
"Heavenly Physician in Huaxia: Mortal Mission"

In the ancient land of Huaxia, ordinary Zhang Zhili woke up one day to find himself inheriting the legacy of an immortal. Henceforth, he possessed astonishing medical skills, capable of reviving the dead and mending broken bones, causing even the highest officials to bow before him. Yet, he also wielded a lethal sword, capable of slicing through the void, compelling the mightiest warriors to submit. Accompanied by his beloved and surrounded by loyal companions, he embarked on a thrilling journey through the bustling city. This is the tale of an ordinary man turned immortal, entangled in earthly strife.

zhangbenshi · Urban
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61 Chs

"Waiting for the husband to become a dragon"

 For the hospital, that needs to wait for the test results to be determined. Moreover, Zhang Zhili is a mental patient. If a mental patient treats others, it would ruin their reputation.

Zhang Zhili narrowed his eyes: "So what? I'm going to report it! Reporting illegal medical practices!" Suo Yuan's face was stern.

Li Tianyang smirked: "You probably don't know, but practicing without a license can lead to three years of imprisonment, tsk tsk!"

He didn't expect that when he sent He Min to handle things, he actually encountered a relative of the Tang family's director. As for He Min's claim that Huang Wuye highly respected Zhang Zhili, he didn't believe a word of it, thinking it was just an excuse for a small-time thug to get things done. If it weren't for the relative of the Tang family's director, would Huang Wuye even know who Zhang Zhili is?

Even more unexpectedly, he originally came to seek Suo Yuan's help in administering eye drops to Tang Yanran, but Zhang Zhili unexpectedly showed up at the door himself! Treating others while being a mental patient! It's just too funny to say out loud!

Just as they were talking, Tang Yanran rushed in, and upon hearing the three-year sentence, her face turned extremely ugly.

"Suo Director, can this matter..." Before the word "leniency" could be said, Suo Yuan interrupted: "No! Tang Yanran, you also have responsibility. It's fine now, but if something happens, forget about keeping your job. Right now, you should just pray that nothing happens, and I can still give you a lighter punishment!"

Tang Yanran choked up, her pretty face turning red as she looked helplessly at Zhang Zhili. Why does this guy always think he's right?

Li Tianyang chuckled, his face full of "begging me" expression!

Suddenly, He Yang spoke up: "Director Suo, when Zhang Zhili was treating, I was there the whole time. There was nothing wrong with his treatment methods, and the effectiveness was very good!"

Suo Yuan gave He Yang a cold look: "He Yang, you've always been sensible. I hope you don't make mistakes at a time like this!"

He Yang's fair face turned purple and blue in turns: "I stand on the side of reason!"

Tang Yanran's pretty face flashed with surprise. He Yang was usually proud and arrogant, and few people could impress him in the field of medicine. Moreover, he had always been resentful of her marrying Zhang Zhili. Why would he speak up for Zhang Zhili now?

"No matter whether his methods are right or wrong, practicing without a license is still illegal!" Suo Yuan lightly brushed off.

Li Tianyang approached Tang Yanran: "You know my conditions. As long as you agree, I'll speak up for him. You know my words carry weight."

Before the words landed, Li Tianyang suddenly felt a blur in front of him, followed by a big foot heading straight for his chest, kicking him out.

Zhang Zhili snorted: "You scoundrel, if you get close to my wife again, I'll break your limbs!"

Cool! For some reason, He Yang suddenly looked at Zhang Zhili with approval. This guy is quite manly even after recovering from his mental illness!

Suo Yuan quickly stepped back a few steps from Zhang Zhili, then ran to help Li Tianyang up, shouting about calling the police.

"I'm telling you, practicing without a license, plus spreading rumors of cholera, I'll report you. You won't get away with it!" Suo Yuan looked angrily at Li Tianyang's sorry state, roaring: "This Li Big Shot is practically his god of wealth!"

Tang Yanran quickly pulled Zhang Zhili: "You think the situation isn't chaotic enough?"

At this moment, Shu Yanyan reappeared, followed by a dozen or so relatives of patients, including two burly men sandwiching a middle-aged fat woman.

Shu Yanyan pointed to the fat woman and said, "She's the director of a kindergarten!"

"They hired a foreign teacher at their hospital the day before yesterday. The black person came from a non-black place!"

The fat woman nodded: "That's right!"

Shu Yanyan continued, "So the source of infection is very likely to be him..."

Upon hearing this, Suo, the vice director, immediately changed his expression. Baseless speculation is different from this kind of evidence-based speculation. Could it really be Vibrio cholerae?

Everyone looked at Zhang Zhili in astonishment. How did this guy determine it was Vibrio cholerae? Could he really calculate it?

