
"SOULBOND : A Heroine's Odyssey to a New World of Power and Redemption

soul exchange , death , fight , love , comedy , romance , family , emotions , friendship ,magic , fate , ghost .

Arinsia_123 · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 11: Between Dreams and Reality

Kriya's parents had rushed her to the hospital after the horrific accident. She had undergone a grueling four-hour surgery, and the medical team had reported that the operation had been successful. However, despite the success of the surgery, Kriya remained in a coma. The doctors could only offer their best efforts and prayers, hoping for her eventual return to consciousness.

In the waiting room, Kriya's mother was traumatized by the accident, her face etched with worry and fear. Her friend, who had been crying since the moment of the accident, now found herself in a state of emotional turmoil, unable to come to terms with the bitter truth. Kriya's father, a rock in the face of adversity, could not accept the reality that his daughter lay unconscious and fighting for her life.

On the other side of this divide between life and unconsciousness, Kriya awoke to a surreal and disorienting reality. Her surroundings were unlike anything she had ever seen. Her clothes were stained with blood, a chilling reminder of the accident that had brought her here.

As she tried to make sense of her situation, a wave of panic washed over her. She remembered the accident, the collision with the car, and the fear that she might have lost her life. A sense of dread overcame her as she thought about her parents, her home, and the life she had been living.

But then, a strange and unsettling thought entered her mind. If she was dead, where was Yamraj, the god of karma who was said to guide souls to the afterlife? Would she be bound for heaven or hell, her eternal fate sealed by the choices she had made in life?

Kriya's mind raced, her thoughts spiraling into a whirlwind of confusion and fear. But as she looked around, she realized that her environment was unlike anything she had ever seen before. It seemed like a fairytale world, a place straight out of a drama or comic book, filled with vibrant colors and fantastical landscapes.

The absurdity of her situation suddenly struck her, and she couldn't help but laugh. It was a strange and unsettling laughter, a mix of relief and disbelief. Perhaps, she thought, she was still in a dream, and none of this was real. To test her theory, she bit her hand, and the pain that shot through her confirmed that she was, indeed, awake.

Frustration and confusion welled up inside her. What was happening? Where was she? Why couldn't she wake up? The questions swirled in her mind, and she grabbed a handful of her own hair, pulling it angrily in frustration.

Kriya was caught in a bizarre limbo between dreams and reality, unable to comprehend the nature of her existence in this strange and otherworldly place. As she grappled with her confusion, she knew that she needed to find answers, to understand the truth of her situation, and to somehow bridge the gap between the world she had known and this surreal new reality.

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hey , guys thanks for reading my story ...i am so sorry and apologize for took 3 week break and update ao late in real life i was actually trauma don't know what to do ... yeah some time you don't need love your family problems push you in hell , end of the day i was hospitalized for 2 weeks beause of situation and come back i was worried but hold my hand push myself start again .

thank you









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