
"One who"

After the death of Satoru Gojo in the fight against the king of curses, the sorcerer's soul is transported to another dimension with many differences and events that will make the sorcerer reflect on this new world. It should be noted that English is not my first language and that I am not very good at speaking or writing it and that this story is not mine.

MrXmeru · Anime und Comics
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4 Chs

chapter 1: New world

Everything had happened so quickly, from the fight to my "death."

I had initially tried to use the reverse curse technique after realizing that something was terribly wrong after I was looking at the sky.

But I cant

I didn't know why, maybe fatigue or some problem.

But before I closed my eyes for the last time, I realized something.

The reason I couldn't use the reverse curse technique was not because of accumulated fatigue or some problem in me.

Before closing my eyes I took one last look at Sukuna and realized why.


I didn't really want to

Being at the top of power was lonely.

I felt alone every time I didn't use all my power to kill an enemy, it felt very good when I had to use "all" of me, I felt the excitement of being close to death, it was a splendid feeling. 

Actually there was also another reason, my students.

I trust them, and I also want them to have their opportunity to shine and develop a relationship as partners with each other.

So my last thought was that

"He entrusted the rest to them"













After closing my eyes I could feel something, it was strange, it was the sensation of being pulled by a rope, but it felt different, I didn't feel anything, I just knew it.

Anyway, what does it matter, I'm already dead after all, whatever it is I hope it doesn't harm me.

After being "thrown" for what I thought was the longest moment of my life, I felt that feeling of wanting to close my eyes and not wake up disappear and with it all the fatigue burdened by the fight.

But not only that, my body also felt strange, like it was repressed or something similar.

After processing all the sensations of the moment I decided to open my eyes.

What awaited me was a black or white void, something similar to limbo or heaven or hell.

I hope I go to heaven, I mean, I'm not that bad am I?

I know that I have killed people but all of them were bad or so I want to think, it's not that I'm a very believer but I don't have a problem with killing sometimes it's the only way out, those stories about heroes saving people only by defeating the villain and leaving him in prison are just that, "stories", once you do that he will find a way to escape and come back stronger until he defeats the "hero" and all for a "pathetic" ideal that no one deserves to die or everyone can change, things like that never They will pass just like Geto...

Leaving my thoughts aside I opened my eyes and found a light that blinded me for a few seconds, I waited until I got used to the light and once that happened I saw a meadow with trees and some houses at the beginning of the hill on the that I found.

This is heaven? I didn't ask anyone specifically, it was a rhetorical question but once I analyzed it I sighed.

I don't know why I did it, maybe because I had to look for answers or because the headache that six eyes gave me followed me to the afterlife.

I couldn't believe it, even in the afterlife those eyes would haunt me and with them all the information that would give me a headache if I covered them with something.

After a while I stood up and it didn't take long for me to give a small cry of surprise.

Woouuuuuahaahah, where's my six footer??!! I looked terribly short, probably not even five foot four, it was so pitiful.

After the surprise I realized something, looking around I saw that what was circulating was not cursed energy, it was similar but definitely not cursed energy, it had a less chaotic and more uniform flow, like wavy stripes, there were many, but it was not The problem was that they were translucent so they would not hide my vision. The most surprising thing was that in some way I could manipulate it, although the cursed energy was very similar at the same time it was different. When I manipulated this energy I felt like the wind moved with the energy. , this gave me many ideas of what was possible to do with this, so by manipulating the energy I managed to gather it into what was a concentrated ball of this same thing. This made me terribly tired and I fell on one knee, I looked at the ball and threw it to the horizon is dispersed in a small gust of wind that made cuts to a nearby tree, when I saw the tree I saw that the same energy ran through the tree only it was green, looking at the ground I realized that the same energy was circulating but brown in color, so I realized that this was definitely not heaven, it was not hell or limbo, it seemed more like Japan but a rural area, the strange thing is that when looking at the town the houses were more similar to cabins than to houses of the modern era.

I'll go investigate 

Arriving at the town I could see that in the water it was the same, the same energy but it was still in the water and blue in color, probably the color and movement was according to the elements, I imagine that the red or orange will be that of fire and

It will be more chaotic than that of the wind, by manipulating it a little I did the same as with the wind and this time I barely got tired and perhaps the chaotic nature of the energy had to do with how difficult it is to manipulate, if I had to make a ranking I would say it is like that.

