
"SOULBOND : A Heroine's Odyssey to a New World of Power and Redemption

soul exchange , death , fight , love , comedy , romance , family , emotions , friendship ,magic , fate , ghost .

Arinsia_123 · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 12: The Mirror's Reflection

As Kriya grappled with the surreal reality of her surroundings, panic began to grip her heart. This wasn't a dream, she realized, this was something else entirely. The world around her seemed to shift and morph, as if it were alive, pulsating with an energy she couldn't comprehend.

Desperate to escape this strange place, Kriya tried to force herself to sleep, clinging to the hope that she would wake up in her own bed, her life restored to normalcy. But as she closed her eyes, she found herself descending further into the depths of this mysterious realm.

When she opened her eyes again, expecting to see the familiar surroundings of her bedroom, she was greeted by an entirely new world. It was a world unlike anything she had ever seen before, a place of fantastical landscapes and surreal beauty.

But the most shocking discovery came when she caught sight of her reflection in a nearby mirror. Her face had changed. Gone was the familiar visage she had known all her life, replaced by a stranger's features. It was as if she were looking at a different person altogether.

The shock of seeing her altered reflection sent Kriya into a frenzy. She screamed and cried out for help, but there was no one to hear her in this strange and silent world. Suddenly, a group of figures appeared, clad in white coats and masks. They injected her with a sedative, and as the world spun around her, Kriya felt herself slipping into unconsciousness once more.

In her dreams, she found herself back in her childhood home, surrounded by the comforting presence of her parents. They smiled at her, their faces filled with love and warmth. But even as she reached out to touch them, she knew that this was only an illusion, a figment of her imagination.

In reality, Kriya lay in a hospital bed, her body hooked up to machines that beeped and hummed with life. Her parents hovered over her, their faces etched with worry and fear. The doctors and nurses bustled around her, their voices a constant murmur in the background.

Kriya was trapped in a limbo between two worlds, neither fully awake nor fully asleep. In one world, she was a patient fighting for her life, while in the other, she was lost in a surreal and unsettling dreamscape. And as she drifted between these two realms, she couldn't shake the feeling that something momentous was about to happen, something that would change the course of her life forever.







is she find ?

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