
"Lucy", a soul that has no place in heaven or hell

Lucy, who died and was reborn as a man named Long Jiang, had 3 kids and had been betrayed by his wife after having wealth and fame. Thus, before losing consciousness, he made a wish to God to fulfill his promise to his kids, whom he had failed to save. And thus, he was reincarnated into a new body named Li Jing. A girl who is half-elf and half-human, and a girl who gave birth to triplets—with new life and a new world, Long Jiang, also known as Lucy, made the promise to herself that she would protect and save her kids more than anything.

Jesmer_Raposon · Fantasie
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43 Chs

Life Bringer

After 7777 years, Lucifer was able to meet his lovable Lord; however, something unexpected happened that he hadn't expected.

"How...! How is it she didn't remember me?!" frustrated and annoyed, Lucifer clenched his fist and bit his lips.

Lilith, who was with them, has also made a comment, and she is also devastated.

"Did the operations fail?"

"No! That's impossible! We did all right!" Beelzebub replied, serious and firm.

Lucifer also supports Beelzebub's statement.

"Beelzebub is right! We did everything right! This vessel wouldn't come to life if the project was a failure!"

The three, Lucifer, Lilith, and Beelzebub, look at Lucy, a small child, with innocent and dumb minds.

It's a child that has the whole body filled with brown fur, large brown eyes, large and firm hands, firm and rough skin, and a large nose.

The vessel that Beelzebub has made is more like an ape than a human that looks like Adam or even Eve.

"Just what went wrong?!" Lucifer slammed the wall near him, in anger!

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Just what went wrong!" Lucifer released a huge amount of his power and his rage inside the room!

The vessel who was somehow unaffected by Lucifer's power, Lucy, walked towards Lucifer and held his feet.

"ooohh ahhh ooh ahh! UuMmmhhh"

Sad yet whining, the tried vessel consoles Lucifer.

Lucifer flinched as soon as the vessel hugged him.

"..." He then concealed his power immediately and squatted down.

He gently put his hand on its neck, then on its cheeks, and then on its head as he caressed it.

The vessel held Lucifer's hand and felt the warmth of Lucifer.

"Beel... the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. How many do we have left?"

"In this case, we still have a dozen of them."

"What about the fruit from the Tree of Life?"

"We have tons of it."

"Then... I'd like to ask you a favor: can you give me everything about all the fruits we took from the Tree of Life and a fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil."

"I knew you would say that, so I came prepared here."

Beelzebub has only one earring without a pair. The earring shape of a sun, made of silver. Beelzebub tosses the earring to Lucifer for him to catch.

"This is...?" Lucifer asked in confusion.

"All the staffs you need are in there. Just put them on. And the rest will do its work. If you want to have one fruit of life, then it'll give you one. If you want 10, it'll give you ten. So it'll be to use."

"That's pretty convenient. Thanks, Beel."

Then Lucifer put the earring on his right ear.

Lucifer opens his hand and tries to use the earring's capabilities, as Beelzebub has said to him.

From that moment on, a fruit appeared on Lucifer's hand.

The fruit has no physical form but instead is full of light. It has the shape of a banana, but it doesn't have skin.

Lucifer handed it over to the vessel carefully.

The vessel looked at him, confused, as it tilted its head.

Lucifer has pointed at the fruit, then on to his open mouth.

Like he's telling the vessel to eat it.

The vessel saw Lucifer's sign language and ate the fruit.

As the vessel ate the fruit, once again the vessel titled its head while looking at him.

Then again, Lucifer opened his hand and took another fruit of life and handed it over to the vessel, and again, and again... Until he took two dozen of them.

The vessel looks unfazed and unchanged from all the fruit it ate.

Lucifer looked at it and began to wonder.

"She's unaffected by all the fruit... just like before. Should I give it the Fruit of Knowledge too?" he thought while calmly looking at the vessel.

And then

He took the fruit of knowledge out of his hand.

Different from the fruit of life, the fruit of knowledge of good and evil has a physical form; it has the shape of a mango, yet it has strands like a dragon fruit, and it has colors of white, black, red, and blue.

The vessel looked at the fruit, and it immediately frowned.

"!" Lucifer saw the reaction and immediately bewildered him.

"This is interesting. She hates it."

Like a snake, the vessel made a sound as it sneered. It backed off and hid itself behind Lilith.

Lilith was startled when the vessel suddenly hid behind her legs.

