
Boring Summer [#1]: Boring

[You've selected the Permanent Class: Druid]

[You are now a Lvl 1 Druid!]

"Well, thank you very much!" The little ethereal creature vanished right before his eyes as Stiles smiled gently to himself- After the whole thing with Gerard, Jackson Kanima, and Derek kicking him out of the pack, Stiles went to try and learn more about his spark from Deaton, but the Druid told him the following: "I am sorry Mr. Stilinski, but i cannot help you, your capabilities are limited and you do not possess the requirements to be taught by me." Which, okay? Sucks, but Stiles did not give up- In fact, he searched the whole internet for information on Sparks, which resulted on his clicking on a weird site that sold weird shit? He bought a [Beta DnD System: 1.0] while drunk (Cause he was drowning his sorrow, he doesn't know why but it hurts so much after Derek kicked him out of the pack) and slightly high on some pot he managed to buy (What? He's the Sheriff kid, of course he knows how to commit crimes.) and now he has this weird book thing on his hand that was delivered by a floating etheral fairy.

He thought it was a weird dream, but when he woke up, he accidentally touched something in front of him while the headache he got after the whole drinking thing and now? Now he was looking at a floating screen in front of his eyes.

[You've selected the Permanent Class feature! Multiclassing is now disabled. Limitations to you chosen class have been removed. Spellcasting has been modified. Long/Short Rest mechanic have been modified. Saving Throw/Ability Check mechanic has been modified.]

[What is your name?]

"Uh... Stiles?"

[Stiles has been registered!]

[Welcome Beta Player Stiles, please contact Admin Ghur for any question you have, enjoy your purchase.]

And like that, now Stiles has this annoying little square on the side of his vision! He spent the whole morning looking at it and trying to ignore it while playing video-game, but when afternoon came he just imagined a finger touching it and suddenly the little square expanded into a whole fucking screen with lots of data!

[Beta DnD System: 1.0 by Ghur]

[Name: Stiles

Age: 17 | Sex: Male | Gender: Male

Race: Human

Permanent Class: Druid lvl 1


Hit Points: 11/11

Temporary Hit Points: 0

Condition: None

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Feats: 0 [Feat Points: 1]

Background: Select


Strength: 8 [-1]

Dexterity: 12 [+1]

Endurance: 14 [+2]

Intelligence: 20 [+5]

Wisdom 20 [+5]

Charisma: 16 [+3]

Ability List

Druidic: You can speak, read, and write in Druidic!

Multilingual: You can speak, read, and write in English, Polish, Latin, and Common.

Spellcasting: You can cast spells, as a druid you draw magic from nature! You use SP (Spell Points) to cast spells, from lvl 0 to lvl 12, spells can change the fabric of reality. Each spell costs the amount of SP that corresponds to their level- You can use double the SP to cast any spell without using material components! To learn how to cast spells, you must research and understand them, the more you practice the better you get at using said spell, increasing your mastery over said spell. [Limitations have been removed]

Simple Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with simple weapons - Spears, Sickles, Scimitars, Clubs, Daggers, etc.

Spell List

SP: 5 [SP = Druid Lvl × 5]

Lvl 0: [Druidcraft: 0%]

Lvl 1:

Lvl 2:

Lvl 3:

Lvl 4:

Lvl 5:

Lvl 6:

Lvl 7:

Lvl 8:

Lvl 9:

Lvl 10:

Lvl 11:

Lvl 12:


[Copper: 0

Silver: 0

Gold: 0

Platinum: 0]

[Magic Items] - [Equipments] - [Miscellaneous] - [Consumables]


[New Quests - 1]

[Accepted Quests - 0]

[Completed Quests - 0]

Using [Druidcraft] was really easy, he used it to move the leaves of the tree in front of his window (The one Derek most likely uses to get in and out- Or rather, used, seeing as he doesn't want to do anything with Stiles anymore.) by moving the wind to blow it! He played Dungeons and Dragons, so he knew he could light a candle with such an easy cantrip, and as soon as he got a candle he successfully lit it with a simple snap of his fingers! "This... This can be wonderful." And it indeed can! He focused hard on the [Spell List], trying to think about how he would learn more spells when a pop up appeared in front of his eyes-

[To learn more spells, you have three methods-

Learning with help (from someone or nature itself)

Learning by yourself

Learning with the system's help.]

