't my fault. May I not cause this.

I tried to refute his words but he interrupted me and argued that it was not my fault.

I continued talking and when I realized I started listening to him attentively while I still felt his warm hand on my head.

This boy's kind and gentle look reminded me of Yuta. His warm words reminded me of my father when he comforted me when my mother died.

Then he told me that my grandmother was not my family, that because of the way she treated me, she was not my family. When he asked me if there was someone I considered family then I remembered Yuta.

If she wasn't my family, then Yuta was... but he was dead... because of me. I cried again thinking about Yuta but then the boy said something that surprised me.

"So. "Why don't I try to be your new family?"

I didn't know how to react to his words, but I told him we couldn't, I didn't know him... and even though he behaved so well with me. I didn't want him to associate with someone who only brings misfortune like me.

But he said that we could still be, that with the time we had we could get to know each other and become a family.

Doki Doki

Hearing that I could feel my heart race.

Why, why is he being so nice to me?

"Why? Why are you telling me this?" - I wanted to know why someone would be willing to say so many words to someone like me.

Then he answered me, that he was also like me. He knew what he wanted them to tell me.

"So don't worry because I will never abandon you." -His words echoed in my head over and over again.

I could feel my cheeks heat up as I still stared at him.

Standing up he shook my hand as he introduced himself. And then I could hear the name of the boy who saved me and that he was willing to stay with me even with everything I did.

"My name is León García. Pleased to meet you."

Upon understanding all of this I simply cried but not out of sadness like before but out of happiness. That someone was still willing to stay with me.

Then I smiled at him the same way he smiled at me.

"My name… my name is Rika Orimoto, but you can call me Rika, it's nice to meet you León."

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[Author's words]:

I came back again on a weekend.

Anyway, I'm glad to anyone who still decides to spend a little of their time reading the crazy things I write.

Speaking of the chapter. I have to highlight that the chronology of Yuta and Rika's meeting changed a little. I also made up Rika's life since when I researched her I didn't find much.

As for how I killed two protagonists in the same day, I will only say two words. Being [Protagonist] does not save you from death. And above all he has a reason, but I will explain it in the future.


Well that's it. See you another day, maybe it will be very close... who am I kidding, I don't even have a schedule.

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