
[Multiverse] Se’x System in Harry Potter

Was I lucky? When he told me I could feel love, I didn't expect to be abused. "Lust Memory System?" [Congratulations on activating the Lust Memory System host!] Note - The System will not help, give boys or girls to the host. The System will only give you enough strength to stand on top of the Wizarding world. How you wish to conquer the objects of your sexual desires is up to the host. The System wishes the host a joyful journey!] “You've got to be kidding me.” _______ “Kitten, come out!” “I-I am not decent!” “Alohomora“ Bam! Door Open! “Granger! I told you-----” A flustered voice suddenly escaped from the black-haired girl's lips, her arms crossed over her chest in an angry manner. “~hehe, I was just tryi----” Sniff! Sniff! “I smell a boy on you.” Damn it, at that moment Kaguya knew she couldn't escape her brutal face, and is utterly done for. ________ A busty girl from anime wakes up in a Wizarding world where the tastes and libido of genders has been reversed. The men are not more feminine, but just doesn't like girls much, so they are not interested is doing sex with them. Because of this, women have become more jealous, angsty and horndogs due to teenage hormones. They are attacking both girls and boys, and very protective of their partners. While Hermione Granger, a muggle-born who doesn't understand the libido of Wizards and witches, felt herself being attractive to Kaguya more than she admits to like, but later on gets way more turned on by dominating her. Will she able to conquer our MC's heart while protecting her from other lustful girls and perverted boys who can surprisingly gets erect by Kaguya, and interested to abuse her sexually? Will Kaguya be able to satisfy daily urges and do what she please? ________ Brief description - Kaguya Shinomiya, student at Shuchi'in senior high school and Vice president of the student council. She has a huge crush on Miyuki Shirogane, President, would be fine to be in a relationship with if, and only if, he confesses first, thus she constantly plays mind games in trying to get Miyuki to confess. But one day, she was murdered in cold blood. _______ Remember do not compare reality to fiction. No copyright infringement intended. All characters rights belong to their owners. Updates - Mon, Wed, Fri, Sun 1 Extra Chapter - 100 Power Stones! Hope that y'all enjoy this story of mine, and vote with Power Stone's to motivate and cheer me up! _________ To Read 12+ Advanced Chapters, and support this novel, pls join me on Patreon. Link - patreon.com/SmutDxddy Thank you so much for your Support!

SmutDxddy · Book&Literature
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45 Chs

Ch 17 - Troll in Dungeon

She really deserved it, because Hermione had no right to say everything she said about Kaguya.

Although Kaguya had no right to make fun of Hermione either, she took it as a taste of her own medicine.

There were other things more important than looking after poor mudblood.

That day was Halloween!

The first one she would spend in the castle. They would serve delicious food and candy for dinner.

What Ron taught her there was nothing as important as food.

"I want it!" Draco reached into the bowl in front of his cousin, filled with apple-flavored sweets.

"I want it!" Kaguya imitated his action and took some chocolates from the bowl in front of Draco.

She stuffed them into her mouth without any shame, covering everything around her mouth with chocolate, "Ugh, I'm going to go clean up before someone sees me like this."

"You can use a napkin," Draco suggested when he saw his cousin get up from the table.

Kaguya didn't stop and smiled a little forced.

"I have to go to the bathroom, Draco. It was an excuse," Draco opened his mouth forming a silent 'ah'.

Theo didn't miss the opportunity to make fun of him for being so slow.

When she got to the girls' bathroom, washed her face to remove all traces of chocolate and stared at the mirror for a while.

At least until she heard a sob coming from a stall. Kaguya stared at the last stall, where the crying could be heard.

"Hello? Are you okay?" she asked, a little curious as to who was crying inside.

It was Halloween, there was no reason to cry.

Hermione slowly opened the door expecting to see some girl from her house, but well, it wasn't a nice surprise, "You?!"

"What are you doing here?!" Hermione shouted in a loud manner, angry at Black's presence.

"If I had known it was you who was making a scene in the bathroom, I wouldn't have bothered to feel sorry for you....."

"Do you even feel?" Hermione asked sarcastically, "You should be making a plan to sink Harry, instead of being here."

"Why bring Potter down when I can bring yo..." Kaguya's voice trailed off as the ground began to shake.

"This isn't funny, Black," Hermione also felt the tremble and thought it was a bad joke.

"If I knew how to make the castle shake, I wouldn't be in a bathroom with you," Kaguya took a few steps towards the door ready to leave, until she saw something blocking the exit.

"For Salazar," she murmured surprised seeing the Troll who was entering the bathroom.

Hermione froze, trying not to make any sudden movements.

Kaguya slowly backed away until she reached the cubicle where Hermione was and locked herself in with her.

"How do we get out of here?" Hermione muttered with her heart beating very fast, the Troll hadn't seen them, but he didn't look calm.

"Do you think I'm an expert on Trolls or what?" Kaguya wasn't feeling any better, and her heart was racing as fast as all the plans she was trying to create in her head.

"Petrificus Totalus" She tried to attack the Troll but couldn't hit because of how scared she was at that moment.

The Troll noticed her presence and with one blow he knocked down all the cubicles.