"Oh thanks, that's really helpful." Stiles honestly was tired- His muscles were tense and painful, his bruises hurt, his ribs were almost killing him and he knew he would have really bad scars on his body from the torture he resisted from Geriatric Argent. "I mean, it's not like I'll look nature talks-" The wind blew on his face, pushig leaves and dust on his mouth, he coughed and got the leaves out of his face a little annoyed, he wanted to push the leaves away but to do that he needed some kind of spell, or use his own hands- Which he did, since he doesn't know any spells besides [Druidcraft]! "Maybe..." What if he played with it a little? Since his dad was out, Stiles decided to go play with magic a little.

Reading the description of the spell again, Stiles pondered for a moment... "It can create a harmless sensory effect, like wind pushing leaves, smells, and small noises, but it can also create fire... Maybe if i do this?" Stiles, sitting on his backyard that lead straight into the preserve, pushed his will on the leaves around him to move with the wind, and as they did he began spinnimg in circles, creating this small leaf hurricane that quickly was dispersed when Stiles lost concentration. "Huh, cool." Seeing as the neighbors might see him there, Stiles simply went into the preserve where the possible prying eyes of neighbors wouldn't see him, so he started practicing his magic. He pushed himself to the limit, using Cantrips did not use his energy but it made him mentally tired, his ADHD was bad but he was hyperfocused and hyperfixated on magic, which meant he did not lose focus once while playing with the spell [Druidcraft]! He learned a thing or two about the spell, and the more he used it, the more his proficiency over the spell grew and the greater control over it he had.

Learning magic was amazing, it far suprassed the little trick he did with mountain ash! Wait- He could go and get Mountain Ash from Deaton! 'Huh, maybe not, can't know if he'll feel that i am a druid too now.' He was a druid, a weak one for sure, but still a druid! "Might as well try it-" He gathered a small amount of dry leaves and made it into a mini campfire with sticks and stones, he made sure the fire would not spread before willing the magic in him to push out and light the impromptu campfire he made, but this time he focused really hard on the flames, on the fire aspect, and instead of flames surging on the dry leaves it appeared on his fingertips!

[You've learned the spell-

[Produce Flames:

A flickering flame appears in your hand. The flame remains there for the duration and harms neither you nor your equipment. The flame sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet. The spell ends if you dismiss it as an action or if you cast it again. You can also attack with the flame, although doing so ends the spell.]

"Huh, so this is how i learn by myself huh?" Now he had an attack spell, albeit a weak one seeing as the flame on his hand was the size of a small pebble and he probably couldn't do much harm with it. "Let me check the shop now-" The moment he opened the system shop, he had to select what he wanted to buy, so he selected the [Miscellaneous] category and a search bar appeared above it while several random items were there, he typed 'Magic Books' and the results were on the thousands! From children story books that talked about magic to books about magic and theories of how it worked, he decided to specifically search for 'Druidic Magic Books', which reduced the amount to the hundreds- But the first one that caught his eyes was a book named:

[101 Druidic Cantrip Spells, by Agazov Mysc: This book contains 101 druidic cantrip (or lvl 0) spells, you can easily learn about all of them.

Cost: 1 Silver Coin]

"Where the fuck do i get money though."