More difficult to manipulate, I would bet on fire

2. Wind

3. land

4. Nature

5. Water

Definitely the easiest to manipulate is water, it is extremely stable and just by thinking about it I can manipulate it and make it take shape for me, I should experiment with this later, I should do research first.

Walking through the town I realized that people were wearing peasant clothes from the Middle Ages, this included me, it was strange and I began to believe that I was in a parallel world or dimension or something similar, I didn't know what it felt like to die, well in Actually yes but not definitely, the time Toji "killed" me I only felt the need to sleep but when Sukuna killed me I felt the same need but it was different I felt like they were pulling me, I didn't feel that sensation that time with Toji, and I felt that something was different with my body, other than height and that needed a mirror.

Ah, that's right, hahaha, I have one in front of me hehe. Laughing at my clumsiness I looked at myself in the water and froze, my hair was gray and I almost cried because of this, I loved my white hair, that made me one of a kind, of course it was the distinctive feature of the great Satoru Gojo along with his sky blue eyes and his great strength, if it weren't for the fact that from the roots he was getting paler I would have cried, I sighed in relief for that and speaking of eyes, there was something that I definitely wouldn't change, my right eye was the classic sky blue part of me. family inheritance, but my left eye was dark green, I certainly cried because of my left eye but to be honest I didn't dislike it, it was really cute, I think it was called heterochromia or something like that, leaving aside my baby fat on my face, Definitely if I grew up I would be a heartbreaker like I was in my previous life, and I hoped that this world would be another and not some kind of afterlife where I will be happy as a reward or something like that.

Going into the city, people saw me strangely, I guess they can't help but envy my beautifying future as a casanova hahaha.

Although I think the reason is different, they are not evil looks but they are not good looks either, they are like they were on guard, which is strange, who would be on guard with a child. 

Looking at past events I came up with a theory.

Maybe I came to this world because my soul was taken from my body by something or someone and deliberately put into this body that's why maybe the former owner of this body has done something and that's why the people of this town are on guard with me. If that were the case, there should be a house or someone I knew of the former owner of this body, so I'll walk around until someone recognizes me or finds a clue.

Once I came to a quick conclusion if I walked around several times until I ran into a girl who frankly reminded me of Utahime and that's why I bothered her.



-My ankle hurts, I'm not very well, can you take me home? - It was clearly a lie, but she doesn't need to know, I don't know where my house is or the place where I sleep but I needed a place to stay and investigate this world like this. like why I'm in it.

"Seriously, what am I going to do with you, what did you do to make your ankle hurt anyway?"

"I fell," I told her with the most expressionless face she had.


"Come," he put my arm on top of her neck and used hers to grab my hand and put the other on my ribs and started walking.

I pretended to limp so that he wouldn't get strange ideas about why I asked him that and after a few minutes of walking while we talked I found out about the energy they call magic, what can I say, magic was attributed to supernatural events in my previous world so it sounded familiar to me. I miss saying it like that.

Then we arrived in front of a literal mackerel ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE TOWN, what the hell was the previous owner doing on that hill, I said thank you and said goodbye, he looked at me strangely and I limped into the cabin, entering I realized that there were two people , a middle-aged man and woman, when they saw me they asked me if I was okay, I said yes and asked why, they looked at each other and then told me in an obvious tone that because of the incident a few weeks ago, when Looks like the previous owner did something very bad.

After that I walked around the house a bit and used the same ankle technique to be taken to my room.

Once this was done, I looked into some books that were in my "room" for things like history and that.

The most relevant thing is that the world is called Genkai and that there are gods and monsters, the gods came down from the tenkai, which is something like heaven, to the earthly world and give them something like a blessing that helps them improve and enter the dungeon or do the orders of the god, they call it family, unlike the previous world, this one has the center of the world designated, not because it is exactly in the center but because there is the largest area of interest of Genkai, there are the roles of adventurers, people who enter the dungeon that is something like the creator of monsters, there are also different races such as human, pallun who is a human but with a child's physique and improved vision, werewolf with smell, sight, hearing as well as enhanced strength, he is basically superior to a human in everything except intelligence, then there are the elves who are the only ones who can use magic without needing to be under a glitch so it is called the blessing of a god but it was anyway limited the amount of spells they could do and had to perform an extremely long chant in order to cast the spell, when reading this I laughed a lot to know that somehow not only could I use magic without needing to be in a family but I also didn't need to do chant to perform them.

