
[BL] Sinful Blessing || A. Kiyotaka x OC

ɪɴᴄᴇsᴛ/ᴛᴡɪɴᴄᴇsᴛ ᴍᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇᴍᴇs sʟɪɢʜᴛ ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀᴠᴇʀsᴇ Being alone and tainted for many years gave the feeling emptiness and being caged. For him, the world was all monotone. Yes...it "was" monotone. But it all changed when a single boy came to his life. An innocent soul gave him...many experiences and things that gave him a goal, a dream. A future where he is free with him, a future where they were able to do anything they wanted without the danger of someone following them to take them back and cage them in. A future where they can freely love each other, even with all of the hate coming at their bond. That's Ayanokoji Kiyotaka's goal. A goal with his beloved younger twin, Ayanokoji Kiyoshi. Their bond was something everyone hated and despised but for them, they were all they had. They could depend on each other without the fear of being abandoned, hurt, broken and separated. For them, each other is more than enough. What other people see as a sin, they sees it as a blessing.

Shinzo11 · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter Nine

This book contains incestuous relationship between twin brothers and sexual/mature themes.

Time and Dates mentioned in this book does not align with the original plot, because it is my own timeline.


Thank you for your time and I hope you'll enjoy reading this chapter!!

"Kiyo, why does that girl kept asking your seatmate to hangout? Does she like her or something?" Kiyoshi asked curiously as he watch Horikita decline Kushida coldly once again.

"Didn't she start just after the first day? And can't she take a hint or something?" Kiyoshi said as remembered that Kushida started befriending everyone, except for some people.

"Don't mind her. Anyways, Kiyoshi, how's your body? Is it still in pain?" Kiyotaka asked Kiyoshi worriedly. His face remained stoic however his eyes conveyed his worries which made Kiyoshi smile.

"A little bit, but I can handle it now! And don't you dare say sorry. I was the one who kept asking for it..." Kiyoshi said while averting his eyes with a blush on his soft cheeks. The corner of Kiyotaka's mouth twitch before leaning closer to Kiyoshi's ear.

"I'll massage it again later at your dorm. Just don't overexert yourself for now, got it?" Kiyotaka said before patting Kiyoshi's head which made Kiyoshi blush and smile adorably.

Their moment however was interrupted when Horikita, passed by them and spoke to them.

"Both of you won't try to invite me to places, will you?" Horikita asked with an annoyed tone. Kiyoshi was about to answer for both of them when Kiyotaka answered at the same time as him.

"Nope. We understand you personality well enough. It's pointless to even try" Kiyoshi and Kiyoatak said at the same time which made them surprise and subtly looked at each other. However Horikita never noticed this.

"I'm relieved to hear that" Horikita said and walked out of the classroom by herself. Kiyoshi then bursted out with giggles as he remembered how in synch was their response.

"We really are twins aren't we?" Kiyoshi asked in a whisper that is heard by Kiyotaka who smiled a bit.

"Yes we are. Despite having to share the same blood and some similarities, we still look and live entirely different. A perfect match for lovers that would last forever, in my opinion" Kiyotaka said in a low voice while his eyes stared at Kiyoshi with an unimaginable amount of love to which is returned by Kiyoshi who was a bit flustered.

"Yeah. We're a match made in heaven~" Kiyoshi said with a sing song voice before he laughed. The melodious sound of Kiyoshi's voice and laughter made Kiyotaka feel alive whenever he heard it.

"Ayanokouji-kun, do you have a moment?" Hirata asked which interrupted Kiyoshi and Kiyotaka's moment. Hirata then saw Kiyoshi and greeted him and Kiyoshi greeted him back. Feeling a bit jealous and annoyed that Hirata disrupted their moment, Kiyotaka asked Hirata what he needed.

"It's about Horikita-san, actually. I was wondering if something was wrong. Some of the girls were talking about it earlier. Horikita always seems to be alone" Hirata said.

"Could you possibly tell her to try get along with people a little?" Hirata asked. Kiyotaka was about to answer when Kiyoshi spoke up.