As it turns out, [Quests] are reliable sources of money! The first quest he completed was a weird one, seeing that he had completed while playing with his [Druidcraft], it was a quest to kill a living being, any living being. So he must've killed a bug or something? Regardless, that wuest gave him 5 copper coins, and thanks to the system he learned that 10 copper coins = 1 Silver coin, 10 Silver coins = 1 Gold Coin, 10 Gold Coins = 1 Platinum Coin. Which was cool and all but now he needed to complete one or a few more quests until he had enough money to buy that cool looking book- Meanwhile he tried to learn more spells by himself, which ended badly when he almost set fire to the fucking forest! 'Not playing with fire again.' And he did not, he did however, play with wind! He learned another cantrip called [Gust], which let him create a gust of wind to push things from him or to manipulate the wind a little, which was easier to do with [Gust] than [Druidcraft].

The day passed by so quickly that he didn't even notice it was dark, he quickly went back home before he could get lost in the Preserve.

The very next day started with Stiles cleaning his room and going through available quests that randomly generated every day for him- One caught his eyes because the rewards were good, but they were also worryin? Well, the quest was like this:


The Hale Territory is under attack by unknown forces. As a member of the Hale Pack resident of Beacon Hills aware of the supernatural, if you wish to live, protect your land.

Rewards: 1 Platinum Coin, 1 Magical Item, 2 Druid Levels]

See? Vague as Deaton! Does that come with being a Druid? But he couldn't just run out there and find out what the fuck's this about, instead he decided to focus on his own powers and let the Hale Pack deal with whatever was happening and only go out there to deal with the threat to his father's safety when he is strong enough. "I'll have to go get some Mountain Ash from Deaton..." He wanted to protect his dad, he decided to put Mountain Ash- He was so distracted by his thoughts that he didn't even notice or heard the footsteps behind him as he played a little with the flames on his hand, that was until he heard: "Stiles?" He turned around and found his dad there, looking at his hands that were on fire, so he did what he thought best and said: "I can explain."

And so he did.

"So you're telling me that Scott's a werewolf, Jackson was a giant killer lizard that followed Matt's orders to kill before he was killed by Gerard who took control of Jackson and ordered him to kill himself so he could become an Alpha Kanima? And that Gerard Argent was the one whk tortured you to get information about Derek Hale's pack and send a message to Scott, who by the way, did not notice you were gone and did not care to tell you about the plan that involved in using Derek Hale's body against his will to turn an Argent, the family who killed his, so he could be the hero- Is that all?" His dad took it all in stride it seems because he looked a little confused but not freaking out, which had Stiles nodding a little ashamed for lying to his dad for so long, but the next words he heard shocked him: "Well kiddo, i can only say I'm proud of you-" Stiles raised his head to look at his dad in shock as the older man smiled gently: "-You did what you thought was right even though it was idiotic. You protected and saved people, and I'll never punish you for that- I will, however, punish you for lying to me and being reckless." Stiles nodded with a sigh before waiting for the verdict his judge was going to give him: "You're not going out with your friends for the entirety of this week, and your curfew has been changed from 10 PM to 8PM." Stiles nodded- Is not like he was planning on going out with people anyway, he had no one else to go out with besides Scott, and Scott was ignoring his texts and calls so might as well not go anywhere!

"So, Chris Argent has Wolfsbane bullets?" Stiles nodded before adding with: "And I'm going to go get some Mountain Ash from Deaton, to keep Werewolves and other Weres from entering our home... and i am trying to learn more about this." With a snap of his fingers, a flame ignited on the palm of his hand, it was only warm and did not hurt him: "Jesus, i have a magical kid... Your mother always told me you'd grow to be magical." At the mention of his mother, Stiles felt somber for a moment before he chuckled and let the fire dissappear: "Anyway kiddo, if you need my help, with anything, just tell me... Now, i deserve some burgers after that revelation." Stiles did not argue with that, seeing as his dad was awesome and deserved some greasy food for being such a cool dad.

