
Chapter 39 Uzumaki Bloodline Limit

Xiao Yunhai, the patriarch of the Xiao Clan, considered what the first elder suggested to him.

The first elder had always been jealous of Xiao Lie, the fifth elder of the Xiao Clan. 

However, because Xiao Lie was the strongest inside the clan. No one dared to mess up with him or his family.

Xiao Yunhai after much consideration finally spoke to the first elder.

"I want to do as you suggested but do you think the fifth elder would stay still when we ask his adopted grandson to hand over his martial arts? And not to mention his master's whereabouts are unknown. If one day she returned. Wouldn't it be difficult to solve the problem?"

They didn't know how strong the master of the kid was but they thought that she might be only in the Spirit Profound Realm or at best the Earth Profound Realm.

They had a way to deal with the problem but was it worth the risk?

The first elder heard that and he went silent. 

He hated the fifth elder and it extended to his family as well. 

So he wanted to harm them without thinking about the consequences much.

This world was ruled by the strong. If you are not strong enough. You have to endure the humiliation and live your life in silence.

"We can't do anything to them but what about we try to lure the kid with our intelligence. Let him hand over his martial arts on his own accord. And now even if Xiao Lie wanted to interfere. He could not do anything."

The second elder suggested. The patriarch and the elders looked at him in surprise. Why couldn't they think of something like that.

"Your plan is really good. Well, then let's think about the plan to lure that boy to our side then."

They then began to plan everything the whole night.

They would begin the plan the next morning for sure if they not wake up late then.

At Xiao Ying and Xiao Yue's house.

Everything was very peaceful today. Except for a few events that Naruto could not anticipate like fighting with Chu Yueli.

Naruto looked at Hinata and Hanabi. They both were taught the basics of cultivation from Xiao Yue.

Xiao Yue was surprised at first why the two of them didn't know how to cultivate but when Naruto told her that. They were taught a different way of cultivation.

Both Hinata and Hanabi then demonstrated to her what they had been training with.

And that greatly shocked Xiao Yue.

"You two are very talented! Look at how beautiful your form is and how you precisely use your martial arts. You two must have trained yourself to the bone everyday."

Xiao Yue seemed to know something and she looked at Naruto sadly.

The two of them remind her of when she met Naruto for the first time.

However, it seemed that the Hyuuga siblings were helped by him.

"T–thank you for the praise."

"Yes! Thank you. I love it when you praise me!"

Both Hinata and Hanabi were very happy to be praised by her. 

And when Xiao Yue knew that. She wasn't stingy to keep praising them when she had the opportunity.

And because of that they became closer to Xiao Yue.

Naruto smiled at them gently when he thought about it. 

It must have been very hard for them in the past but now they have him. They didn't have to be afraid of anything anymore.

They were doing great and with his seal and their Profound entrances open. Their cultivation speed, even though was not as fast as him, compared to a normal cultivator.

The difference was as far apart as heaven and earth.

"I–I can't anymore, Naruto-kun."

"M–Me, too, Naruto-Onee-sama."

Both of them stopped at the fifth level of Elemental Profound Realm. Naruto smiled and couldn't help but think of when he started cultivating.

He reached 9th level of the Elemental Profound Realm.

But that was because he was special and no one was like him.

"You two did great. Now, you two should go and take a bath. I have already prepared two bathtubs for you."

Naruto pointed at the back of their room. There were two big bathtubs filled with medicinal herbs.

It would help them recover from cultivation faster and help them stabilize their cultivation realm.

Both Hinata and Hanabi blushed very hard as they felt very embarrassed. Their body was full of filth and germ from the impurity that was pushed out of their body.

"P–Please don't smell it Naruto-kun!"

"Yes! Naruto-Onii-sama please get out of the room! We are ladies, you know!"

Naruto was surprised and then he immediately left the room. Daji always taught him to be a gentleman after all.

"Sorry, I didn't think that you two smell bad at all. So I haven't thought things through."

Both Hinata and Hanabi didn't know what to say. They replied to him with "It's alright" Then they both cleaned themselves thoroughly.

After the bath they went to Naruto and said that they were hungry.

"It's normal when you finish cultivating. You will feel hungry as if you haven't eaten anything for a long time. Yue-Okaa-san has prepared a lot of food for us. Let's go and eat together!"