"Lu... does this vessel perhaps have the memory of Adam and Eve? We did take their remnants, after all."

"!" Lucifer jolted and smiled at Lilith.

"Maybe so...!" Lucifer still has doubts but is also convinced.

"Just think about it, Lu. If this vessel could retain its memories of the past, then perhaps it's possible for her to remember us as well!"

"Lilith... I don't think that was possible. If this thing can remember the past, which Adam and Eve did, the possibility of remembering us from the time Lady Soul was still with us is slim. I think this thing reacts by instinct, not by its memories."

"Instinct? Like what? An animal? Isn't that rude, saying that instinct to Lady Soul?"

"Oh, you're right. My deepest apologies. Anyway, this thing still has to eat this fruit. Help me, Lilith!"


Then Lilith scratched her head and looked at the vessel as her eyes gleamed.

The vessel shivered in fear, had a cold sweat, and backed off from Lilith and Lucifer as it saw both Lilith and Lucifer's gleaming eyes and the ominous fruit that Lucifer was holding in his hand.

And it tried to run!


Everything ends immediately as Lilith holds its wrist and stops it from running away.

"Where do you think you're going? You have to eat it!"

"Yeah, this won't hurt you; instead, you'll receive a blessing!"

Their ominous aura, creepy smile, and eager eyes have made the vessel shut its mouth and try to get out of Lilith's grip.

Lilith held the vessel with both hands up, put her legs around the vessel's legs, and sat down as she locked the vessel on her.

However, the vessel still flails its head while its mouth is shut. Trying to avoid eating the fruit, Lucifer had enough and held the vessel's mouth tightly, forcibly opening it wide!

"Stop whining! This is for your own good!"

Then Lucifer shoved the fruit inside the vessel's mouth and onward to its throat.

Unable to resist, the vessel gulped, eating the whole fruit all at once.

From that moment on, the vessel flinched immediately and had its whole body burn in heat as it released smoke from every part of its body.

It kneeled as its breathing became hard; it quivered as it felt cold; it teared up as it struggled to catch air.

Until its fur starts to shed and then its facial and body structure start to reform into a human being,

The vessel has a petite, childlike body, brown smooth skin, brown short hair, brown eyes, and a soft and refined childlike face.

Due to the sudden transition the vessel suffered, it lost consciousness as soon as the changes stopped.

Lucifer, Lilith, and Beelzebub, who had witnessed the strange phenomena in the vessel they built, became bewildered.

"This... This shouldn't be happening," Lucifer said.

"The vessel won't explode, would it?" Beelzebub spoke in concern.

However, Lilith, who was puzzled, realized something.

"Guys, can I ask something? Have any of our brothers and sisters eaten the fruit of knowledge of good and evil?"

"No, not really. That fruit was originally only for Father and the rest of his kin. No one's allowed to eat it besides them. Even me and Michael haven't taken a bite of it and never needed to," Lucifer said.

Then Beelzebub spoke, firm yet wary.

"Since we are all created and designed the way our creator wants, we don't likely need the fruit and never intended to eat it. And since we all almost know the truth behind the curtain, none of the children dare to try what the effect of the fruit is."

Then Lucifer continued.

"No... I've known that fruit for that long time. Father built that tree specifically only for Lady Soul. However, since Lady Soul is such a picky Lord, she never tried, not once, until the dawn of creation."

Then Lilith joins the conversation.

"This is just speculation. Maybe God knows that this will happen to Lady Soul once she eats."

And without hesitation, Lucifer looked at Lilith.

"No... Lady Soul, just don't like that fruit." The blunt and straightforward answer of Lucifer makes Lilith awkwardly ashamed about what she has said.

Then Lucifer continued... This time, he was calm and firm.

"Lilith, I don't know if Lady Darkness just designed you dumb, lustful, and pitiful... But I assure you that the fruit doesn't give anything besides giving you all the knowledge that our Creators have and had. It shouldn't change something into one thing. Besides, I've witnessed the event that happens on Adam and Eve in the Garden. Unless the fruit has the effect of reconstructing and granting the one who ate into to become a better one; this is the fruit that our Father has made, after all."

Beelzebub spoke.

"It could be... since Father works in mysterious ways. However, if this is really one of the effects of the fruit, then... I propose we should let this vessel stay on Earth and watch her."

Lucifer frowned at Beelzebub's proposal.

"What do you mean by that, Beel?"