Another quest Stiles was doing the very same day his dad found out the truth was a simple one, it involved going to the Preserve and using [Druidcraft] on 5 different plants and he'd get 1 Copper for each plant he used [Druidcraft] on, which was easy enough to do. Soon, he had bought the book [101 Druidic Cantrip Spells, by Agazov Mysc]- The moment he bought it, a puff of smoke revealed a small ethereal creature that held out the book to him before vanishing. The book was relatively big, seeing as it had 101 spells he could learn, well, taking out [Produce Flames], [Gust], and [Druidcraft] from that equation still gave him about 98 lvl 0 spells he could learn and possibly use! The spell list was in alphabetical order, so the very first spell he saw was a spell called [Acidic Bolt], which as the name suggests, send a bolt of acid to hit the target! The book spoke about how a Druid first must learn the basics of elemental control before attempting to cast higher spells, which meant Stiles had to learn a cantrip spell from each element and increase its proficiency up to 100% before he even considered casting Lvl 1 Spells if he wants to be safe practicing magic spells.

[Acidic Bolt], like most spells, had a distance limitation that Stiles knew could be overcomed- So what did he do? He took a [Feat]! Using the [Feat] point that he had (Apparently he gets those from completing some quests or leveling up) and bought a very basic [Feat] called [Spell Sniper] that helped him ignore cover and aim at enemies with more ease, but it also helped him with learning instantly another cantrip, which he chose the cantrip [Eldritch Blast] to because he played DnD and he knows Eldritch Blast is a good attack cantrip! Now with 5 Cantrips, Stiles had his hands full! He wanted to get [Druidcraft] at 100%, which now laid at 50% since he was having fun playing with it. He also melted a few trees by blasting [Acidic Bolt] at them, he even learned [Air Slash] - A cantrip that when used sends a sharp blade of air towards the enemy, at a range of 120 feet, but thanks to his [Spell Sniper] [Feat], the range was increased to 240 feet instead - and used on the trees to better his aim.

Shooting with a gun and shooting with spells were two different things it seems, because his aim was shitty! He finished the second day with magic by going back home and reading the whole way back too- He read about simple spells such as [Thorn Whip], and even useful spells such as [Savagery], [Mending], and [Message]! He knew the majority of them, but to know more about them (read: How to cast them) was amazing and he wanted to try them all! He did get home before it was dark outside though, which was good, so now he knows [Druidcraft], [Produce Flames], [Acidic Bolt], [Eldritch Blast], and [Air Slash], he does want to learn a defensive or utility cantrip spell before getting other quest to complete and buy the next book he wants: [Healing With Nature, a Book about Spells and Potions by Eleanco Everygone] that costs [4 Silver Coins]! "I wonder how i level up..."

[To Level up your Druid Level, you need to learn:

At least 1 Lvl 1 Spell 0/1

Helped Nature at least once 1/1

Know at least 1 Transmutation Spell 1/1]

"Oh, i see." Stiles nodded to himself and he began preparing dinner, his dad was coming home so he can work the night shift tomorrow, today was the afternoon one so tomorrow Stiles will show his dad some of the things he has learned how to do. It took about an hour or so to prepare the food, but his dad arrived just in time! "Hey kiddo." Stiles greeted his dad with a 'hi!' Before going back to putting the plates on the table: "Today i made pasta with cheese, but there's also salad so you'll eat the salad." His dad didn't even complain about the salad, seeing as ha could eat pasta with cheese! "So, you're ready to see some impressive things tomorrow?" His dad simply chewed and nodded enthusiastically, Stiles chuckled at his dad's enthusiasm to eat pasta as he prepared himself- A few spells he wanted to learn and try, [Mending] was essential, as well as [Message]! Even though the way this spell worked was modified to be used by Druids, he had to manipulate the wind to move his voice in the air to the ear of someone he wants to hear his message within about 120 feet of him, the one who receives the message cannot answer sadly, only receive messages.

