
chapter.1 arrival

"In the timeless void preceding the birth of the universe, four enigmatic beings materialized. Each embodied a primordial essence, standing at the threshold of existence, ready to shape the cosmos yet to come.

Manifesting their essence, the beings assumed distinct forms. One became a god, the embodiment of celestial light, and the other took the form of a demon—an essence of boundless darkness. The third transformed into a dragon, adopting the fluidity of cosmic energy. The fourth being assumed the form of a girl with shining white hair and eyes that looks like the stars; her power remained a mystery, concealing its nature in the enigmatic dance of cosmic potential.

In the eons that followed, more gods were born, their power lesser compared to the original four.

As billions of years elapsed, a celestial event unfolded, and something mysterious fell from the sky.

In a quaint village, nestled amidst fields, a boy from a farm witnessed the unusual event. "Something fell from the sky!" he exclaimed. As the villagers gathered, they discovered a person among the wreckage. A girl with shining silver hair and deep blue gem-like eyes, stirred awake.

The girl, waking up not knowing anything, looked at the boy and simply said, "Where am I?"

The boy, taken aback, responded cautiously, "who-Who are you? Where did you come from?" The village now held its breath, curious about the arrival time of this enigmatic being.

The girl, still grappling with the fragments of her memories, looked at them with uncertainty and replied, ", me... I-I dont know" The village now faced the intriguing task of unraveling the mystery surrounding the girl and her celestial origins.