
Chap 1

"Hololive Fanfic" Chapter 1

•Luna Kever

Gender: Unknown, but currently appears as a young girl with blue hair and a height of 1m75

Age: Unknown

Ability: fluctuations in space and time at a certain level and scope.

Relationship: know a few individuals in the "council".


Small sparks emitted from inside the old lighter and were thrown inside the small tree branches. It then lit up and burned those tree branches.

A woman with blue hair, she took out a piece of paper from her pocket and then bit off her thumb and blood flowed out. She used that blood to write a paragraph on the paper.

"God died with the very things hidden deep inside humanity's subconscious, the foolish people trying to run away from the truth are crying because of their own stories... The 20874379th time. This time will be different. "

Saying that, she tore up the paper and threw the small pieces of paper into the burning fire. Watching them burn, watching bitten off fingers gradually heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Now then, is there anything else?"

She laughed, then started walking towards a body on a nearby sofa.

A white-haired girl, wearing a strange style of clothes, as if everything on her was related to sharks. That girl died? No, just unconscious.

Luna walked over and then touched the body, a black aura billowing from her palm covering the shark girl. And was immediately absorbed by the black aura that emitted and then disappeared as if it had never been there. Luna laughed, then raised her hand.

"Oh my god, I hope this time it will work, but this time those pesky Council members still exist, it's true. They will still exist until that thing is destroyed."

The surrounding space suddenly changed and became warped. Before disappearing, she said one sentence.

''This time we will look for two others, "[Almighty God of Death]Mori Calliope and 「Immortal Phoenix」Kiara"

"To see if it will succeed or fail like before"

The woman disappeared soon after. Go where she wants.

At an island.

A vast sandy floor in front of a vast sea of sky, the sounds of crabs' footsteps on the sand, along with the flapping wings of pigeons in the clear blue sky. The waves here are also very even and not too strong, along with the gentleness and care of the wind in the sky.

A beautiful and peaceful scene, it can even captivate anyone who sees it.

And there were two people sitting on wooden chairs and looking at the sky.

Based on her appearance, a pink-haired girl with strange black clothes, her sword must be a black blade standing upright in the sand. The appearance resembles that of a Grim Reaper.

And on the left is an orange-haired girl, with quite sexy clothes, showing off her slim, white waist and flat stomach, attracting all eyes. And it seemed like the two of them were talking about something

"Hey Calli! Do you really think Gura will be okay? It's been two days"

"No need to worry, before he left her said her was going back to Atlantis for some work."

"Hmm, actually when I heard about this, it made me a little hard to believe."

"Yes, it's a bit hard to believe because of his playful nature, but. Kiara."

Mori Calliope paused for a few seconds before speaking again.

"Gura's face, eyes and emotions at that time were very serious, different from his usual mischievous and playful nature, so something must have happened in Atlantis."

After hearing Calli's answer, Kiara also became serious. Looking towards the ocean, she sighed and spoke.

"Indeed, if that's the case, it's true because Atlantis is his hometown."

At this moment, Calli's eyes suddenly became sharp, her hands raised in the air, making Kiara a bit surprised.

"What's wrong Ca-"

Before Kiara could continue, her whole body gradually became numb, feeling like she was drowning, unable to swallow a single breath of air. A feeling that she had never experienced before even though she had encountered countless enemies.

"In the middle of space, a crack gradually appeared and from inside, a stranger gradually walked forward"

A young woman, with long blue hair, with eyes the same color as her hair, was no less beautiful than the other two. She gently landed on the ground.

"Oh, so you guys are here. Finally "


Mori Calliope stood up, Slicing blade was raised and flew to Calli's hand. She grabbed the blade and pointed it straight at the other person. Next to Kiara, after that feeling stopped, she also immediately summoned a sword.

"Who are you!?"

They both said in unison, becoming alert and ready to fight the person in front of them. As for the other woman, she became uncomfortable and slowly walked towards the two of them.

"Oh my god, we just met and were greeted so warmly. We could have sat down and talked instead of fighting?"

A devilish smile appeared and eyes as empty as endless holes made Kiara look at them, making her shiver. As for Calli, the Death Goddess felt very familiar with the person in front of her even though she had never met her before. But the important thing was, Calli couldn't feel her soul, like she didn't have a soul at all. It's extremely absurd, whether human or animal, they all have souls, but this person... It made Calli wonder more.


She could be sure of one thing.

The person in front of me is not human.

"Kiara! Be careful! I don't understand why I can't sense her soul!"


Kiara also exclaimed in surprise, but quickly calmed down.

"Come on, why are you guys so surprised? Don't worry, I didn't come here to start a fight."

Luna raised her hands to show she didn't mean to harm them, but it was useless.

"Not to fight? So what is your purpose?"

"Very good question~ take a look at this and don't be so quick with your hands than your brain"

*What is she saying?/the both thoughts right now

Another dimensional crack appeared next to Luna, and she reached inside and threw something at the two that surprised them.


A slash shot straight towards Luna. She dodged it but still couldn't make it in time and lost her arm.

"Bitch! What did you do to him!??"

"Kiara! Stop! We have to see Gura!"

Calli hugged Gura and looked straight at her, then a vein appeared on Calli's forehead even though she was calm. She saw something, leaving Gura aside, she looked straight into the other person's empty eye sockets, her voice became angry.

"What did you do? Why didn't I feel his soul!?"


Kiara, you yourself also became shocked, without a soul? If so, then it wouldn't be Gura.

"Now, calm down, first of all like I said, I didn't come here to start a fight."

Her arm gradually recovered at a rapid rate and then it also returned intact.

*She? Also has the ability to recover from wounds?/Kiara's thoughts

"I came here... To make a deal"

Having finished speaking, a small light appeared on Luna's hand, and perhaps, both of them knew what it was.

"This is that brat's soul."


Kiara could barely stand it anymore, she was about to rush in and chop her up but before she could do so. The grim reaper stopped Kiara.

"Calm down! Don't you think she has any purpose? If you attack her, Gura's soul will definitely be damaged! This is not what you want, right?"

And it was successful, Kiara gradually calmed down and nodded, the reaper breathed a sigh of relief, she approached Luna and asked.

"Okay, even though I don't know who you are or what your purpose is, tell me, what is the contract?"

"Fufu~ that's clever, the deal is that you guys have to help me get to the meeting with the council"

"Council? What do you mean?"

"You know, right?"
