
"Naruto, the God Slayer in DxD."

This is the story of how Naruto Uzumaki, after losing his world and failing as the Child of Prophecy, manages to travel to another world... The story of this Naruto is completely different from the canon Naruto story

facundo_pulitano · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

2- Usumaki Naruto

A figure was plummeting rapidly, this figure being Naruto. As he fell, some of his features began to fade his horns receded, the markings on his face shrank back to their normal size, and most notably, his eyes returned to their blue color. "Naruto, you're exhausted after your fight against Isshiki and creating that dimensional breach. For now, rest; we'll make sure you don't die," Kurama and Isobu said, channeling their chakra into Naruto.

Naruto plunged into the water, and as he descended, he was encased in a protective turtle shell. The shell continued sinking deeper, eventually landing in a deep ocean trench. As he lay there, his body instinctively began to absorb and release senjutsu, the natural energy around him.


A figure hovered in the air, gazing down at the ocean with keen interest. This being unfurled eight dark wings. "So, this is where all that energy is coming from," the figure mused aloud. Raising a hand, two more winged figures materialized behind him, each with four wings. "Roy, Rei, you will accompany me," the eight-winged figure commanded as he began to descend. "As you command, Lord Feliel," Roy and Rei responded in unison, following their leader into the depths below.

"May I ask, Lord Feliel, ¿why we would venture into a deep-sea trench?" Roy inquired as they continued descending. Feliel glanced at his two subordinates. "Approximately two weeks ago, a powerful surge of natural energy began emanating from this trench. Lord Azazel sent us to gather information. The war is at its peak, and if we can master Senjutsu, it would give us a significant advantage," Feliel explained. He then paused, observing the rich and unusual marine life that had formed in the area, clearly influenced by the potent energy.

"Isn't this unusual?" Rei asked, eyeing the environment of the trench, which was completely transformed, with fruits, algae, corals, and even trees thriving where they shouldn't. Feliel carefully observed the surroundings; the level of Senjutsu energy here was unlike anything he had encountered before. 'As I thought, this Senjutsu could be incredibly valuable for the Fallen Angels' faction,' Feliel mused to himself. While he pondered the situation, something hidden within the abundant marine life watched them intently, blending perfectly with its surroundings.

When Feliel took a step forward, a figure swiftly emerged from the marine vegetation, launching itself toward them. Roy, acting instinctively, placed himself in front of Feliel and conjured a spear of light, attempting to harm the creature. However, before the spear could make contact, the figure opened its gigantic mouth and, with a single bite, shattered the spear. The creature revealed its form: a colossal shark with a dark color, with multiple fins running along its back. Its two side fins, more like enormous blades, gleamed with a deadly sharpness. The shark's red eyes glimmered as it watched the fallen angels with a predatory gaze.

The gigantic shark began swimming in circles around the fallen angels, its movement creating a whirlpool in the water. The fallen angels, with tension palpable in the air, prepared for battle. Feliel gave a clear command: "Roy, Rei, you take care of the shark. I'll go find the source of this senjutsu." However, just as Feliel tried to move away, the shark lunged at him with astonishing speed.

Feliel dodged the attack gracefully, his movements fluid as if he were flying rather than swimming. Meanwhile, Roy and Rei quickly moved to flank the shark, attempting to trap it between them. But the shark, demonstrating unexpected agility for its size, evaded their attacks with a swift motion. With a menacing gesture, the shark opened its enormous mouth and, with devastating force, spat out a jet of pressurized water. The impact was so powerful that it not only deflected and shattered the spear of light that Roy had thrown at it, but also smashed several rocks around it, creating an explosion of debris in the water.

Feliel moved quickly, dodging the shark with impressive agility. The enormous marine predator was intercepted by Roy and Rei, who positioned themselves to block its advance, giving their leader the necessary time to continue with his mission. Feliel delved deeper into the trench, maneuvering around the giant corals that seemed to form an underwater labyrinth.