"Lucifer... The vessel we built could become a better one, like our father has built. If this thing is able to learn, expand its knowledge and wisdom, and evolve, then soon or later, there could be a chance that this vessel would be able to remember the past, specifically about Lady's Soul's past!"

"..." Lucifer took a pause as he thought before speaking, concerned and having doubts.

"Alright, I'll take that option, but who will be her guardian? The surface is still undeveloped, and it is troublesome to let this vessel alone."

Lilith raised her hand.

"I will be! I can be her guardian."

Deep inside, Lilith was filled with excitement yet afraid as she quivered while looking into Lucifer's eyes, in which he was gazing upon her like a menacing evil being.

And so she continued to speak while avoiding Lucifer's eyes.

"Lucifer, you can't leave Hell right now. This realm is governed for you by God's order."

Lucifer flinched a bit at Lilith's statement, and thus he walked towards Lilith, put his hands on her shoulder, and spoke.

"Ok. But take two little sisters of yours with you." His voice is calm yet has a bit of sadness in it.

Lilith was taken by surprise by Lucifer's genteel attitude toward her.

Her eyes widen in disbelief that Lucifer, who's prideful and arrogant when it comes to Soul, has made a decision to let go and approve of her request.

As she heard his statement, she was stunned and unable to reply.

Thus, Lucifer let go of her and looked at Beelzebub.

"Beel, have Mammon build a house on the surface."


"Make sure it's a secluded place, peaceful, and rich in environment."

"Ok, I'll go and fetch Mammon right now." Beelzebub just nodded and disappeared in an instant.

leaving Lucifer, Lilith, and the vessel behind.

"Lilith, I am leaving Lady Soul to you. So please... promise. If something happens, make sure to contact me."

Lucifer's filled with sorrow and loneliness as his eyes swell a bit, as if he's enduring the pain and sorrow for himself by not letting his emotions take over him.

Lilith saw his expression and walked closer towards Lucifer without saying anything until she put her hands around Lucifer's face, pulled him closer, and kissed him on his lips.

In surprise, Lucifer's eyes widen.

Lilith immediately let go after she kissed Lucifer and mischievously smiled at him.

"Lucifer, don't worry, I'll take care of Lady Soul, even though I know she's my rival. So at least smile before we leave and live in the mortal world."

and she turned away from Lucifer.

However, as soon as she turned, her happy and mischievous expression immediately turned miserable and desolate, and her eyes teared up.

She bit her lips in frustration, gripped her fist tight, and quivered in anger.

Lucifer, who hadn't seen her face for a moment, tried to reach her by putting his hand on her shoulder and making her turn.

However, before he could even do that, he heard a drop of tears on the floor, making his intention hold up as he closed his hand, turned away from her, and spoke calmly.

"Beelzebub is taking a while now. I am going to get going and fetch him and Mammon together, along with two of your little sisters I am going to choose. So wait for us."

Then Lucifer left, too, leaving only the vessel and Lilith behind.

The vessel, who was unconscious for a few moments, sat up, looked at Lilith, and saw the sad atmosphere around her.

The vessel didn't hesitate and stood up, walked towards Lilith, held her left leg, and looked at her.

The first drop of the tears falls on the face vessel, and then 2nd, then 3rd and it continues until Lilith crouchs down and hugges the vessel back, who immediately lets go of Lilith's leg as soon as it notices that Lilith crouches down.

"Milady, I know you don't remember me, but at least forgive me for being selfish towards Lucifer."

Then the vessel poked her back a few times, making Lilith pull herself back and look at the vessel.

With her eyes full of tears, Lilith tried to wipe them out and then speak.

"What is it?"

The vessel then made a sign language by putting her two index fingers of her two hands on its lips and making a smiling face, as if telling Lilith to smile.

"!" In surprise, Lilith jolted.

"Y-y-y-you can understand me?" Lilith stuttered as she spoke.

The vessel replies simply by nodding its head.

And once again, from that moment on, Lilith was shocked!

Not only could the vessel understand her, but it also gained feelings.

Lilith was blanked out for a moment until she snapped back, wiped her tears away, and spoke collectedly and firmly.

"If you really can understand me, then can you speak normally?"

The vessel tilted its head in answer. as if it's telling Lilith, "If I could, I would."

With that tilted-head answer, Lilith immediately understood that the vessel couldn't speak right now.

