
"The Billionaire's Bite".

In the heart of the city’s affluent district, a towering mansion looms, shrouded in mystery and rumors. Behind its wrought-iron gates dwells Ethan Drake, a billionaire mogul whose mysterious family history has captured the curiosity of the masses. Enter Lily Blackwood, a struggling journalist determined to uncover the truth behind the enigmatic billionaire. Her relentless pursuit of the truth leads her to unravel a web of secrets that will forever alter her perception of reality. As the pale moonlight casts its eerie glow, Lily bears witness to a shocking transformation: Ethan is a werewolf. Torn between fear and an inexplicable attraction, Lily finds herself drawn into Ethan’s world, a realm where wealth and power intertwine with primal instincts and ancient legends. As their worlds collide, an undeniable passion ignites, defying the constraints of societal norms and challenging the very fabric of their beliefs. Caught in a whirlwind of desire and danger, Lily and Ethan must navigate treacherous waters, facing not only the prejudices of the human world but also the impending threats of a rival pack vying for dominance. With each moon cycle, their bond deepens, In this tantalizing tale of forbidden love and supernatural secrets, Lily and Ethan must confront their darkest fears and embrace their truest selves, for only by embracing their destinies can they hope to find the ultimate acceptance and redemption they both so desperately crave.

Eszadidi · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Laying the Ground work

The sleek, obsidian-hued sports car purred to a stop at the curb, its glossy exterior seeming to drink in the buttery morning light. Lily watched, arms folded across her chest, as the driver's side door swung open and a long, denim-clad leg emerged, followed swiftly by the rest of the vehicle's owner.

Marshall Pierce cut an undeniably striking figure as he unfolded himself from the confines of the low-slung sports car. Lean and tousled, with a perpetually roguish air about him, he moved with the self-assured grace of someone who had grown accustomed to turning heads wherever he went.

As his gaze swept over the quaint surroundings of the Blackwood home,, a faint crease furrowed his brow – though whether it was borne from skepticism or simple bemusement, Lily couldn't quite discern. When his shining blue eyes finally alighted on her, however, that infuriatingly smug half-grin quirked across his lips.

"Well, well," he drawled, the silken cadence of his voice holding the faintest lilt of an accent Lily couldn't quite place. "Fancy meeting a beautiful woman in a sleepy little neighborhood like this." With a dramatic flourish, he raked a hand through his tousled golden locks, tossing them back from his chiseled features. "I don't suppose you'd be the famous Lily Blackwood I've heard so much about?"

Lily arched a single, unimpressed eyebrow, refusing to be cowed by the shameless bravado he was putting on display. "Unfortunately for you, I don't make it a habit to swoon over cheap pickup lines," she countered, unable to resist jutting out her hip in a subtly challenging posture. "But for argument's sake, let's assume I am this 'Lily Blackwood' you've allegedly heard so much about. That makes you the hotshot photog Carter's been raving over?"

Rather than rising to meet her veiled barb, Marshall merely chuckled—a deep, almost musical sound that seemed to reverberate through his sculpted frame. "The very same," he confirmed with an easy smile and a rakish wink. "Though I gotta say, that grumpy old bastard didn't do your spitfire personality justice in his...briefings."

Before Lily could formulate a retort, or begin to map out a verbal parry to his relentless onslaught of shameless flirtation, her father's gruff baritone cut through the charged air like a physical force.

"Well now, I'll be damned," Hugh Blackwood rumbled from the front porch, surveying the scene before him with undisguised amusement glinting in his eyes. "Starting the mating dance already, are we?"

Lily felt a furious blush of crimson coloring her cheeks at her father's unapologetically crass remark, but Marshall seemed to take it in stride, favoring the burly older man with a good-natured grin and a cheeky little salute.

"You must be the infamous Mr. Blackwood I've heard so much about," he declared, undaunted. "I have to say, your daughter certainly takes after you in the…uncensored candor department."

