
The Fox is prey

"What the fuck is a 'hunt'?" Chu Yun asked, hissing out the question at Hua Nanyi, who only shrugged and kept looking towards the front of the room.

"How am I supposed to know?"

At that same moment, Gu Wei's crystalline voice rang out, "I object to this. How is a hunt going to determine Xiao Zai's involvement in the crime? In fact, as far as I can see, no trial as been conducted. Were we gathered here merely to hear a sentencing?"

The King ignored him and turned towards the judge's panel. "This King will accept his judge's counsel. The Second Prince's honour will be determined through the sacred ritual of the hunt."

Chu Yun tried to catch a glimpse at Xiao Zai kneeling on the floor with his head lowered. He had no reaction to the revelation.