Finally, he reached his objective: a giant shell emanating senjutsu. "Everything about this screams there's some powerful shit inside," Feliel muttered, calmly assessing the situation. He raised his hand, prepared to investigate or unleash an attack, but before he could do anything, a giant claw lunged at him. Feliel reacted instantly, dodging the attack, but the force of the strike was enough to send him flying backward.

Using the momentum of his wings, Feliel regained balance in the water, floating before his new opponent. A giant crab slowly emerged from the trench, as large as a building. Its eight legs moved with immense strength, and atop its body, a massive cannon stood out, aiming directly at Feliel. Just above the cannon, the shell that Feliel had noticed earlier glowed with intense senjutsu energy.

Feliel sighed, recognizing the magnitude of the challenge he faced. "They told me this mission would be straightforward," he thought with resignation, as he materialized a war hammer made of light in his hands.

Feliel dodged another claw with precision, feeling the water slice around him from the speed of the attack. Without wasting time, he charged at the crab, which responded by activating the cannon on its front. A bubble projectile shot toward Feliel, who deftly maneuvered to evade it. The projectile continued its path, destroying everything behind Feliel, leaving a trail of devastation on the ocean floor.

Observing the crab, Feliel realized he needed to change the battle's setting. The water was limiting his movements and giving the crab an advantage. With that decision in mind, Feliel moved with even greater speed than before, his war hammer glowing intensely in his hands. Using the force of his charge, he struck the crab's forehead with all his power. The impact resonated through the water, sending the crab reeling backward.

The crab, now more enraged, quickly recovered and fixed its eyes on Feliel, marching toward him with determination. Each step of the gigantic crustacean caused a vibration in the surroundings, stirring up clouds of sediment from the seabed. Feliel, aware that he couldn't sustain this fight underwater, turned around and began rapidly ascending toward the surface. The crab, without hesitation, followed him, determined to continue the battle.

Feliel moved with superhuman dexterity, methodically attacking the giant crab's legs. Each strike with his war hammer was aimed at weakening the monster's structure, and although the crab launched devastating attacks in his direction, Feliel evaded them with ease. It was a deadly dance, with the fallen angel moving swiftly and the crab trying to crush him with its brute strength.

Finally, Feliel focused a powerful strike on the crab's forehead. The impact echoed with a deep crack, and as the sound faded, small fissures began to appear in the crab's shell. The creature, now desperate, went into a frenzy, launching attacks in all directions with blind force. Its cannon fired randomly, and its legs moved erratically, trying to hit anything within reach.

Feliel, seeing the opening, decided to seize the opportunity and attacked one of the crab's legs again. With a precise strike, he managed to bring the creature down, causing it to crash heavily onto the sand. With the crab on the ground, Feliel quickly moved in to deliver the final blow. But just as he was about to do so, the crab's cannon, which had seemed damaged until that moment, moved unexpectedly.

With a speed Feliel hadn't anticipated, the cannon turned and fired a bubble projectile directly at him. The impact was devastating. Feliel was thrown backward with tremendous force, feeling the energy of the cannon searing through his body. The pain was sharp, and as he was hurled through the air, he struggled to regain control.

Feliel breathed heavily, his body barely standing upright thanks to the light hammer he leaned on. Every movement sent waves of pain through him, and the severity of his injuries was evident. He looked at the crab, still lying on the sand but clearly weakened, its cannon pointing directly at him. Feliel knew he wouldn't be able to dodge the next attack; he was too injured to move in time.

Roy and Rei pushed Feliel out of the way just in time. The crab's cannon fired a torrent of energy bubbles, and the devastating attack passed very close to them, exploding in a blast that shook the sand and raised a curtain of dust and debris.