Stiles did not go to sleep that night, instead he opened his window and carefully climbed to his roof. The place was empty, mostly because who the fuck would be on top of his roof? Werewolves? Stiles laid down with his face turned to the moon, just staring and letting the feeling of desolation. There's something beautiful about feeling that addictive feeling of being alone, abandoned to the winds, free-floating through the sea of life without a lifeboat. "Hm..." Sighing, Stiles raised his hand above and flickered his fingers while channeling energy through his body as he tried to cast the spell he was reading about, his fingers glowed a pale green light for a moment before he felt a warm energy flowing through his body, the bruises feelimg instantly better.

[Your Druid Level has increased!]

[You unlocked: Lvl 2 Spells, Wildshape, Druidic Circles]

[Wildshape - You can transform into any creature you've seen! To transform, you use a Wild Point, or one WP, which is equal to double your Druid Level. At level 2 you cannot transform into creatures that fly or swim, at level 4 you cannot transform into creatures that fly, at level 6 you can transform into any creature.]

[Druidic Circles: Please select your Subclass - Thanks to your Permanent Class feature, you can have more than one Subclass, but only after you've mastered your Subclass. You maintain everything a subclass gives you the moment you change Subclasses.

Circle of the Dreams: Druids who are members of the Circle of Dreams hail from regions that have strong ties to the Feywild and its dreamlike realms. The druids' guardianship of the natural world makes for a natural alliance between them and good-aligned fey. These druids seek to fill the world with dreamy wonder. Their magic mends wounds and brings joy to downcast hearts, and the realms they protect are gleaming, fruitful places, where dream and reality blur together and where the weary can find rest.

Circle of the Shepard: Druids of the Circle of the Shepherd commune with the spirits of nature, especially the spirits of beasts and the fey, and call to those spirits for aid. These druids recognize that all living things play a role in the natural world, yet they focus on protecting animals and fey creatures that have difficulty defending themselves. Shepherds, as they are known, see such creatures as their charges. They ward off monsters that threaten them, rebuke hunters who kill more prey than necessary, and prevent civilization from encroaching on rare animal habitats and on sites sacred to the fey. Many of these druids are happiest far from cities and towns, content to spend their days in the company of animals and the fey creatures of the wilds. Members of this circle become adventurers to oppose forces that threaten their charges or to seek knowledge and power that will help them safeguard their charges better. Wherever these druids go, the spirits of the wilderness are with them.

Circle of the Moon: Druids of the Circle of the Moon are fierce guardians of the wilds. Their order gathers under the full moon to share news and trade warnings. They haunt the deepest parts of the wilderness, where they might go for weeks on end before crossing paths with another humanoid creature, let alone another druid. Changeable as the moon, a druid of this circle might prowl as a great cat one night, soar over the treetops as an eagle the next day, and crash through the undergrowth in bear form to drive off a trespassing monster. The wild is in the druid's blood.

Circle of Spores: Druids of the Circle of Spores find beauty in decay. They see within mold and other fungi the ability to transform lifeless material into abundant, albeit somewhat strange, life. These druids believe that life and death are parts of a grand cycle, with one leading to the other and then back again. Death isn't the end of life, but instead a change of state that sees life shift into a new form. Druids of this circle have a complex relationship with the undead. They see nothing inherently wrong with undeath, which they consider to be a companion to life and death. But these druids believe that the natural cycle is healthiest when each segment of it is vibrant and changing. Undead that seek to replace all life with undeath, or that try to avoid passing to a final rest, violate the cycle and must be thwarted.

Circle of the Graveyard: When you join this circle, spirits of the dead, of previous Morticians, formal titles of druids belonging to this circle, and of dead necromancers begin influencing your abilities. Recognizing undeath as something that's not going anywhere anytime soon thus a recent addition to the natural order, Morticians make use of undeathly abilities in addition to druidic magic to accomplish their goals. Because of undeath's inherently forbidden nature, druids of this circle are shunned and sometimes even hunted down by druids belonging to other circles. Due to this fact, many Morticians hide the fact they belong to this circle and often, when acting in common society, act under the guise of a different circle. Because Morticians are shunned by druids of other circles, it's not uncommon for them to become cynical and act selfishly. Though they won't find allies in druids of other circles, Morticians often ally themselves with necromancers, clerics dealing with death, other outcasts, and generally malignant people. Although Morticians are wary of druids of other circles, they are very welcoming of other, similarly aligned Morticians and often act together towards a common goal. A group of Morticians, or a Coven, formally meet up at graveyards under the new moon to perform secret rituals, further their powers, or do other acts unknown to everyone but Morticians.

