
"Peaceful" Life in a Different World

What will you do if you are reincarnated in another world full of wonders and magic? Of course, you want to be a Hero or a Villain! The problem is our Main Character chose not to become any of those, but he cannot avoid trouble!!! Meet Wreck, an average dude trying to live peacefully in a different world. Join him as he explores and accidentally establishes his legacy in this Medieval Fantasy World!!!! Uploads every day 7 chapters every week 1500-2000 words every chapter LOVE Y'ALL

D_EIRIC · Fantasie
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217 Chs


"I am sorry sir but all of us will not agree with your proposal."

"That is right, and if you will excuse us we will now leave."

Well, that pretty much summarizes what they thought about my idea. Everyone now has left the meeting room and I am left all alone.

Now, what am I going to do now? I am still not giving up on the elves. I believe that they could be essential for our future. I am also interested in their cultures and way of life.

I have decided to visit the village as a normal traveler. I just need to see what is in there. I went out of the village with the excuse that I am going to hunt. I also brought King with me.

I am riding King so that we can go fast. I heard from Bubba that the direction was on the western side. King ran so fast that I was surprised. I believe this is about 80-100 kilometers per hour so I really held him tight.

After a long scene of woods, we have finally reached a plain. We stopped for a minute to take a little survey. It was quite refreshing to see a place with a no color red on it. Now that I think about it, this will be the first time I am out of the forest in this world. About 1 kilometer in, I can spot a village already. I told King to be friendly and do not attack anyone. He seems like he understood my orders so we went in.

Once we are already near the village, I realize that this place has is huge. I spot some guards right outside the village so approached them.

There were 2 elf guards. Elves are taller than an average human. They have long ears as what would you expect but what I did not expect was them not having all blondes. Some have brown hair and some have black. I guess not everything is true from the stories. Anyways I tried to talk with them.

"Excuse me, sir guard, may I ask where is food store here. I and my pet are so hungry right now. I am an adventurer by the way."

They seem wary at me but they answered.

"Just go to the town center and you will see some shops there."

I thanked them and went off. I currently sightseeing in the village, no I would prefer to call this a town. The streets are made of stone. The houses are huge. There are also a lot of elves. This seemed like a well-developed town. I am naturally on guard since these are the enemies of my people.

As soon as I reached the town center, I saw a child elf running away with bread on his hand. Some guards are chasing him. It seems like this kid has been caught for stealing and is running away. The kid is going towards my location so I naturally caught him and held him until the guards reach here. The kid resisted but I was able to subdue him.

"Thanks for your help human." The one that looks like the leader of the guards told me.

"No problem sir."

"My name is Bren by the way. Anyways, Do you have any requests for our debt to you?"

Well, I think what I really need now is information.

"My name is Wreck and I am still new here sir, so I would like to know everything about this town."

He seems confused but he answered me.

"So you are an adventurer? Well since I have time right now I think I can help you."

Nice! Seems like I gather information here.

"Now to start. This town is called the 'Elven Town of Norman'. You can call it Norman Town. We are an independent town so we do not have any affiliations. This town consists of the elven race and we are friendly to other races. We welcome those friendly people such as you!"

Our talks continued for about an hour. He told me about the main cuisines, the industry, the culture, and everything else which I am now getting tired of. He seems like he is enjoying this so I did not bother stopping him. A topic that he never touched is history which I was confused so I asked him.

"Excuse me sir Bren but can you tell me the history of this town."

He seems like he was kind of offended and sad by my question so I apologized.

"No, no it is fine. It is just that we elves rarely talk about our past."


"It is because we are currently poor now. The situation is getting better now but we really had a very rough past."

Eh? I thought that the Elves were once conquerors? Did they not become an empire?

"Our town was once called the Great Elven Empire. It was prosperous and great but due to unfortunate events, We were painted as evil and tyrannical."

I was so into the story so Bren continued.

"Our empire had a good relationship with the other races but an unknown group that my ancestors called 'The Pitch Black' caused a tragedy in our empire. They ruined our country from the inside. Our supplies were diminished. And not only that, they ruined our relationship with the other nearby allies which are the Salamanders, the Harpies, the Beastmen, and the Dwarven race. They framed us by killing the men of the other races and the blame was on us elves. That caused the downfall of the Great Empire."

"But do not worry. Our town has been prospering lately and we elves are not mad at the other races. Our new leader has been making our town great again."

"Thank you so much, sir Bren. If you excuse me, I will now leave and explore more here. Thanks for your company!"

"No worries. If you need help, just approach me Wreck the Human!"

I then hurried back to the village.

I am glad that the elves are happy now, but I am still bothered by it. So this grudge between races has just been caused by a misunderstanding? And also what was that 'Pitch Black' thingy? Is that like an evil organization? Are they still around? There sure is still a lot of mysteries I need to know in this world.


P.S. THANKS FOR READING GUYS!! I hope you like these new things I introduced in this chapter. If you have any comments or suggestions just comment down below and I will reply to you anytime! Thanks again for reading!!