Shu Yanyan paused and continued, "These are family members of patients, and we all agree with Mr. Zhang's help just now. If needed, we're willing to testify that we asked him for help, not him practicing medicine illegally!"

In the midst of this chaotic hospital turmoil, Mr. Chen's professional certificates and assistant physician qualification became his lifesaving straw. After all, with Dr. He Yang present, he couldn't be considered practicing medicine illegally. Tang Yanran and the others were stunned by this sudden revelation. How could they have imagined that Chen Wanli actually had such qualifications?

Suo Yuan looked at Shu Yanyan in a daze, his heart in turmoil. "Are you, are you Miss Shu Yanyan?" This identity was not simple; she was someone he had seen at the charity event hosted by the City Health Commission, and this miss was not to be trifled with.

He Yang added, "The day when Dr. Song Qianjin misdiagnosed, it was Zhang Zhili who discovered it and even cured it! Mr. Song speaks highly of him!" Sweat broke out on Suo Yuan's forehead because he knew about Dr. Song Jiaojiao's misdiagnosis, and even the hospital director, Zhang Debiao, had been implicated.

These sudden revelations left Suo Yuan in a state of confusion. He just wanted to deal with the troublemaker, Li Tianyang. So he smiled and looked at Zhang Zhili, "Brother Zhang, this misunderstanding is all my fault, I truly didn't know!"

Zhang Zhili raised an eyebrow, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Then what about my wife's punishment?"

Suo Yuan quickly waved his hand. "No, no, how could that be possible!"

Li Tianyang's face flushed with anger. "But shouldn't the incident of assaulting someone be reported to the police?"

Suo Yuan disdainfully glared at him. "Assault? Where's the assault? Everyone saw that you just tripped and fell by yourself!"

Just then, the laboratory brought the report confirming Zhang Zhili's diagnosis - the patient indeed had contracted cholera.

"Brother Zhang, thanks to you, I thank you on behalf of all the patients." Suo Yuan pleaded with Zhang Zhili.

Tang Yanran also spoke up, "The priority is the patients!"

Suo Yuan immediately cast a grateful glance, then pulled Li Tianyang and walked away, shouting, "Emergency department, pay attention to disinfection and follow the treatment for cholera."

Shu Yanyan nodded and prepared to leave with the others. Meanwhile, Zhang Zhili recalled his uncle's mention of the Tianyang Collection Company, feeling uneasy. All of this made him feel that things were not so simple.

Miss Shu Yanyan, the new owner of Tian Yuan Ge, the largest auction house in Nanbin City, must be well acquainted with the antique collecting companies in Nanbin City. It would be convenient to talk to her and gain some insights. "Come to the tea house later!" Shu Yanyan nodded and left, while Zhang Zhili immersed himself in treating several critically ill children, while those with milder symptoms received standard hospital treatment. Tang Yanran finished treating her patients as well, and the two of them left the hospital, dragging their weary bodies home.

On the way back, Tang Yanran recalled the scene of Zhang Zhili performing acupuncture, still finding it hard to believe. "Did you practice acupuncture in college?" Zhang Zhili thought for a moment before replying, "No, Song Jiaojiao was the first patient I treated practically. Today would be the second time."

Tang Yanran remained silent for a moment before suggesting, "I think you might have a talent for medicine. Have you ever considered studying medicine?" Zhang Zhili smiled, "What medical school can offer the expertise of a divine doctor who transcends realms?"

"No, thanks," Tang Yanran replied firmly.

Zhang Zhili glanced at her and asked, "Does that count as waiting for a man to turn into a dragon?"

Blushing, Tang Yanran replied awkwardly, "I just hope you won't waste your talent."

After seeing Tang Yanran off, Zhang Zhili didn't go upstairs but instead said, "I'm going out for a while!"

"Are you going to see Shu Yanyan?" Tang Yanran's face flashed with a hint of displeasure.

"Yeah," Zhang Zhili nodded.

"If you're going, at least let me know!" Tang Yanran huffed and walked away.

Zhang Zhili drove towards the tea house, his mind in turmoil. Since returning from his uncle's house, thoughts of his parents had unsettled him. The official explanation for the family tragedy was a robbery gone wrong, resulting in the death sentence for the perpetrators, but now, Zhang Zhili couldn't shake the feeling that things were not so simple.

Three main sources of doubt plagued him: the exorbitant price paid by Tian Yuan Ge for his parents' seemingly worthless belongings, his uncle's sudden wealth after their deaths, and his father's past behaviors, which now seemed like preparations for an impending tragedy. Then there was the Tang family, a woman who abandoned her family but mysteriously intervened to help them in times of need, as if she had foreseen their misfortune. All these uncertainties left Zhang Zhili unable to find peace of mind. Perhaps he was overthinking, but when it came to his parents' death, he couldn't convince himself otherwise without further investigation.

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