Circle of Evolution: Druids of the Circle of Evolution cater to the fauna and flora around them, watching and observing their growth as well as protecting them. Many of the druids took in animals and sentient plants as a familiar and the focus of their studies. Their patience and keen perception allows them to grow a creature or plant with absolute care to the point that it can slowly evolve into a dominant or even stronger species.

Circle of Stars: The Circle of Stars allows druids to draw on the power of starlight. These druids have tracked heavenly patterns since time immemorial, discovering secrets hidden amid the constellations. By revealing and understanding these secrets, the Circle of the Stars seeks to harness the powers of the cosmos. Many druids of this circle keep records of the constellations and the stars' effects on the world. Some groups document these observations at megalithic sites, which serve as enigmatic libraries of lore. These repositories might take the form of stone circles, pyramids, petroglyphs, and underground temples; any construction durable enough to protect the circle's sacred knowledge even against a great cataclysm.

Circle of Wildfire: Druids within the Circle of Wildfire understand that destruction is sometimes the precursor of creation, such as when a forest fire promotes later growth. These druids bond with a primal spirit that harbors both destructive and creative power, allowing the druids to create controlled flames that burn away one thing but give life to another.

Circle of the Pack: Circle of the pack druids are know to be terrifying defenders of thier homes and have been rumored to have small armies of pack members. These druids link with the animals of thier forests to live in harmony.

Circle of the Dragonshifter: The path of sorcery isn't the only way to attain control over one's draconic ancestry, there is another, albeit more ancient way. Those of dragon's blood following the way of nature can unleash their power in ways considered heretical by their druidic brethren, but nonetheless this strength can be a force to behold.

Circle of the Monsters: The natural world includes more than just the plants and beasts. There are exotic and terrifying life forms that are just as alive and natural as any wolf or bird or alligator. Druids of the Circle of Monsters accept these bizarre creatures as part of the ecosystem to be cherished and protected. They feel a kinship to the monstrosities of the world, and the monsters feel that kinship back. Sometimes.


There were a lot more, many, many more, but Stiles stopped reading them- He could get to them eventually, but he must start somewhere right? "Which one..." He brushed his hand over the floating screen, lists and lists of many- But one caught his eyes, he grinned: "If I'm not part of your pack, then I'll make my own."

[You've chosen the Circle of the Pack Subclass!]

[Pack Creation: Beginning at 2nd level, willing beasts and animals equal in number to your Wisdom modifier that take a short or long rest with you can form a pack with each other and you.]

With a small smile on his lips, Stiles knew- Tomorrow couldn't get closer.

Derek growled in frustration as he was, once again, alone- Jackson was with Lydia while Isaac was with Scott, he still is searching for Erica and Boyd, Peter is nowhere to be seen and Stiles? Derek doesn't want to think about Stiles for the moment since he doesn't think he could stop himself from crying his eyes out before him. He was stupid to believe his Mate would ever want him, Stiles' a teenager and teenagers always smell horny, but he truly believed Stiles could be trusted- And then Scott forces him to give the Bite to someone, not someone but an Argent, the worst type of people in this planet! And the plan of putting Mountain Ash on the old man's pills? That surely had nothing to do with Scott, he is in no way smart enough to even count after 50 without thinking about Allison through the whole process! And the only person who is smart enough to come up with such a plan was Stiles himself, and choosing between helping Scott by Betraying Derek was easy! They grew up together, they're like brothers, and Derek?

