
Ch 22: Goblins and Magic lesson

---This Chapter is Written by Void-King---

Before departing, Rimuru and Yuna introduce themselves first.

"First off, my name is Rimuru Tempest. Nice to meet you all," said Rimuru.

"My name is Yuna."

"I'm Timor."

"I'm Marcus."

"My name is Cattleya."

"You both already know me but my name is Shia"

The four students that Rimuru and Yuna will be traveling and guarding with introduce themselves. The kid with long hair is named Timor, the kid with short spiky hair is named Marcus, and the girl with blond hair is named Cattleya.

Together with the three and Shia, who is Eleanora's daughter, they will be the group of students that Rimuru and Yuna will be in charge.

After those simple greetings, they headed to the carriage waiting for them outside.

Yuna and Rimuru were walking behind the group when Shia slowed down to walk next to them.

"Umm...Rimuru-san, Yuna-san, I'm sorry for their behavior last time," Shia said to the two.

"It's okay, Shia. I can't blame them since we look younger than our actual age," Yuna said to Shia.

"Well, even so, I'm sorry for their behavior. They just hate losing to someone who is younger than them."

"It's okay. What concerns me is your change of heart when they first met us."

"Well, my mother actually also ordered me to observe their behavior, so I acted like I'm on their side."

"I see. Well, I'm not sure what Eleanora-san is planning, but I hope it all went well."

"Yuna-san, you're starting to sound more mature."

"Hey, I always act mature...well, most of the time."


Rimuru, who was listening to the two's conversation, was trying to hold his laughter.

"You..." Yuna was looking towards Rimuru with a pleading look that you wouldn't expect Yuna to make.

"Sorry, it's just kinda funny."

"Which part of it was funny?"

"Well, the mature part, since Yuna had changed after we came back," Rimuru said to Yuna, who was still looking at him.


After some time, they arrived at their carriage and started traveling. Timor and Marcus were on the coachman seat, while Yuna, Shia, Cattleya, and Rimuru were on the back of the carriage.

Shia and Cattleya were playing with Ranga and the two bears, while Yuna was sleeping on Rimuru's shoulder.

They departed early noon, so they expected to arrive at their destination the next day.




The sound of their carriage rang in the peaceful forest until Rimuru felt a monster presence. Yuna, who was sleeping on Rimuru's shoulder, also woke up.

"You felt that, Yuna?"

"Yes, and there's are a lot of them ahead," Yuna said.

"Alright, everyone, there's a monster herd 3km away from us. I want you all to be prepared," Rimuru said.

Timor and Marcus were hesitant and asked Rimuru a question.

"Monsters? You can sense monsters?"

"That's not possible; you're just bluffing."

The two said, and this made Rimuru sigh and look at the two arrogant boys.

"Listen, you two. We are giving you a heads up. If this is a battlefield with only you kids, I'm sure you all will be ambushed by those monsters that are in front of us. So stop with your superiority complex and listen to my words," Rimuru said, and Yuna also decided to speak.

"Listen, would it hurt you both if you listen to our words? In the field where monsters lurk, every piece of information is important," Yuna said, shutting down the two boys.

"Now, here's our plan: Shia, Cattleya, Timor, and Marcus will fight those monsters. Be vigilant, help each other, and watch each other's backs," Rimuru said.

"Understood," Cattleya and Shia said in unison, while the two boys only nodded.

"Oh, by the way, if you guys are in trouble, we both will take action," Yuna said.

They continued to move forward, and once they arrived at the place where Rimuru said, a horde of monsters was there, leaping out of the tall bushes and attacking them.

Yuna was quick enough to protect the surprised kids with her multi-layer barrier.

"There really is Monsters" Marcus said in Suprise.

"What are you guys doing? Get yourselves together; it's just a rogue goblin," Yuna said to the group.

The kids pulled out their weapons. Timor pulled out his staff, and Cattleya, Shia, and Marcus pulled out their swords.

The group of goblins leaped towards the four to attack them. Cattleya and Marcus stopped the first wave of goblins by using magic, while Shia protected Timor while he was casting his magic.

Marcus, seeing that they had the upper advantage, became restless and decided to head off far away from their group.

"If it's just goblins, then this is an easy task," Marcus said as he cut down a goblin who was going to attack him.

"Marcus, look out!" Cattleya yelled and she threw her sword towards Marcus, hitting the goblin that was going to attack Marcus from behind.

"Are you alright?" Cattleya said as she ran towards Marcus without any weapons.

"No, don't come here... behind you."

Cattleya turned around and saw five goblins jumping towards her with their weapons held high in the air.

"CATTLEYA!" Marcus yelled and tried to head towards Cattleya, but he was too far.

Cattleya closed her eyes and braced herself to receive the attack from the five goblins when suddenly a transparent blue barrier wrapped around Cattleya and protected her from the incoming attack.

Marcus arrived at Cattleya's position and killed off the five monsters.

To finish off, Timor unleashed his magic spell, eliminating the remaining goblins.

After the fight, they all lined up in front of Rimuru.

"Marcus, what was that? You ran away from your teammates and also almost got yourself killed. To make it worse, you even put the life of one of your team members at risk."

"I know. I'm sorry. It won't happen again." Marcus said while Loking down to the ground.

"Timor, your magic was indeed impressive, but it took a long time to chant it, and by the time you finished, one of your team members got killed. I suggest you practice chantless magic," Rimuru said.

"Chantless magic? It's hard to do for students like us," Timor replied.

"Hard? There's nothing hard in doing it if you focus your mind on it. For example," Rimuru raised his hands, and a small purple flame appeared in his palm.

"Chanting is actually useless, you know. Our imagination powers our magic capability. Using chant is only a way for people to help develop and focus their minds on something that they want to achieve using their mana," Rimuru said, and the four were surprised.

"Anyway, enough with this. The sun is setting down; we need to find a place to set up camp," Rimuru said.

After a while, they found a plain field and decided to set up their camp


'Ahhh, I wish I could use my Bear house right now, but I need to rebuild it since all my stuff in my bear storage was lost when I got reincarnated to the Central World,' Yuna thought.

With that the Group Started to Setup their Camp for the night.