"Sorry for butting in. But what right do we both have to tell Horikita to socialize? First of all, we aren't actually close to her,  we just know her name, her age and her section. Secondly, it's up to her isn't it? So what use our words would be?" Kiyoshi told Hirata.

"Besides it's not like Horikita is causing trouble. She just wanted to be left alone" Kiyoatak said intervened, since he didn't want Kiyoshi to continue talking to Hirata.

"You're both right, of course. However many people have voiced their concerns about it. I absolutely do not want bullying in our class" Hirata responded.

"Look here. I know you got the best intentions but shouldn't the target of this conversation are the supposedly "bullies"? Why should Horikita, or anyone else for that matter, change her preference just to satisfy others?

What if she's uncomfortable when she changed? Besides we don't know if the bullies would stop just because she changed. People always seeks any mistakes in a person and chastised them for it even if they're the most purest of the purest" Kiyoshi said feeling a bit heated which Hirata felt taken a back.

Kiyotaka patted Kiyoshi's shoulder to try and calm him down before turning to Hirata.

"If you still didn't change your mind, I think it'd would be better for you to tell her directly, rather than talk to us, Hirata" Kiyotaka said, his eyes flashing with annoyance since Hirata made Kiyoshi angry.

"You have a point Kiyotaka. Sorry for bringing it up" Hirata said before walking away which leaved Kiyotaka to calm down Kiyoshi, who is mumbling to himself as if to vent his annoyance and anger.

"Calm down, Kiyoshi. Remember to breathe. You can hold my hand while doing so" Kiyoshi said as he held Kiyoshi's hand. Kiyoshi nodded and began breathing in and out while clenching tightly on Kiyotaka's hand.

After a while Kiyoshi finally calmed down. Kiyoshi smiled thankfully at Kiyotaka who just patted his head since they both knew they couldn't just kiss each other out of nowhere.

After classes had ended for today, Kiyoshi and Kiyotaka began walking to their dormitories. Suddenly Kiyoshi remembered that he was supposed to buy something.

"Kiyo, I'll just run to the store real quick. I'll just meet you in my form, okay?" Kiyoshi told Kiyotaka who looked unsure, since Kiyotaka didn't want to be seperate from Kiyoshi again after their recent fight.

"Calm down silly. We'll meet again in my dorm! Now I gotta run before the store close or they might run out of my favorite snack. So see you in my room, Love you" Kiyoshi rapidly said before kissing Kiyotaka on the lips and running towards the store.

Kiyotaka stood their stunned before he brought his hand towards his lips and felt that his lips was curled up into a smile. Suddenly he noticed his cheeks, ears and nape feeling warm.

"So this is how Kiyoshi feels when I kiss him so suddenly" Kiyotaka said before chuckling and began walking towards his dorm first, to change clothes.

As he was walking, he saw Kushida leaning against the wall. She brighten up as soon as her eyes landed on Kiyotaka and she bounced towards to him.

"I'm so glad! I was waiting for you, Ayanokouji-kun. There's something that I wanted to talk about. Do you have a minute?" Kushida asked Kiyotaka was was curious and was in his thoughts.

'Is this like those dramas that Kiyoshi showed me? Is she going to confess to me? This is annoying. Should I be more affectionate towards Kiyoshi so nobody would ask me or Kiyoshi out? Maybe...'

"Yeah sure..." Kiyotaka replied sounding unsure. Kiyotaka also didn't want to be pressured or have to carry the guilt of making a girl cry because he rejected her. He also didn't want to give Kiyoshi a reason to overthink and be sad and hurt again.

"I' ll just ask you outright. Ayanokouji-kun, have you seen Horikita smile even once?" Kushida asked. The question surprised Kiyotaka but made Kiyotaka relieve at the same time.

"No. Not that I can rememeber" Kiyotaka answered truthfully. Since his eyes are always on Kiyoshi, he rarely look at anyone else and as far as Kiyotaka has looked at Horikita, she never smiled even once.