"I see now... You can understand me, but you can't talk. This will make things easier than I expected. I guess I have to teach you how to speak once we resurface. And after that, I will teach you everything that you always do to me! And you know what, because of what you did, all my heartache has left me! Thanks to you, I am more excited for both of us to come out, right now!"

Then, moments later, while Lilith and the vessel continued to talk to each other, Lucifer came back, along with Mammon, Beelzebub, and two succubus.

The sadness and loneliness of the room have become warmth and beautiful as Lucifer and the rest have witnessed Lilith and the Vessel talking to each other.

Upon arriving, Lucifer immediately asks Lilith

"Looks like you're ok, right now?"

Lucifer gave her a smug face, and Lilith replied to him with the same expression.

"Of course! Who do you think I am?!"

Lucifer just wailed at her before he spoke calmly.

"Alright, then. Are you ready?"


"Ok, then. Have Classie and Mayners with you in this project. I am sure these two will surely help you."

Then Lucifer looked at the two succubus.

"Am I right?"

"Of course, Big Brother Lucifer! We'll support Eldest Sister Lilith; just leave it to us!" Says a succubus named Classie.

Unlike Classie, who responded like a child in excitement, the other lady responded as well, with a calm and collected attitude.

"Don't worry, Big Brother Lucifer... I am here with them. Even though eldest sister Lilith and Classie are both dumb, clumsy, airheads, and pitiful, I am here to support both of them. So leave it to me."

Classie, who finds it offensive, immediately reacted and responded.

"Hey! I am not dumb! I am smart!"

"That's exactly what a dumb person would say." said Lilith herself as she responded to Classie's immediate reply.

After saying that, Lilith shifted her attention to Lucifer and spoke firmly.

"Lucifer, we're ready! Take us to the mainland!"

"Of course! But before I send you all, there's one thing I should remind you, Lilith: Cain is still alive! I don't want you to make contact with that person. That kid is nothing but trouble. I am afraid if this vessel ever has contact with Cain, I am sure it'll corrupt her right away. So be sure, if you ever see Cain, just hide the vessel."

"Understood. But Lucifer, what name should I give this vessel? We can't just vessel all the time, right?"

"You're right..."

Then Lucifer thought for a moment before he spoke again.

"How about Lucy?"


"Yeah... Lucy."

"which means?"

"Life bringer."

Lucifer gave them a genteel smile before Lilith responded with such a delighted and genuine smile.

"Life bringer, that's a beautiful meaning for a name. If it's for her, i guess. It's perfect."

"Anyway, avoiding Cain is my only warning. So be careful out there."

And so Lucifer snaps his fingers, and then everyone except Beelzebub and himself disappears.

After everyone had disappeared, Lucifer cracked his neck and spoke to Beelzebub casually.

"Beel, what's the itinerary today?"

"Hmm... Well, according to the time schedule, we're supposed to do a lot: building a cafeteria, rooms, water, entertainment, and food resources."

"Gosh. That's a lot of work." Lucifer sighed and became dejected, as if all the energy inside him had left him instantly.

"Well, Lu. That's what father assigned you to. So chop-chop, let's get back to work. Hehehe."

"Haizz, I guess there's no other way. Let's go."

And so they, too, disappeared.

Meanwhile, outside, Mammon, Lilith, Lucy, and the two succubus

At the top of a flat mountain, they arrive.

Then a sudden, cold yet relaxing breeze of air struck them, making Lilith and the rest feel comfortable and ease off.

"It's great to be back on the surface! Compared to paradise, this world ain't half bad."

"What do you expect? This world was made for experimentation field for paradise, so you all should be wise; everything here is toxic. So expect failure experiments lurking around and deadly crops out there."

"Is that so? Well... Anyway, where were we?"

"Southern part of newly bloomed continent."

"I see. So my next question is, where will you build our home?"

"First, walk with me. The nearest river is about 1km away."

Mammon's replies are stiff and firm as he walks away from Lilith and the rest.

Lilith follows him silently while she holds the vessel in her arms, and her sisters follow her behind.


Moments later, they arrive.

Near the cliff, where the river, waterfall, and clouds meet, they stand.

In Silent, Mammon walks away from the rest, and as he reaches out his left hand from his left pocket, he opens his hand.

A mansion has appeared!

It's 4 stories tall and large enough to accommodate 50 people inside.

Mammon turns and looks at Lilith and says,

"Today, this will be your temporary home."