
What's the Use of Dignity?

Bryan's phoenix eyes darkened, and then he clinked glasses with Cecil.

"Then I wish your wish comes true."

"Thank you."

Cecil downed his drink with gusto, but when he looked at Bryan again, he noticed Bryan had only taken a small sip.

"Bryan, not giving face, huh?"

"Why give a face to a dog from someone else's house?"

Bryan placed his glass on the waiter's tray and turned away.

"Bryan, you…"


Van Moore intercepted Cecil.

"You started it. Let the past be past. Don't stir up trouble again."

"Damn it, I have to fight him today, beat him until he's convinced. Let's see if he dares to look down on me in the future!"

The more Van tried to stop him, the higher Cecil jumped, drawing the attention of many onlookers.

Not wanting to be surrounded, Eve spoke up, "Your tongue is not as sharp as your fists. Are your fists tougher than his?"

"What do you mean?" Cecil widened his eyes.

"Did you come here today just to get beaten up?"

"Who the hell are you talking to me like this?"

Ignoring him, Eve went to the dining area to get something to eat.

Cecil had dragged her out of the hospital early in the morning, and she hadn't even had breakfast.

Moreover, he didn't allow her to eat lunch to look good in the evening gown.

She was hungry now.

Cecil was left speechless by Eve's retort.

"Has she figured out whose woman she is?"

Calvin Moore suppressed a laugh. "I advise you not to mess with Eve."

"Why? Bryan doesn't want her anymore, so why can't I take over?"

"It's not because of Bryan, but because she’s not the kind of women you and your brain can handle."

After filling her stomach a bit, Eve saw Cecil busy with socializing and quietly made her way to a nearby corridor.

At events like these, attended by the upper echelons, everyone's eyes were scrutinizing, assessing your background and wealth.

If you lacked both, scrutiny turned into disdain.

She didn't like being watched, so she wanted to find a quiet place to stay for a while.

At the end of the corridor, there was a resting room.

As Eve approached the door, she heard a woman's voice inside.

"Third Master, let me help you take it off."

Bryan was the third young master at home, and in A City, the only person who could be called 'Third Master' was him.

The door was not even closed; these two days were indeed too rushed.

"Get lost!"

This voice...

Before Eve could react, a woman with red eyes rushed out. Seeing someone outside, she scolded, "What are you peeking at? Are you sick?"

Eve wanted to retort, but the woman had already run far away.

At the same time, Bryan's assistant, Leon James, hurriedly came over.

Seeing Eve, he hesitated for a moment, "Miss Jones."

Eve gestured for him to be quiet, but Leon's mouth was faster.

"Let her in!"

Leon knew he had spoken too quickly and scratched the back of his head apologetically, "Miss Jones, Third Master wants you to come in."

Eve hesitated for a moment but still entered.

The resting room was not large.

Bryan sat on the sofa, looking irritable.

His shirt was unbuttoned to the third button, revealing his chest muscles, both sexy and alluring.

"Third Master, I’ve got the needle and thread..."

But who would sew?

Leon hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at Eve.

Eve finally noticed that the third button of his shirt had fallen off.

"Usually, for such important occasions, I would prepare spare shirts..."

She wasn't here, so naturally, no one prepared them.

Leon's face turned slightly blue; indeed, it was his negligence.

"It's too late to get another set now."

This event was quite important; they couldn't allow anyone to take advantage.

"Sorry, Miss Jones."

Leon awkwardly handed the needle and thread to Eve, then, before she could refuse, he turned and hurried away.

Looking at the needle and thread in her hand, Eve naturally felt unwilling.

During these days, she had been in prison, caught in the rain, and almost died on the roadside—all thanks to Bryan.

Don't even talk about sewing clothes for him; she had the urge to stab him with the needle.

"What are you standing there for? Come over quickly." Bryan frowned.

Eve snorted, "Third Master, find someone else. I can't serve you."

Saying that, Eve turned to leave.

"Eve, when I give you face, you better take it!" Bryan said coldly.

Eve smiled, "What's the use of face? Am I showing it to you?"


Bryan gritted his teeth, "I have a video of Dave."

This sentence successfully made Eve stop in her tracks.

She hadn't seen her son for half a month and missed him too much.

Anything could make Eve not compromise, but Yvonne and Dave were her weak spots.

She took a deep breath, turned back, picked up the needle and thread from the table, and walked to Bryan's side.

"Take off your shirt."

"No need, hurry up and do it quickly."

Eve pursed her lips, "If the needle accidentally pricks you, don't blame me."

Bryan looked up, "Do you believe that if you poke me once, I'll poke you ten times in return?"

"I believe you can do it."

Bryan narrowed his eyes, "You better shut up!"

For the sake of Dave's video, Eve endured.

She bent down, a position that was quite tiring, but fortunately, she often sewed clothes for the children, and her needlework was skillful.

She quickly sewed the button.

Bryan seemed satisfied with Eve's craftsmanship, so he took out his phone and scrolled to the video Auntie Tess had just sent him.

In fact, he hadn't watched it himself yet.

After pressing play, Dave's chubby face appeared on the screen.

Eve's eyes immediately turned red.

She hadn't been separated from the children for so long.

Little Dave crawled on the bed for a while, came to the camera, and suddenly murmured, "Mommy..."