
Chapter 2: My Ordinary Life

[Time Skip: 10 Years]

I was riding my bike on the roads on a Tuesday afternoon. One good thing about the King County, endless roads and just nature all around.

I was born here 10 years ago and adopted by an old couple. Martha and Jeff Hardy who everyone calls grandma and grandpa Hardy. I think R.O.B knew about the slightly unhealthy level of adulation I had for the WWE Hall of Famer and did this as a joke but I couldn't be more happy. I did take me a while to settle down since my father looked exactly like his namesake but that's where the similarities ended

He was a strict but kind God-fearing old man with a round physique and my mother was small, gentle and warm old lady that was equally as religious. If I was a normal teen, I probably would've gotten bored of church and played hooky but knowing that there actually is someone up there will do wonders for your spirituality.

I was a silver grey haired young boy with grey eyes and I looked nothing like either of them but that didn't stop me from loving them just as much. They tried their best to make me not notice but It was very obvious since they both had black hair and brown eyes. They didn't love me any less though and I was extremely grateful for that.

They were born and raised in King County. Lived on the land of their ancestors and that stayed in the same house that had been in their family for generations. They were real salt to the earth, good natured folk.

R.O.B did as he said and kept most of my memories intact though I couldn't remember my adult life. I'm aware of the deal I struck with R.O.B and that this world was fictional in my world but it didn't make me love them any less. All I know is that I had loving parents and I was very happy. Nothing could change that

As for why I was riding around on a Tuesday afternoon? Well there's nothing much to do out here in King County. I did have a horse but she was mostly for farm work. We lived in a small town where everyone knows everyone. I've met Rick Grimes, he's a good man. Humble and soft spoken but strong and dependable.

He comes around to help around the farm since Pops and Ma are getting on in life and I'm still too weak to help out enough to lighten their burdens. I try my best though.

I've met some of the other characters as well. Shane Walsh, Carl Grimes and Lori. I couldn't be bothered to remember her last name because I vaguely remember how annoying she was in the original show.

It was interesting being able to watch a story you'd only read about develop in front of you in real time. I could see chemistry between Lori and her husband's best friend but Shane was too loyal to Rick to mess with her. I always thought he was a good dude, just a bit hot tempered. I didn't disguise my ill feelings towards Lori so we weren't close. Carl was born two years ago and Rick and Lori were already together.

Rick looks a lot younger than his first appearance right now, I'm guessing early to mid 30s. I never asked him since I didn't get the chance but from the show, I think he was in his 30s or 40s when he got shot but I'm not sure. My existence and the tampering must've changed a few things so I wasn't gonna put much stock in my show knowledge.

I'm on my way back home after a long day of exercising. I can't really train around my folks since they say I'm too young so I cycle almost everyday about 2 miles from home and train in an open field. Although my life is bliss right now, I know what's coming and I was getting ready.

While I'm in my thoughts, a police car drives up beside me and honks it's horn which shocks me, causing me to lose control of the bike and fall over. An old man steps out of the car while smiling and reaches out to me

"Sorry about that Matty. Thought you knew we were there and was just ignoring us" Sheriff Beasley says, smiling

"Nah it's my bad, Sheriff. I was in my thoughts, I should've been focusing on the road" I say as I grab his hand to pull me up

"You still training away from home without telling your parents? I think you should just come clean. I'm pretty sure they already know, they're a pretty sharp ol' couple, you know?" A voice says from inside the car.

"Yeah I guess. Good to see you too Rick. So what's going on here? You guys just going for a joy ride?" I ask, hiding my excitement at seeing him in his iconic uniform

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I've joined the Sheriff's department and I'm shadowing Sheriff Beasley for now." Rick says excitedly

"Congrats Rick. I never knew you were interested in law enforcement" Lies but who cares?

"Thanks. This is my first day. You remember what today is, right?"

Oh yeah, today was my birthday/farewell party. I was leaving for military boarding school tomorrow. I had my bags packed and everything. I think the training made me forget all about it. The minimum age requirement was 12 but I was able to get in early because the old man had a few connections. To be honest, I didn't want to leave.

As backwater and small as this town was, I had come to call it home and started to genuinely care about the people living in it but this was the for the best. I had to beg them to let me go and they reluctantly agreed after a lot of begging. Even the old man who never showed his emotions was got teary eyed.

For the longest time, I had tried to distance myself from them but their genuine care and affection for me wore me down and I accepted them wholeheartedly. I knew that the outbreak starts 8 years from now and the school graduates in 8 years so I'll be here when shit hits the fan

[A few hours later]

Just finished the longest party in my life. It turned into a cry fest at the end. I love my parents but they were too protective sometimes. I was sitting outside with Rick after the party. We just sat there in comfortable silence while we stared up at the night sky. A few minutes pass before I break the silence

"Hey Rick. Can I ask you a favour?"

"Yeah, go ahead" Rick replies

"I'm not going to be back for a while and I'm worried about my folks. I was hoping you could check in on them every now and then to make sure they're doing okay."

"What are you talking about, huh? Of course I'm gonna be checking up on 'em. I consider them family. I was going to do that even if you didn't ask" Rick says chuckling

I felt shitty using his good nature against him but I won't be able to sleep at night if they aren't safe and Rick was one of the only people I could trust would do what they said they would do, no questions. They also trusted Rick so It would be easier for them to accept him looking out for them

They're good people. Everyone who knows them loves them. If the word Saint needed a picture next to it in the dictionary, they would be the perfect example. Good, hard working, humble people who wanted nothing more than to see everyone happy.

I don't know what kind of person I was in my previous life but it took me a while to get used to their optimistic lifestyle and even now, I could barely stand it. I wasn't overly pessimistic, just realistic. I knew what they said was impossible but I envied the way they believed in their way of life and I think everyone else did too.

With everything said and done, I reached out and shook Rick's hand

"It'll be a while before we see each other again. Maybe next time we meet, you'll be Sheriff Grimes" I say smiling

"Not before you become a soldier" He says while doing a lazy salute

Considering the age difference between us, most would find it weird if they saw how we were treating each other but It doesn't really matter here. It was weird for a while but soon, everyone in town got used to the 'Overly Mature Hardy Boy'. The young boy with an old soul. I wonder how they react if I told them about how right they were.

I waved Rick off as he disappeared around the street corner in his police car and went back inside the house for the last time in a while.

Pops is in front of the TV watching some cooking show while sitting comfortably on the couch with Ma is right next to him, still sniffling. I decide to tell them about my earlier escapades

I smile as I approach them and jump into their laps. Ma just hugs me and Pops looks annoyed but I can see that his eyes are red. I hug him too. I promise them that I call whenever I can and I won't do anything bad. I would be gone by the time they wake up so I wanted to say goodbye before I forgot. Ma did the usual mom thing and told me to brush my teeth and sleep with warm clothes on while Pops just told me to stay safe and look after myself

I walked them to bed before doing a last tour of the house and then back to my room to sleep but not before setting an alarm for 4 am. Rick would pick me up tomorrow and drop me off at the bus station.

Tonight would be the last night I sleep well because the next 8 years were going to be a self imposed hell.