"You made him angry!" Hermione complained and Kaguya glared at her.

"Protego!" She cast the spell that managed to help them not get hit by walls as they ran to hide under the sinks.

The two screamed in fear as they had nowhere to hide and would probably be dead in a couple of seconds.

"Hey snot face!" Ron shouted trying to get the troll's attention, so he would stop attacking the girls.

Behind Ron and Harry came Theo and Draco.

The four of them started throwing rocks or pieces of door at him, but the Troll seemed to be going after the other two.

"Damn it! Do something!" Kaguya shouted, casting the protective spell again.

"Help!" Hermione's scream outshined her own voice.

Theo couldn't take it anymore and without thinking twice he threw himself at the Troll.

"Draco!" Theo exclaimed for help.

Harry grabbed his wand and also jumped on the Troll.

With Nott's help he managed to bury his wand in Troll's nose.

Draco tried to keep his cousin from getting hit by anything, and with the levitation spell he moved the objects away from them.

But the Troll wouldn't stop that easily.

He grabbed Harry and Theo, placed them upside down, trying to hit them with his staff.

The blond ran towards the Troll and managed to climb onto his arm, which he did without much success.

The blond's body crashed into a wall thanks to the Troll's push.

Kaguya Black nearly fainted as she watched her cousin's body fall down the wall.

"Ron, do something!" Harry demanded as he and Theo tried to avoid the Troll's blows.

"But what do I do?!"

"Whatever!" Nott demanded.

Ron pulled out his wand, a little dazed, and pointed it at the Troll in a threatening manner.

Unlike the other three, he didn't dare go against Troll in hand-to-hand combat.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" He shouted the first spell that came to mind.

The troll's staff flew from his hand, spun around, and fell with great force on its owner's head.

The troll fell face down on the floor, freeing Theo and Harry.

The two boys immediately went to help 2 girls who were trembling out from under the sinks.

"Is he d-dead?" Hermione asked in a squeaky voice.

"I don't think so, he's just knocked out," Harry replied, pulling his innocent wand out of Troll's nose.

Kaguya and Theo walked over to where Draco was, he was staring at the ceiling with his eyes so wide they looked like they were going to pop out of their sockets.

"....Am I dead?"

"No," Theo replied, "you're just a fool" Draco glared at him and took his hand to get up from the rubble.

A hurried footstep was heard approaching them. Having knocked out a Troll was not a very quiet action on their part.

"For heaven's sake!" Professor McGonagall exclaimed as she entered the bathroom followed by Snape and Quirrell.

The latter let out a cry of shock, holding his chest tightly.

Snape bent down to check on the Troll, "But what were you doing here?" He asked, looking at the four boys who seemed to have fought a Troll...In fact, that's what they did.

"Why weren't you in your bedrooms?"

The teacher looked angry, too angry that Gryffindor and Slytherin could already say goodbye to a few points.

"It's not their fault, Professor."

"They were looking for me!"

The two female voices caught the teachers' attention.

"I thought I could defeat the Troll, since I read about them," Hermione excused herself, taking a step forward.

"I thought defeating a Troll would give us more points, Hermione and I arrived at the same time but we couldn't defeat the Troll," Kaguya continued under the gaze of other four children.

"Until they showed up, and stopped him," Hermione pointed at her friends and Black's friends.

Ron couldn't believe that Hermione was taking the blame for what happened.

Draco sighed sadly as Kaguya once again took blame for the entire situation.

The other two wondered when Kaguya and Hermione agreed to the lie.

"I always thought you were more responsible than your classmates," McGonagall admitted, "But I was wrong, five points will be deducted from Gryffindor and Slytherin for your complete lack of good judgment."

And again, someone was disappointed in Kaguya.

"As for you," McGonagall looked at the four boys, "You should know how lucky you are. Not many students manage to defeat a Mountain Troll, and live to tell the tale. Five more points as a reward for each of you."

The teachers came out of the bathroom, except Quirrell.


"You better get out..." he let out a nervous laugh, "it might wake up."

Draco, Theo and Kaguya glared at the teacher who kept letting out small laughs.

As they left, none of the six knew what to say.

On one hand, boys wanted to ask the girls why they accepted the blame, on the other hand, Hermione wanted to know how Kaguya knew how to do the protection spell, and on the other hand, Kaguya was breathing, trying not to kill Granger.

"Don't think this will stay like this," Kaguya said, standing in front of Hermione, "I risked my life, I lied, I lost points because of you. If it weren't for my protection spell you would be dead."

She pushed Hermione with her finger.

"I didn't ask you to do it," Hermione buried the urge to swat her finger or worse give it a painful bite, and replied with the same aggressiveness with which Kaguya spoke to her.


"I should have left you there, one less Mudblood," She spat with disgust, turned around again to go straight to the dungeons.

Kaguya didn't feel pain of the stitches, didn't feel the pain of having saved and helped the Gryffindors.

She felt the pain of seeing the disappointed faces of teachers, she felt the pain of hearing her uncle's voice yelling for defending a Mudblood.

Kaguya went to her bed without even looking at Pansy.


Do you guy's know when those girls mutually decided to lie? 🤔

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