This random guy who appeared in his life.

But to Derek, Stiles was one of the few good things in this world, and it hurt him to kick him out of the pack- to lie to him and say he never was Pack to begin with, it pained him but it was also freeing. Freeing because without Stiles there, he wouldn't need to constantly stop himself from jumping the boy and fucking him in the ground!

Sighing once again, Derek decided to just go back to his loft and rest for the night- He looked at the moon and felt like crying, it wasn't a full moon yet but it was getting close and it made his wolf get closer to his skin and he felt what his wolf was feeling; Sadness, shame, despair, pain. Their Mate rejected them, Their Mate doesn't like them, their Mate betrayed them! He didn't feel anything but sadness, longing, and hurt.

And Derek was getting tired of it.

So, sleep it was.

Stiles could make a Pack of his own now, he doesn't need them anymore! "Isn't that right Erebus~?" The raven on his shoulder cawed loudly, making Stiles grin as he patted it, his black feathers were beautiful! It was 5 in the Morning, his father was still asleep so Stiles was making himself a pack! He used the [Feat Point] he received from leveling up to get a new feat called [Wild Speech] which was a good spell because;

[Wild Speech: You speak the tongue of men and beasts

Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

Even when in a form in which you cannot naturally speak (such as an animal), you are able to speak normally in any language you know. This allows you to cast spells with verbal components, speak command words, and activate spell completion and spell trigger items.

You can cast [Speak With Animals] at will, ignoring somatic components.]

"Little flightless one, we're friends!" Stiles knew ravens were really smart animals, but to speak so fluently? It was incredible! Stiles couldn't help himself with the large grin when he felt the raven make happy little noises. As a [Pack], he can feel them and where they are at all times, but the stronger he grows on the Druid thing and gets more levels, the stronger his little ones also get! He found Erebus on top of his roof where stand, he had just got the [Wild Speech] feat and decided to test on the raven and they talked for about an hour, when the hour ended Erebus had joined his Pack and Stiles' magic tied them together. Stiles named him Erebus after explaining to the raven that it was the name of a God that represented the endless darkness. "Yes we are, yes we are." Erebus was really affectionate, seeing as he was just barely a young adult raven! Stiles went back into his room and got Erebus inside with him and went to make breakfast, the smell of food must've woken up his dad- that or the fact that he was talking rather loudly with a bird.

"Ah, morning dad!" Stiless grinned as he patted Erebus' head who was parched on his shoulder, he looked like a really edgy teen with a raven and dark circles under his eyes. "Morning Stiles... Did we always have a bird?" Stiles shook his head and placed Erebus on the table before pushing a plate with small berries to the raven, Stiles' own dad received pancakes baked without gluten, but honestly they tasted almost the same! He did not let his old man put syrup, but let him out honey in it because he needed something sweet daily. "This is Erebus, he is part of my Pack- My own Pack that I'm building, he is family. And before you ask dad, you already are my pack, ny family, but this type of pack here can only be built with wild animals." His nodded his head while Stiles grinned, he used [Gust] to blow his coffee while feeding Erebus a piece of his own pancake with some honey. "I won't ever get used to that." Stiles hummed before eating like nothing was happening- "Ready for today?" His dad nodded to answer his question seeing as he was practically inhaling the food.

Soon they were out and walking into the Preserve from their own backyard, Stiles asked Erebus to fly up ahead and come back to tell him if there was any clearing that they could use- A few minutes after Erebus came back and guided them to a small clearing that Stiles liked! He pushed a few leaves and made a small leaf bed with [Druidcraft] and sat down on it, making another one for his dad to do the same: "So, I'm gonna explain and show what i know and what k found out about my magic-" Raising his hand, Stiles used [Produce Flames] and his dad nodded: "-I pretty much draw magic from nature, that would classify me as a Druid, but i think I'm essentially different from Deaton, and even if i wasn't i wouldn't trust the old guy to teach or help me, too vague and too untrustworthy." His dad hummed in understanding, Stiles sighed as he placed both hands on the earth, feeling the energy beneath the palm of his hands vibrate: "I have this knowledge, this understanding of nature- Like, it is alive and constant around us, i can hear the whispers of the wind and i can feel the energy in the ground, it feels so good but so weird..." Stiles shook his head.

