
two degenerates and a spider

Standing infront if this degenerate, she just walked forward and poked him with one if her legs, he was too busy fantasizing to pay attention to her.

'¡Did I already bite him so sum?¡' spider thought to herself as she hissed at him one more time to finally get a reaction 'no you'll die human!' but as she bared fangs ready to bite him he smiled.

"Aww I wish I was as cute as you, if I was master might actually want me" he said and she haulted in-between her attack.

'¡What? did you just call me cute?¡' spider thought to herself as normally human's ran away or screamed harsh words at the sight of her, not even her partner ever said anything like that

And there he goes fucking another woman behind her back, was she not good enogh for him, sure she was going to eat him after she got pregnant and layed eggs, but so would every other spider chick.

She felt his hand touch her head "pretty spider, is there anything you need, if not I'm going to go before this hehehe...acts, makes me feel any warmer" his eyes fadded back to blue but he wasn't calming down.

'¡Leave? I'm supposed to kill you, human's are forbidden from being in the grate forest of kizua, after you killed so many of our kind you a kill on sight race¡' spider said but then she cought him glancing at her spouse and his mistress.

He then looked back at her "they made you cry? if you want I could kill them?" he said and she hit her feet against the ground.

'¡This is the same additude that got you people hated by us!¡' spider stomped her feet on the gound but then she felt his hand rub the side of her face.

"You shouldn't be sad, you deserve to be happy, everyone dose" but then his eyes flashed red "but if their causing your suffering, I'll take away the pain" his eyes made her back away.

'¡Are you a fool? there's no way such a weak human such as yourself stands even a sliver of a chance against one of us¡' spider thoughts.

But then he patted her again "I see, your fulled with sorrow and anger eveytime you look at them, I'll he quick mister spider" he said as he then stood up.

'¡I'm not a boy! can't you tell I'm a girl you big! big! . . .short? idiot¡' spider stomped her feet again but then as she did he already had his arrow aimed at the spider and he calmed his breathing as his nose was bleeding even more.

What a pervert.

But them he let go and the arrow hit the male spider

'¡Nagaru...¡' her cheating husband died as he feel off the female spider and she looked over to nect to her to see him falling over.

She didn't think much if it "¡nagaru, why'd you stop baby~ it's not like Nara is going to be back untill sunset, so we can have fun for as much as we want, like we always have ~♡¡ the mistress spider said it the spider language to nagaru.

Her words enraged the girl spider behind asmodeus as this ment it wasn't a one time thing, it's it's happening for so long.

He looked at her and he noticed she was crying evem more after she heard that chick spider make some weird noise.

He fired another arrow and it her in the head killing both spiders, he then put it away/on his sholder and he looked to the spider.

She still wasn't attacking him, she looked to the floor and he then sighed "when you grabbed me a while back, I was confused ecpecally when you didn't eat me, but watching those two...well besides noticing how erotic you spiders are" he then paused and he little sparkles shined of his eyes,

"You're just like the other human's! you all are so similar, you just look diffrent, but you feel the same and your aren't compelled to kill human's and just work in swarms.


You show individuality and you can feel love, sorrow, hate, all emotions as well and even have fun for enjoyment as I'm pretty sure he blasted off more than once inside her" he already had a blood stain on his shirt, he's currently adding more with those nose bleeds.

'What are you rambling on about, I can understand your language but still? . . .you know you just killed my husband right?' spider thoughts.

"I know it hurts, I would feel the same If the one I like were to get a parter or if master replaced me with another Demon...or anyone, but I wish you the best in finding another female, man" he said but then as he was going to walk away her leg grabbed his shirt.

'Demon? what's that? also I'm not a fucking man!!!'

"Yes?" but as he said that the spider then jumped and head butted him, he fell back and then she walked ontop of him and hissed.

Her saliva flew at him as she was angry "okay I get it! you don't need to yell" he said

"¡Are you sure! because form where I stand you don't!¡" weird noises came from her as her fanged mouth moved.

"Yes yes, I understand!" he replied and her eyes widened.