Naruto then led the two of them toward the dinner room. Variety of food could be seen on the table.

'I will ask Yue-san to teach me how to cook.'

Hinata wanted to be a good housewife for Naruto. So she thought about being able to cook good food for him first.

They had a late night dinner together. Their relationship became closer and closer. Nothing in the world could separate them from now on.

At the Xia Clan, the patriarchal manner.

Something wrong happened to Dongyue. It seemed that she could not hold on anymore.

And her true cultivation had emerged. People from the realm of gods should have noticed her presence by now.

"I have to go, my daughter. You have to stay strong. That boy will help you in finding me in the future. So don't be so heart broken."

Dongyue felt reluctant to leave. She loved to be here with everyone. She felt like this place was her true home.

But if she didn't leave. Those people from the realm of gods would come here and everyone would die.

"Mom… Please don't leave me!"

Xia Qingyue plead but Dongyue or Yue Wugou shook her head. She couldn't do anything. 

And when she was about to fly away. Xia Qingyue suddenly remember something.

"I will not let you go! You will not go anywhere mom!"

She pulled out a scroll that Naruto gave to her and spread it. She then pushed her Profound energy inside of it.

Then the scroll burst into the cloud of smoke. She successfully summoned someone for the first time. She must have a good amount of Profound energy in her because of her special body.

"Yue-chan, what happened?"

It was Naruto. He had just finished having dinner with both Hinata and Hanabi. He felt that someone was summoning him so here he was.

The only one who had his summon seal was Xia Qingyue. So he was worried that something bad had happened to her.

"Na'er Gege! Please stop Mom from leaving me please! I will do everything you ask of me but please don't let my mom leave me!"

It was heartbreaking to see someone like her plead to him like this.

Naruto looked at Yue Wugou. She was flying away from them.

"I will try to do something, so don't cry Yue-chan!"

Naruto then performed hand seals then he flew toward Yue Wugou with great speed.

Yue Wugou could sense him and thought that he would be by her daughter's side and not flying toward her like this!

"What are you going to do, child? You can not stop me from leaving. So go back and be with Yue'er."

Naruto didn't listen to her as she was completely different from Dongyue that he knew.

Someone must process her and he could not leave her like that.

"Five elemental seals!"

Naruto smacked the five elemental seals on the back of Yue Wugou.

She thought nothing of it but when the seal was placed on her back she was greatly surprised that Naruto could actually do something to her cultivation but it was far from enough.

"Stop it Na'er, You can't stop me from leaving."

"I am not done yet!"

Then something absurd happened. Many chains with sharp points emerged from the back of Naruto and chained her.

"Adamantine Sealing Chains!"

She felt her cultivation drop from Divine Soul Realm to Divine Origin Realm! How could something like this be possible?

"I–It is still useless. You can't hold on for more than this. Stop being stubborn Na'er!"

Naruto refused to give up and he used everything that he had to seal Yue Wugou. 

Her cultivation dropped again. Now she was at the 10th level of the Sovereign Profound Realm.

She fell from the Divine way because Naruto did his best to seal her. He even used his vitality to seal her.

Daji watched everything unfold. She could not help Naruto now because it was his fate.

'Even though I can't help him but he already blending the fate like his bi*ch haha.'

Daji didn't think that Naruto had the ability to blend fate like this. Yue Wugou supposed to leave Xia Qingyue behind and she must fate tragedies.

But because of Naruto. She won't ever face them alone.

"You… You can't only hold on to me for mere moments. Why do you have to use your precious life span because of this!"

Naruto's life span as the Earth Profound Realm cultivator was just above 150 years. But because of his Uzumaki bloodline limit. His vitality was above normal cultivators.

He had at least 500 years of life span. Now he used almost four hundred years just to hold on for her for a moment.

"I–I will not hold you back for long. But please speak with Yue-chan properly. Please don't leave her like this! If you have a problem just tell her please."

Naruto's eyes were wet. He must have thought about himself in the past. She didn't want Xia Qingyue to live her life with the thought that her mother didn't love her.


Just because of that he was willing to lose most of his life span. He was really someone that she could put her daughter in his care without regret.

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