Kiyotaka was snapped out of his thoughts when Kushida grabbed his hand and pushed herself, more specifically her chest, closer to him. Kiyotaka had the urge to slap her hand away and wipe it clean. However before he could, he smelled flowers radianting off of her.

'Flowers?' Kiyotaka thought to himself and breathe in the flowery scent. 'Will Kiyoshi like flowers? Or is he allergic? Come to think of it...I never gave him a gift before, since I don't really know much about gift giving until Kiyoshi started doing it to me. I don't even know what Kiyoshi's likes since its been years and surely most of what Kiyoshi's likes had changed...'

"You know, I...I want to be friends with Horikita-san. I think she guesses your feelings. At first, a lot of people tried reaching out to her, now you're the only one. You seem to know Horikita-san pretty well, Ayanokouji-kun" Kushida said while still gripping Kiyotaka's hand.

Normally, Kiyotaka would have swatted it away but when he thought about it, if he was rude to Kushida who is very popular among the girls and guys, he would be the target of hate and Kiyoshi might be harmed too.

"Huh? Oh. It's not like I was watching her or even close to her. It's just natural that you would know more about your seat mate than anyone" Kiyotaka answered, fighting the urge to twist Kushida's hand off.

"Besides, didn't Horikita already told you to not bother her again?" Kiyotaka said as he remembered the interaction between Horikita and Kushida's early in the morning.

"Won't you...help me?" Kushida's asked, her big eyes added a touch of innocence and cuteness.

"Uh..." Kiyotaka didn't answer immediately. Normally, Kiyotaka would immediately agree to such a cute person's demands. However, since this person isn't cute nor they are Kiyoshi, and he is the type to avoid trouble. He didn't want to help her.

"I understand how you feel but..." Kiyotaka was interrupted by Kushida's leaning closer with a pleading expression.

"So that means...you can't?"

Cute + Pleading + Upturned Eyes = Lethal?


As Kiyotaka was about to deny her again, he felt that he was pushed and a familiar back came to his view.

Kiyoshi, who just got back from the store, saw what's happening and decided to intervene. He seperated Kushida and Kiyotaka, in pure anger, by pushing Kiyotaka behind him and pushing Kushida on the wall, his emergency pocket knife ready to stab her.

"A-Ayanokouji-kun!! Help me!!" Kushida seemed scared and begged for Kiyotaka's help. This action angered Kiyoshi more and was about to stab her, Kiyotaka seemingly intervene and pulled Kiyoshi away from Kushida.

This angered and broke Kiyoshi, who thought that Kiyotaka is protecting Kushida. He was about to ask Kiyotaka on why did he protected her, when Kushida who has teary eyes spoke shakingly and was about to hug Kiyotaka.

However Kiyotaka didn't looked at her and just hit a pressure point in her neck to make her pass out. He then left her on the floor and walked closer to Kiyoshi, who was angry and hurt.

"Kiyoshi–" Kiyotaka started but was interrupted with Kiyoshi's harsh whisper.

"Don't! Don't touch me with those filthy hands!" Kiyoshi told Kiyotaka, who didn't obey and took the pocket knife from Kiyoshi's hands and folded the pocket knife and putting it safely in Kiyoshi's bag, before Kiyoshi could injure himself from struggling against Kiyotaka's hold.

He then grabbed a spare handkerchief and sanitizer before Kiyotaka began wiping Kiyoshi's hands clean. This, stunned Kiyoshi and he stopped struggling, just watching Kiyotaka clean his hands so gently and tenderly as if his hands were so fragile and precious.

"Don't worry, I already cleaned my hands. And sorry for making you think I pulled you away to protect her. I did that because I couldn't handle the fact that you're about to stain your hands with blood....more importantly a blood of an annoying and disgusting lowlife" Kiyotaka said before he pocketed the handkerchief to burn it later and put back the sanitizer in his bag.