"¡You understand me?¡" she said softly but then he looked at her,


"Just a little bit, I dont actually understand you but when you all people speak, I short of pick up on your intentions, I think it a trait I have, just like how you should be able to understand me but not able to speak to me" he vaguely said as he dose the same to the human's.

He dosent understand them half the time, like in class, but then it's like he feels it and then he thinks about what he wants to day, or just says it some days...it's weird for him.

"¡So you understand you just killed my husband, and for that I should kill you hear and now¡" spider said but then he tilted her head.

"From what I saw before, you were going to kill him yourself, why get the blood on your hands when I could for you, after all if their your lover your not going to feel the same after you take their life" he said from a logical standing, yet again the second time this day...no, month.

"¡I don't understand¡" spider said as she looked into his eyes.

"Unlike me, you have or had feelings and desires twards him, I usually don't like Killing but. . .master said I needed to stop thinking like that, she said everything comes and goes in the end, and it's a kill or be killed world" he said and she frowned.

"¡Yes, but-¡" but then he interrupted her "I didn't like seeing you cry, I don't care if your a guy or girl, you should feel that way, I don't care who or what you are, it's just...irritating" she moved off of him as he said that, oh and hey he actually was paying attention, he finally got she was female.

But then as he sat up he looked to her and smiled "sorry I'm a bit new to this world, if my judgment was wrong, I understand if you want to kill me, but I'll be on my way now, I have someone waiting for me and I'm supposed to bring back large rocks" he said as he saw on, ran and picked it up "like this beauty" he the walked off and she just stood there and watched as he left.








Getting back he saw the place changed and she already had a few lines in the dirt for where she was going to set up a home made tent, he also saw she made some other stuff with outlines and there was a few squeares and rectangles.

"Oh your back? hey watch out behind you there's a big spider!" he simply looked behind him to see a spider with a net.

"Did you follow me back miss spider?" he simply said meanwhile Sarah was panicking and she grabbed a big rock preparing to fight but then he put his hand out telling her to stop.

"¡I should be killing you, but I change my mind, so as a peace offering, here's those sorgan rocks you were looking for¡" spider said as she handed him a web bag and placed it in his hands.

"Oh really! thank you miss spider!" as he accepted it, it fell to the gound, the bag was so heavy!

"¡I'll be back later tommow, will you still he here?¡" spider asked "of couse, me and Sarah will be here for a while, so howdy nabor~" he said being silly and she looked over to the frighteneded girl.

'So he had a female already, this male is such a weirdo, her response is correct infront of a higher being like me' she thought but then looked at him.

'He's such a weirdo, but I guess I'll bring another gift' she the turned around and walked off.

He looked to Sarah who was holding a large rock but on her butt as she fell while being frightened, and he smiled "miss spider bright us a gift, now we have all the big rocks we need" he slowly walked to the large rock pile and deposited the stone's.

[ 24 large stones ]

"Wow each rock was like 10-15 pounds each, that was so heavy" he complained but then he noticed Sarah still had that same look twards him and she quivered as she looked to the spider walking away from afar.

"Don't worry miss spiders not a threat, she's good....beast" he said and she looked at him "are you crazy or somthing, how do you not know it's only doing that to trick you!" she said but then she droped the stone got up and walked over to him.

"It's a monster, none of them are good! they'll try to kill us the first chance they get! you should know better to trust it!" she scolded but then he flicked her forehead "not all monsters are like that, well except goblins. . .try talking and negotiate with a monster and you'll see there all not complete savages" he started giving her a life lesson






It took a while to get it into her thick head






Bla bal bal she sat througnt his professor like lesson but then as he started speaking another language out of...talking in hestian is hard and I didn't know I wasn't speaking it, she then tackled him

She knew her asmodeus and his biggest weakness was that he was senstive, so ticking him was fuck "hahwgshevshs" don't know what that was but it wasn't anything.


It was getting dark and snow started falling from the sky.

