
Chapter One

In a world so serene lies something strange, something never seen before

The sun, so beautiful with its majestic aura on full display and its brilliance began to fade as the mysterious phenomenon spread, casting shadows that devoured all in their path. Cities once bustling with laughter and happiness are now covered in darkness and filled with sorrows and the miserable screams and cries of those being devoured by the enigmatic shadows

The lovely sun that shone so bright has now become deam as people cling to the last ray of light present in the face of the sun

The sun once smiling down at everyone begins to vanish out of existence, scientifically this is wrong but it's happening and it's striking every nerve of every scientist who has tried to find out but ends up dying in the process

What on earth could be the problem


"Ma is that a solar eclipse?" the little girl asked her mum

"What!!" the mum stated

"Look at the sun Mom," the little girl said

"That's not an eclipse love but it is weird," the mum said as she pulled her daughter away from there

The weird phenomenon has happened for quite some time and scientists have begun to look into it but have found nothing that is strange because the sun began to fade little by a little bit then fragments of the sun began to fall leaving everywhere in utter darkness, the only thing that projected light was the little fragment of the sun that remained in the sky but it shone dimly

The fragments all over the world were taken in to be experimented as they believed that it held a different race of species inside as it is impossible for the sun to fall from the sky and even if it ever happens, the earth should have been destroyed by now

Suddenly,as the fragments we're being experimented it began to crack at the same time at a specific pace unlishing several enigmatic shadows into the world

"What's going on"scientist one said

"We need to keep searching"scientist two said

Immediately after their conversation the fragment up shone a bit more but the earth became more dark giving space for the malevolent shadows to roam around freely without any obstruction

Screams were heard and splattering of blood echoes throught the walls as the scientists all over were devoured and the shadows were all set free to prey on humans

This was the beginning of the reign of the enigmatic shadows as they devoured mankind bit by bit taking their time to enjoy the satisfying bone chilling screams and cries of their preys before devouring them leaving behind no trace except from the blood splattered all over the place