
[Arknights] The Forgotten Memory of Hope

Memory... The word that remembers, yet no one does. Is it fated for such a tragedy to occur from a simple mistake? The tragedy leading up to nothing as the world would see... what could you recall from that Memory...? What would that Memory do, given a second chance to change fate?

Krisu · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs

It's ya boi

Heya, Krisu here, I've pretty much worked on this for the last year, but I've been stuck in a real big roadblock, so I'm gonna start this project again, and I'd like you to enjoy this amalgamation of ideas that have been stewing in my head for the past like 15 months or something Idk. It's come to the point where I don't think any other chapter will be longer than the first one, and even the second one is gonna be really short in comparison, so yeah have fun going through those times when I had just started writing.

Have fun and be sure to share this if you like it. I'll be trying to work on more chapters in the future and would probably work faster if school doesn't mess everything up like it's been doing to me for the last 10 months.