He was laying on the gound panting as she gave him no mercy and she used her invention to build a fire starter out of a wood chuck, a large rock, stick and some string, it worked and she got that orange stuff to some and she put some grounded up wood dust on it and then got it hot and then put some dried leaves on it and blew.

Smoke came out and she then put it on the camefire she built and the in a few seconds of blowing she got it!

A healthy fire!

As it grew and snow started purging the forest she looked over to the tent she made out of some roap and sheets she bring along in her spatial bag,


The tent was a roap tied to two trees for the base of it, a thick sheet with two rocks to keep the ends down and then the sides also held down by rocks but on thinner sheets due to not being able to make it all around with one sheet.


The only way to get, was from the side which pointed at the campfire so they got a good heat source.


And then for protection against the dangers of the forest she crafted wooden spikes with a strong tool kit she brought with her for this very purpose.

It was well protected from anything on the ground and she even had asmodeus who had good hearing . . .good hearing. . . good. . .hearing... holy crap he probably heard me masterbate!!!

She looked at him and her face was fully crimson, she didn't even think about it before! like sure the walls at home were thick and all,, but with good hearing he could of heard "ahh~"... she was praying to the all mighy, he didn't hear her despite Bing in the room over.

But then she thought about something "asmodeus is a big dummy" she wispered and got no reaction other than his panting "Idiot, loser, cocksmocker, milky titys, pussy, bla bla bla, hey you hear me?" she wispered some more and got nothing, she balled her fist and cheered silently as he couldn't hear her.

But then a steay thoght appeared in her head 'I can't go a week without masterbating' my girl, what the absolute fuck.

But then she slapped her cheeks 'we'll be out here for a very long time, maybe even the rest of our lives, there needs to be a loophole!' why is you so deep into thinking about this!

'Wait I said back at home it'll be like-' stop thinking about it! ! ! the gods are begging you! shut the fuck up!!!

In the end she almost had a nosebleed like asmodeus and she ended up finding the snow filling the earth.

She quickly grabbed the already asleep asmodeus who fell asleep in the snow and she picked him up "sheesh, how much do you weight? in even heavier than you" to be expected someone 5 fucking '6.

She put him in the tent and as she layed him down she pulled out a big coat and layed it on him so he didn't catch a cold.

She sat next to him as she was feeling the heat from the fire, but then she took off her shoes and put them aside.

She took his off as well and then as she felt her day was complete, she enjoyed the warmth of the fire.




But then as she heard a cute sneeze she looked over to asmodeus and she put her hand on his forehead, he didn't seem to have a fever so it might of just been him in the snow for too long.

She looked at him cutely sleeping and he reminded her of the kid vampire progenitor with a top hat from seraph of the end who wanted to step in and rule Japan instead of progenitor krul? they were similar but very diffrent, it might just be because their both small and cute?


Also his hair is a dark purple and he got dem cold steel blue eyes.

She looked at him some more but then as she moved her hand he attempted to sleepily grabbed her hand and missed landing his hand on her thigh.

"Hum?" he had a pervy expression as he moved his hand deeper into the enter of her thigh but then she started blushing "no, you can't go there" her voice was bashful and he put her hand over her mouth as his hand glided and it actually felt...good?

But then as his hand moved and was so close to touching her crotch 'just a little more...and it'll... well meet' but then his hand moved and lazily hit her boob 'ahh~' as he was turning over to lay on his side.

Away form her.

His body just flayed around teasing the absolute fuck out of her, her nose was bleeding and her voice grew silent as she felt like she just had a mental orgasm.

She clenched her shirt as her breathing intensified, it was too much for her they even touched, it was...ahh~

But then she but her hand on his side "I know your awake, you did it on purpose" she layed next to him, getting under the coat and then moving her hand to his belly.

"Little brother~" she reached her hand down to his crotch hitting all of it, her nose bleed even more as her face gained a new pervy expression and she felt something big and meaty.

"If you want to, all you need to do is ask" she reached inside of his pants grabbing it,

'Holy shit I have a brother kink!'


also don't forget to support me with power stones, I'd really appreciate them and it's boost my writing prowess~

TurtleMaster6319creators' thoughts