-I think I already understood that I am a kind of monster, I think that my green left eye is part of my family heritage in this world and the right one is part of my previous world, and through the six eyes I can see the flow of magic as well as what elements are being used in a spell, so just by seeing it in action I can copy it, hahahahaha, I'm really going to be the strongest hehehe-

-So my soul merged with the previous owner but the consciousness of the other was destroyed and that is why I have the skills to manipulate elemental energy, those skills were from the previous person but I couldn't use them because I couldn't see the flow of the energy. ,hahahah, this body is perfect for me-

-Stop laughing like a maniac and come to dinner- I was startled by the voice of what is probably my mother, I was so absorbed in reading that I didn't realize, and it also seems that my name is Satoru in this life.

-This second chance is going to be very fun in this world- 

-Now that I think about it, I think I'm more serious than before, maybe the fusion of souls has something to do with it, hmmm, eh, what does it matter-

Going down the stairs and going to the table I lived with what my family was in this world, it seems that seriousness comes from the family and they are my parents.

Finishing dinner I went to the room where there is a bookshelf. When I arrived I was going to take a book but I fell and held my head with a grimace.

I forgot something very important

The six cannot be deactivated, I can only block them, that is the reason why I used the blindfold in my previous life, I needed it to block the enormous amount of information that the six eyes gave me. 

I went up the stairs and got to my room, I tore a black shirt I had and turned it into something similar to the bandage I had in my past life.

I need an excuse for the blindfold, hmm, I have something. It's not very good and they will definitely question me but once I say my whole speech they will leave it but I'm not sure they will leave me at all, ahh how troublesome, I am tied to this place, I must find a way to escape without it looking so bad .

I fell into my bed and left reading for tomorrow.








I woke up early my father and mother left and left a note.

When they come I will tell them that I will become an adventurer, it is the easiest way to live and progress with my skills.

During the morning I read for at least 4 hours, because it is a new world and there is no such thing as telephones, reading is my only source of interest although it also makes me tired but what can be done.

-I already have all the knowledge I need about this world, I think I'm ready to leave here-

Apparently I'm in a town about 46 kilometers from Orario, so it will take me a week to get there.

Ugh, I wish I had a vehicle, it would arrive in less than 10 hours.

I went out to train on the hill where I woke up yesterday, I complain that it is so far from my home, but I can't do anything, it's the only place I know.

People look at me with curiosity and some with pity, they probably think I've gone blind or something.

During the time I was training I went into the forest and found monsters, goblins to be precise, I read it somewhere, they are the most common monsters and the weakest, perfect to train my magic, first I used earth magic making them appear a bit that passed through one goblin and scratched the arm of another.

Trying with another element, use nature and....heal it?????.

Definitely I can only use nature to heal although I think that if I improve my skill with nature I can use wood but at the moment I can't use wood so I will try the others, I understood that I can't use water without a source nearby, in Actually, if I can, I extract water from the humidity in the air, but that tires me even more than using the wind. I used the same wind ball that I made yesterday and left the goblin with a hole in the center of the torso. It reminded me of Touji. I laughed out loud at that thought.

I want to specialize in wind magic, I think I can do many things with it, and I also think that I also have the energy in my body.

Mana is energy, and magic is the materialization of mana, so unlike normal magicians who use the mana in their body to make the materialization of the spell, I use the mana in my body to manipulate the mana of the environment, something like a chain, the mana I use is also lost, but I don't have the need to be in a family to use magic and I also don't have the restriction of the number of spells, basically I am the perfect mage and just by seeing a spell I can copy it because of the six eyes that allow me to see the flow and elements in the spells.

I will practice with wind magic because that is the way to fly.

I spent that afternoon trying to perfect my "flying", but I don't actually fly, I just manipulate mana and make it solid, so it's more accurate to say that I walk in the air, eventually I'll be able to really fly and I already have the skills. bases then everything is fine, I will focus on the wind for now then I will continue with the land.

I left the hill, it was already late and the sun was setting, I couldn't deny that it gave me internal peace to see the landscape but I had a path to take.

Arriving home between and my parents were about to have dinner, when they saw me they started asking questions, I told them that I would answer them after taking a bath.

I did what I said and went down to dinner and that's when the questions started.

-Because you are wearing that blindfold, son, the people of the town did something to you- that question touched me deeply, it is loaded with the concern of a mother, although in my past life my mother was not absent, I was always under the constant pressure of being there. the height of the expectations of the people of my clan, the one in front of me was a true mother.

