Lowlife Alex dies a dumb death in his opinion and gets reincarnated after a very long time in the void, even though Alex got a new chance at life the void still affected him in some ways. Alex now Shikage plans to live his new life in the world of my hero academia to its fullest while laughing at the face of death but did Shikage reincarnate with nothing to help him? No, he has a rather bizarre power. Want to know more? Read to find out.
I got back to the cabin pretty quickly, I was running and because I got that speed enhancement from the increase in blood flow and all. When I entered I went straight to the kitchen and started making some food, I wanted to get back out there. I realised when I was coming back that this forest was known for something. The forest itself had quirk gifted animals, yeah, humans weren't the only things with quirks.
The area around the cabin has a metal fence around it that my grandfather built before his passing, he wanted to retire into his father's cabin but died before that could happen. The fence keeps the animals away at night. Though sometimes we get some quirk-birds, but they normally just sit on the roof and let us be.
After I finished cooking dinner, (Seasoned chicken with mashed potatoes and some cauliflower and carrots with some gravy to go on the veg and mashed potatoes.), I gave my father's plate who seemed surprised at what I made, I was quite the cook in my past life but never really liked it so I did pursue a career, plus little Shikage wasn't the best cook though he wasn't bad too.
I ate my dinner and immediately went outside with a couple bottles of water and a plastic bag to hold said water.
It wasn't dark yet though the sky showed the signs of it becoming so. I left the gate to our cabin and started going deep within the forest. It didn't talk me long to be confronted by a beast.
I stared into the eyes of what seemed to be a squirrel. No fucking joke. A squirrel. I laughed at the amusement I felt and the Squirrel immediately lunged at me and ripped my throat out…
I stared down at the blood coming from the wound and looked back at the squirrel, Its tail had morphed into a blade like appendage. I let out a gargled laughter, this time however it was my Tourette's.
The squirrel lunged at me again and slid its tail across my throat, it did as it was meant for but my head remained on my body although it wasn't straight, my neck had bent backwards and I was currently staring behind me from an upside down position. My body felt forward and I died as the blood loss was too much for me to handle…
The squirrel stepped forward to eat at my corpse but was met with a pillow of black dust, it stared down at what used to be my corpse and skittered a bit then ran off into the forest looking for new prey.
Soon my body returned back into its not dead state.
And oh boy was this improvement spectacular. It gave me the squirrels quirk but only at the side of my hands were my pinky were.
[AN- Okay, So his power is based like a natural predator against the people who kill him for example, if endeavor killed him he would gain a water quirk. QUIRK. Yeah, his improvements are purely biological so are Quirks so I thought his powers would give him a quirk that could counter the one that killed him. This might put people off from the story but this story is kinda like a self fulfilment, So yeah, continue at your own risk.]
My ability had seemed to have gave yours truly a quirk, a actual fucking quirk, "HAHAHAHA~" I lunged forward at a tree and sliced my hand across the bark this made a slash into the bark and in the tree itself showing how sharp these blades were.
I turned my hands back into their base state and walked to the left the opposite direction of the Squirrel. I am also a bit sad that it didn't give me physical enhancements but I guess I can't let a gift horse in the mouth.
God if All for one had seen my ability he would be shaking in his seat right now, in either fear or anticipation to steal me and use me as a Quirk gaining tool. Eh whatever. He is a dick that can't get off his ass for long periods of time without getting some serious damage to himself.
Anyway soon I found another animal this time it was a deer and it had a mutation quirk not the transformation type the squirrel had, it's horns seem to be made out of lightning, or some type of plasma. It flickered purple and danced across its horns that were shaped like normally Antlers but weren't they were just energy.
The deer saw me and saw that I was a child and pointed its horns at me a a spark of lightning shot out and hit me directly in the face killing me instantly, What? Did you expect me to survive a shock directly to the brain?
The deer turned and left my body there since it didn't eat meat (Like your mother!), I turned to dust and reformed 50 seconds later.
The quirk I got wasn't a match up like the squirrel, it was a enhancement quirk. It made me immune to any forms of electrical damage. I could be stuck my lightning and I would be thing and dandy, plus I was also immune to the heat lightning produced, only lightning though my ability was really specific about that.
Okay that's cool, it seems that my ability is only giving me Quirks that either match or directly counter the ones that killed me. Eh, I ain't complaining.
Let's look for more cool animals to fuck me up!
Am I a masochist?
I started to walk deep into the forest but sadly found no animals, it seemed that the all clocked out because it was night or they were just avoiding me. Whatever I don't need them.. I am not pouting!
"HAHAHA~" there I go again with the laughing, I mean it's kinda cool it the way Joker or a one piece villain like blackbeard dose it.
Maybe I should dye my hair green? Embrace the whole Joker stick? I mean I loved the Joker he was my favourite villain, though I don't want to be a villain.. I dont need to be a bad guy to be the Joker..
The Clown prince of beating the shit out of crime? Eh ill work on it..
Did an all-nighter and couldn't just leave the chapter undone because if I fell asleep I would have only finished the chapter at night when I woke up again…
-Quirk: Blade hands.
-Quirk: Lightning/Electricity immunity.