"Anyway, i wanted to show you what i can do, so don't freak out okay?" Stiles didn't give his dad a chance to freak out because he was already an animal! His whole body shrank before a small white rabbit jumped towards him! "What the fuc- Stiles?" His dad caught him easily and held his close, and Stiles' voice came out of the bunny's lips just as he spoke: "Well, who else would i be?"

Yeah, John was really freaking out now.

"So, I can turn into animals and other things." Stiles-bunny gave his best bunny grin towards him, John could not believe his eyes! "And how long does it last?" Stiles-bunny shrugged and jumped off before, in a puff of smoke, his son was standing before him: "It lasts for about 4 hours for now, but i can just turn back into a human whenever i want... I can't turn into things that fly or swim yet, but i can become things that burrow and climb, which means insects." The grin in Stiles' face with the horrified face his dad had was the best- His son and him no longer had secrets, and although John hasn't been a very good parent, he still dearly loves his son: "That's amazing kid." Stiles pointed his finger at a tree away from them before he made a swishing gesture with his finger, John watched as a blade of visible wind pushed with astounding speed and left behind a cut mark on tree with ease- "Dad, i need help with my aim, using magic and shooting a gun are two different things and i suck at both!" John smiled before he went to try and help his son, and there father and son spent time at that clearly.

Hours later, Stiles was sitting on the ground and holding a cup of tea while hearing a gentle feminine voice speak: "And then he wanted to shoot me! Me and my cubs are nothing if not polite and dignified majestic lions, it's not my fault a hunter got lost in the forest searching for a deer and entered my territory." John was very nervously watching from afar as one lanky boy, one raven, and a mountain lion drank tea- Or rather, one raven and one lanky teen drank tea while a mountain lion made noises he couldn't understand, but Stiles seemingly could: "I'm sorry that you lost your young to such a despicable man." The cougar sighed heavily as she laid down on the ground before him, Stiles had just found her thanks to Erebus who brought him here because she was bleeding from a bullet wound, Stiles talked to her and calmed her down enough so he could heal her with his [Cure Wounds] before asking her what had happened.

Her cubs were gone now, or so she believes, since she hasn't found them. "Dad, could you please deal with the situation? Hunters hunting out of season, attacking poor defenseless gentle mountain lions." His hand gently patted the lioness who relaxed under his comfort, Stiles gently tried to comfort her due to her loss- He could tell that she was devastated, and he wanted to help the poor big kitty. "Erebus, can you look around for any traces of humans?" His loyal raven cawed as he flew away, John did not understand it but he felt like it meant something like 'On it, boss!' Or something similar. "I'll help you find your cubs, and if not, help you with your revenge my dear." She pressed her head against his chest and let this sound that sounded so heartbroken even to John who did not understand, he watched as Stiles just placed his hand on the friendly mountain lioness and they separated soon after. "Wanna help me stop illegal hunting, dad?"

"Hell yeah."

[Rescue/Revenge: Save or avenge the cubs of the mountain lion while stopping illegal hunting!

Hidden Objective: You'll find it, hopefully.

Rewards: 1 Silver Coin, 1 Minor Magic Item]

Well, at least this summer won't be boring.

-Scene Cut-

Hi everybody- I am back! i think? anyway, i was focusing more on my AO3 (Check it out, DaoOfGay!) and here's a fic- I am really mostly obsessed with Teen Wolf fics and i write what's on my mind.

i don't know if I'll be back to Webnovel permanently, but while my suspension on AO3 is still on (Yep, i think it was because of the NSFW profile pic i chose- What? it was just a dick!) i will be posting some fics here.