-Yes, tell us, don't be afraid to tell us- that's my father. 

Neither of them has gray hair or gray eyes, so he was clearly adopted I realized that on the first day.

-Actually I wanted to talk about that, I want to tell you something- they looked at me expectantly and I looked back although I clearly had the blindfold on but I could see them.

-The reason I have the blindfold is not because they have hurt me or anything like that, it is because I... I made a dramatic pause to give more tension to the matter hahaha I'm going to be adventurous

When I said those words they looked at me with surprised faces.

-That's why I use the blindfold-

It's a strange tactic, I couldn't think of anything else, but it will divert attention from the blindfold.

"w-what are you talking about, Satoru, you're perfectly fine, you shouldn't be an adventurer," I stammered a little, perhaps out of concern.

-Why Satoru?- I expected that question, I didn't have a very clear answer but I will tell you what the owner of this body would say.

-I have no dream, nor any goal, I want to find a path that I want to walk, and forge my own path, that's why I want to become strong- In those words was not only what I believe was the owner of this body, but also satoru, Satoru Gojo, the strongest sorcerer.

"Are you sure?" My father asked, I just nodded and looked at my mother then she looked at me again.

-You may well be an adventurer- it seemed strange to me that they would accept so easily, I guess they trust me.

-Thank you, I still don't have a date to leave- actually if I have a date, in a week I will leave, but you don't need to know.

-In two days on your 10th birthday, although it seems like you are 12- don't lie, I realized that using the energy of nature during the nights the growth processes accelerate and in turn the amount of mana increases, at least Now I know what my age is.

-I understand, I forgot about that- I don't know what you expect me to say or you just wanted to tell me.









The next day flew by with the same routine, waking up, reading, going out to practice magic, exercising, bathing, having dinner, sleeping.

Then my "birthday" came, I did the same thing as the day before, read and went out.

I was practicing wind magic, I could already make the flow of mana solid, for normal people who couldn't see what I could, it would be seen that I am walking on air.

After doing I started with the earth element I could make spikes and take out shields I could also do something similar to Jogo's domain expansion, like a dome, but smaller and I could only cover myself.

Speaking of which, what happened to my cursed techniques, those could be performed with cursed energy but I must be able to do something similar, right?

-Wait, I have an idea! Maybe if I use the mana inside my body I can do something similar-

All people have mana in their body, this mana is accumulated in the heart and circulatory system, but they cannot use it, the reason why the elves do is because they have channels made only for the transport of mana, since They are born, they have them, that is my case too, and the mana always flows in all directions from the heart, but I can control where the mana goes, so I can do something similar to covering my hands with blue.

-Let's try it-

Using the mana that I have in my heart, I transport it through the channels starting from the heart to the shoulders to take them to the arms and then to cover the mana from my elbow to the fingers and let it escape.

A blue aura formed in my arms, when I let it out everywhere it became chaotic, making it look like fire.

I approached a tree and hit it.

My arm went through the tree

-It was a great advance for today- 

Satisfied with the progress I made, I headed to the forest to use it on some goblins.

I found a group of 10 goblins with small stone spears, I approached until I was behind them and activated the new technique, Blue 

I threw a punch at a goblin and his head exploded from the improvement the mana made.

The rest realized my presence and attacked with their spears, it was strange, I knew how to fight hand to hand, but I almost always used the infinite, but I no longer have it, I will have to train.

Using my palm I deflected the tip of a goblin's spear and gave it a blow that sent it flying. Using the goblin's spear, I realized that I could transport mana through it, but it was too difficult due to the materials.

So I put that thought aside and pierced the head of another goblin and turned around while hunched over to avoid another spear, I held the spear and threw it at another goblin and did a 180 degree turn to cut off the head of another goblin. a goblin behind me, then I threw another to the ground with a movement of my legs and I pierced his chest, I put strength in my grip and made the goblin's torso break, I jumped to the side and hit him in the face. the head of one and the spear broke so I rushed towards one and pierced his torso with one blow, I grabbed his spear and broke it in half, the tip, the key in one and the other part I used as a sledgehammer crushing the head of the last goblin.

-I think I have to train more-

I headed towards the exit of the forest and saw smoke coming out of the town. 

-Oh no-


I have a question for you, when I was translating this it told me that it had more than 22k letters, why now it tells me that it has 4300 letters?

Do you want more chapters?

MrXmerucreators' thoughts