"Next time, if you want to kill someone...tell me and let me do it. I'll even torture them if you wanted to. Just leave everything to me, My Precious Kiyoshi" Kiyotaka said seriously, while staring at Kiyoshi's stunned and flustered gaze. Kiyotaka then raised Kiyoshi's hands and left a kiss on both of his hands.

"...Understood?" Kiyotaka asked which finally snapped Kiyoshi out of his simping thoughts and nodded before kissing Kiyotaka's lips again and hid his face in his hands. Kiyotaka pulled Kiyoshi's hands away from his face and lifted his chin up before kissing him.

Kiyoshi responded by kissing back, before they pulled away when they heard a groan and remembered Kushida who was passed out. Kiyoshi frowned and was about to carry her but Kiyotaka held him back.

"Just go back to your dorm, okay? I'll bring her to her room. Just...prepare a change of clothes for and the bath, okay?" Kiyotaka whispered in Kiyoshi's ear while gently holding his waist.

Kiyoshi flushed but nodded. When Kiyotaka was about to pull away, Kiyoshi spoke up which caught Kiyotaka's attention again.

"Don't touch her, other than carrying her okay? And tell me later what both of you talked about...I-If you do what I say I...I-I might give you a reward" Kiyoshi said slowly getting flustered. This made Kiyotaka smirk and leaned down to Kiyoshi's ear.

"And what reward are we talking about, love?" Kiyotaka said, his voice sounded so alluring when he enunciate each word slowly, but despite the fact that Kiyoshi is flustered he wasn't going to back down easily this time.

Kiyoshi held Kiyotaka's nape and stood on his tippy toes to lean closer to Kiyotaka's ear and whispered what reward or rewards would Kiyotaka get soon.

Kiyotaka was surprised when he heard what reward he would be getting. However his first thought about it was...

"Are you comfortable doing those?" Kiyotaka asked Kiyoshi, his gaze and voice now laced with so much concern, that made Kiyoshi feel like he's the happiest person the the world.

"O-Of course. Although I am nervous, I also wanted to try it with you..." Kiyoshi said slowly getting more flustered so he averted his gaze elsewhere. Kiyotaka chuckled at what Kiyoshi said before kissing Kiyoshi on his forehead.

"Well then, I'll gladly take the reward" Kiyotaka said with a soft smile that heavily contrast with his usual stoic expression. Kiyoshi blushed at the soft expression Kiyotaka has and couldn't help but kiss him again on the lips while giggling.

"Well then I'll wait for you. I'll take both of our bags first and you go and bring it to its room, okay?" Kiyoshi asked. Kiyotaka originally wanted to decline since he didn't want Kiyoshi to carry anything but seeing how insisting Kiyoshi is, he gave in.

He watched as Kiyoshi entered his dorm and waved at him before closing the door. Kiyoshi sighed, his gaze full of affection. Well that is until he remembered Kushida. He sighed again, now in frustration, and he immediately carried her on his shoulder and trying to find her dorm access.

Thats it for Chapter Nine!! I sincerely apologize for not updating for maybe about a month or so?

Do you remember the last part on Chapter Eight? That part is the cause of it. I couldn't write a decent lemon chapter! And I was frustrated because when I looked through my drafts, I found out I wrote much better lemon chapters before than now!!

Like how is that even possible?! That time, I wrote purely on my imagination and now that I have knowledge for it, it's like I couldn't write anymore?!

So I planned for that lemon chapter to be a chapter 8.5. And I will not update it until I got hundreds or even thousands of requests for it and so until that goal came, I'll keep writing and editing it. And I'll do the same to the future lemon chapters!!

Sorry for my rant. I was just frustrated with myself. Especially because I kept adding more books and I felt guilty for not giving what my reader's want every time.

So enough about me, what do you think about the chapter? Could you tell me what part/scene/convo did you like in this chapter?

I personally like the interaction between Kiyoshi and Kiyotaka at the last parts. It just felt so wholesome, excluding he killing and torture part.

So that's it and see you in the next update!! (hopefully it wouldn't take another month to do so)

Love, Shinzo♡♡♡

Shinzo11creators' thoughts