Hugh Blackwood's booming guffaw seemed to reverberate off the sleepy suburban homes that lined the quiet street. "Well, ain'tcha just a charming' young fella," he chortled, descending the porch steps with that distinctive bowlegged swagger that betrayed his rural upbringing. "Here I was, fixing' for some sorta stuck-up city slicker with more gall than good sense, but you just might be alright after all." 

Sensing an opening in the rapidly escalating torrent of banter and grandstanding male bravado, Lily cleared her throat with a pointed loudness. "If you two are quite finished measuring egos?" she cut in archly. "I do believe we have actual work to attend to this morning." 

Marshall's grin only seemed to widen at her thinly veiled rebuke, those surprising chips of cerulean seeming to glint with undisguised approval. "Well now, lead on, Blackwood," he prompted, sweeping his arm out in a gesture of exaggerated politeness. "My feet are getting restless just standing around here flapping gums all morning."

With one final, searing glance at her father – who merely responded by folding his arms across his barrel chest and winking back at her – Lily pivoted on her heel and set off down the sidewalk.

She could feel Marshall's footfalls echoing in her wake, that same easy, liquid grace underpinning his stride. In that moment, an errant notion flittered through her mind, unbidden – that perhaps this self-assured young man beside her, this apparent maestro of the lens that Carter had foisted upon her, wouldn't prove to be such a hindrance after all.

The notion didn't last long, of course. They'd barely made it two blocks down the sun-dappled street before Marshall's voice, rich with feigned innocence, shattered the still morning air. 

"So," he began casually, those blue eyes of his openly roving over her features in a way that made Lily's skin prickle with wariness. "Is this the part where I get to hear that the 'sleepy little suburb' is harboring a tantalizing secret? Some deep, dark mystery that only intrepid souls like ourselves can unravel?" A teasing lilt crept into his voice as he added, "I'm just spit balling here, but maybe…it has something to do with the freaky old mansion I saw looming up on the hill?"

Despite herself, despite the incredulity she felt at his utterly brazen attempt to wheedle information from her, Lily's lips twitched in a reluctant half-smile. If nothing else, she mused, she had to give the cocky bastard credit for sheer dogged persistence.

"You've got a good eye, hotshot," she conceded, jerking her chin to indicate the imposing silhouette of Drake Manor rising amid the lush hilltop foliage" up ahead. "That 'freaky old mansion,' as you so charmingly put it, is exactly the reason why we're here."

As they drew nearer to the towering iron-wrought gates that marked the entrance to the estate's grounds, Lily could practically feel Marshall's gaze burning into her – not with the weight of salacious scrutiny this time, but with the undeniable laser-focused intensity of a predator having caught the scent of its prey.

"Tell me everything," he murmured, all traces of that perpetual, roguish swagger having bled away to reveal something rawer, more primal lurking beneath. He was the consummate artist, Lily realized in that moment – utterly absorbed in the promise of something new to capture, to enshrine within the confines of his lens.

Drawing in a steadying breath, Lily launched into an abridged recounting of the information she had uncovered, laying out the pieces of the puzzle in succinct, clipped tones. She spoke of the Drake family's ties to old-world wealth and power, of the hints that their legacy stretched back through the centuries to a remote, mist-shrouded homeland where the lines between reality and folklore blurred into obscurity.

"And then, of course," she concluded, "there are the rumors." A meaningful pause, punctuated by a sidelong glance to gauge the impact of her words. "Whispers that the Drake bloodline carries with it…let's just say, a most unconventional inheritance."

Marshall's brow furrowed, those striking blue irises glinting like shards of fractured sapphire as they roved over the imposing façade of Drake Manor. "Unconventional, how, exactly?" he prompted, refusing to take the bait of her ambiguous teasing.

Lily felt the corners of her lips quirking upwards in a mysterious little half-smile. "Now, now, Mr. Pierce," she gently chided. "You didn't think I'd spoil all the surprises right away, did you?" With a subtle cant of her head, she indicated the winding expanse of the estate's private drive, bordered by a scenic tapestry of lush greenery and shaded alcoves. "Why don't you take a look around first? Scout out a few…intriguing locales for that fancy camera of yours. Once you've got a proper lay of the land, I promise – all will be revealed."