Read ‘The Prince Relies on Me’ Online for Free, written by the author Webnovel Comics, This book is a Romance Comic, covering Manga, Manhwa, Cartoon, and the caricature synopsis is: In an event of transmigration, Su Ye became the evil female supporting character of a novel, who was infamous for her ex...
In an event of transmigration, Su Ye became the evil female supporting character of a novel, who was infamous for her extreme tyranny and her countless hired male companions. To stay alive, she would have to keep a great distance from the cruel yandere lord. However, the yandere lord’s hand interlocked with hers as he coughed, “Do you like me, my savior?” Su Ye was starting to feel nervous under his intense stare so she hastily nodded. “I do. I like you very much.” What could the unlucky female supporting character do after meeting this troublesome lord? Let him have his way, of course!