Feliel, though saved from the imminent attack, was paralyzed by pain and exhaustion. He looked on in horror as Roy, in the act of protecting Feliel, lost his left foot due to the intense explosion. The wound was severe, and blood flowed quickly from Roy's injured limb as he knelt on the sand, trying to maintain his balance.

Rei, also injured but with less visible damage, quickly approached Roy. "Roy, stay calm! Don't move!" Rei shouted as he tried to stabilize Roy's wound with a makeshift bandage made from his own torn clothing.

Feliel, with great effort, stood up and moved toward the crab. He used his light war hammer to strike the crab's shell once more, seizing the opportunity to attack with precision. The battle was taking a decisive turn, and Feliel knew he had to eliminate the threat before the cost became even greater.

Fueled by renewed strength from his frustration and desire for redemption, Feliel prepared for the final blow. The crab, still reeling from Feliel's impact, raised its cannon in a desperate attempt to counterattack. Feliel, challenging it with his gaze, charged forward with impressive speed. The energy of his hammer shone brightly as he closed in on his enemy.

With a shout of determination, Feliel concentrated all his strength into his fist and struck directly at the crab's forehead. The blow was so powerful that the crab was pushed backward by the force of the impact. The surface of its shell cracked under the strike, and a shockwave rippled through its body, causing the crab to roar in pain and frustration.

The final impact left the crab staggering, its legs moving erratically as it tried to regain its balance. The cracks in its shell deepened, and the cannon on its top began to emit sparks of unstable energy.

With one last effort, Feliel raised his light war hammer once more, ready to deliver the final blow and ensure the crab's defeat, hoping that this costly battle would finally come to an end.

Feliel, with his light war hammer in hand, was about to deliver the final blow to the giant crab. However, just as he was about to strike, a powerful energy emanated from the shell located on top of the crab. The shell shattered into pieces, releasing an explosion of energy that shook the area.

From among the debris and the released energy, a figure emerged with an imposing presence. It was Naruto Uzumaki. His pale yellow hair, tanned skin, and eyes with an orange hue around them were visible even amid the chaos.

Naruto grabbed the hammer that Feliel was using and broke it with ease. The impact left Feliel stunned, and the hammer disintegrated into pieces of light.

Without wasting any time, Naruto approached the crab, which was now shrinking and becoming smaller. With a simple gesture, Naruto placed the crab on his shoulder, as if it were a pet.

"You did well," Naruto said to the crab, which seemed to calm down and gradually reduce in size. Then, Naruto turned to the fallen angels with a calculating look. "Now, who might you be?"

Feliel watched Naruto warily, feeling the overwhelming presence of the new opponent. Although the fallen angel hadn't seen how Naruto moved or disarmed the crab, the speed and power of his adversary were evident. Aware that facing Naruto could be a formidable challenge, Feliel decided to be completely honest and transparent.

"I am Feliel, a high-ranking fallen angel," he began, his voice firm but respectful. "These are Roy and Rei, two of my subordinates."

Naruto observed these fallen angels. Initially, he thought the term referred to an organization, but after seeing Feliel's wings, he doubted this. Perhaps it was a type of race.

"Uzumaki Naruto," Naruto said. Feliel looked at him with curiosity. "That's my name, and I apologize."

When Feliel heard that, he wanted to react but was suddenly enveloped in sand. When he looked back, he saw that his two subordinates were also wrapped in sand. Naruto approached Roy, his eye pattern changing to the Rinnegan. Naruto placed his palm on Roy's head, and energy began to flow out of Roy's body. Once Naruto had finished drawing out the energy, he quickly absorbed it.

Roy's body fell to the ground as Naruto clutched his head in frustration. Receiving the information of an entire lifetime was not easy. Naruto turned and, with a leap, vanished from Feliel's view, who watched Roy's body with helplessness.


'So, three factions, pantheons, dragons, and other races. It looks like this world will be interesting, Kurama,' Naruto said with a smile as he gazed at the sky.


Sorry if there are any mistakes; this is my first story, please understand