

A Life full of lies lived by an ordinary girl, what will happen when she finds out that she's mated to an Alpha? Amanda, a tortured soul has the urge to find her cousin brother Daniel who disappeared out of the blue. She ran away from her evil family to find two things..one, which is her missing brother and two, the real reason behind her parents death. Meet Xander, The Alpha of the blood moon pack.. a regretful past that always haunts him and a dreadful present. All the packs around the world know him, not because of his status.. because he is known as mateless.. What happens when destiny decides to bring them together on one particular night?... [ COMPLETED ✅ ]

Sophie_Grayson · Fantasie
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26 Chs

Chapter 5

Hi guys! Sophie here, enjoy this chapter also don't forget to vote and comment and I will see you guys in another chapter Enjoy ✨❤️


Xander's Pov

Natalie left somewhere and when I asked her friends said that she went to her mother's place after my announcement, I slow danced with Amanda and chuckled at her flushed face.

I saw Ashton moving towards the door so I grabbed his arm and asked "Where are you going?" "Alpha I just want some fresh air.." he replied looking down in respect "Ashton call me Xander, you can go" I let go of his hand and he nodded leaving.

Something is definitely wrong.. I shaked my head and moved towards Amanda dancing with her again and making a conversation with her to get to know her better.

The ball came to an end and everyone left, I kissed Amanda on the cheek and left to my office. Ashton came into the office interrupting my reading session "Yes?" I averted my gaze from the book to him.

"I think I found my mate.." he looked on the floor, I smiled and told him to take a sit after shutting the door. "So who is it?" I asked leaning on my chair "N-Natalie.." he sighed tapping on my desk with his nails.

"WHAT?" My eyes widened "Are you telling the truth?" I asked in shock "Yeah" "You mean, THE Ashton Beta IS MATE'S with THE Natalie he hated?!" My jaw dropped.

"Our feeling are mutual we both hate each other" he closes his eyes "Does she know?" I asked and he shaked his head in reply "You should at least tell her" I said and his eyes shot open.

"You have gone mad! What do you think she'll say and that after what happened today?-" he stopped in the middle of his sentence, I looked at him straight in the eyes "What happened today?" I asked.

He kept silent I clenched my jaw and asked again "What happened today?!" "Natalie was attacked by Liam and his gangs" he confessed "And you didn't even bother to tell me?" I said in disbelief.

"Look Ashton, did something really happen?" He looked down again and I took that as a yes "What did he do?" "Liam raped her" I could hear the anger in his voice very clearly.

"Anything beside that?" "No, but what are you going to do about Liam and the others?" He replied and asked "I will of course punish them AND kick them out of the pack if Natalie wants.. besides it's she who was wronged.." I said.

"We'll deal with that tomorrow but first you have to tell Natalie that you guys are mates otherwise something really bad will happen" I said and dismissed Ashton from my office after giving him tips.

I finished reading my file and wrote down some things on it. Finishing that I left the office and stepped into my private bathroom that was in my room (of course) and took a cold shower then changed into proper sleeping clothes and slipped in the covers of my bed and drifted off to sleep.

Amanda's POV

After the ball I got really concerned about Natalie so I moved towards her room but met Catherine closing the door behind her,

"Catherine.. is Natalie okay?" I asked really quietly since everyone was asleep.

"Yes.. but also no.." she replied "Is everything okay?" I asked worriedly ''Let's not talk here.. someone might hear us so let's go to my room" she led the way.

After I sat on her bed she started "She was raped" I gasped, after a long silence I asked "Is she fine? I hope she is.." I let out a huge sigh "you should've stayed with her" I scolded getting up.

"She is fine, Where are you going?" "To check up on her" I moved towards the door but she grabbed my arm "Your the last person she would see at this moment.." she said, I turned around and confused I asked "Why?"

"Tell me why" I said in a serious tone when she didn't reply, her hand left my arm and she gulped I gave her a death stare "She loved Alpha Xander and she was broken after she heard your his mate" she finally confessed making me feel guilty.

I sat on the carpeted floor and tears filled in my eyes "I stole her love?" My voice broke "No! Amanda... you shouldn't say that.. she just had hopes to be with Alpha Xander.. it happens sometimes" she ran over to me and consoled me.

"I am the reason.. I have betrayed my first friend.. I'm the reason she ran outside and got raped.." I blamed myself, "No!" Catherine interfered shaking her head.

"You did nothing! You didn't say anything to her! Your absolutely innocent, you didn't betray her.. her holes did.. don't blame yourself Iris" she explained sooting my hair with her hand in a sisterly way.

Natalie's Pov

I got in the morning and held the wall for support, I groan because of my stupid ankle. I stopped remembering Xander's words yesterday in the ball 'This my dear pack members is my mate!' I clenched my hand in my fist and tears formed in my eyes.

"Why did this happen to me?" I hit the wall with my fist in anger and sob quietly, I slid on the floor and curled up into a ball and cried silently.

'you had high hopes.. but failed to get Xander' I remembered those words, I wipe my tears and stood up leaning against the wall and limped towards the fruit bowl on the dresser.

'Yes.. I failed to get him.. I have no purpose in life, what's the point of living then?.." I chuckled in my thoughts and pulled out the knife from the apple and looked at it closely.

I lift my wrist and tears rolled down my cheeks, I formed my hand in a fist and cut my wrist letting blood spill on the floor and I collapse on the floor.

The last thing I see is Ashton running towards me..

Ashton's POV

After the tips Xander gave I woke up confidently, I decided to tell Natalie after breakfast in her room so I moved towards her room after eating but before I knocked a heard a thud from inside.

I opened the door and saw Natalie lying on the floor with a pool of blood forming on her wrist, I rushed towards her and her eyes shut. "Natalie!!" I scoop her in my arms and spot a knife on her other hand.

I carried her bridal style and rushed out of the room running down the flight of stairs and drove to the pack hospital. The nurses rushed her inside the emergency room and I called Xander informing him.

'What did you do Nat?' I sigh sitting down on a chair outside the emergency room waiting for a doctor to arrive, Xander rushed in the waiting room and asked "How is she?" "No information yet" I reply and he places his hand on my shoulder.