

If their happiness doesn't require my presence, then indeed, my existence is a mistake.

The next morning, Eve left with only a small bag.

The nanny, Auntie White, was preparing breakfast when she saw Eve coming down. She asked, "Miss Jones, are you going out?"

Eve nodded.

"Auntie, thank you for taking care of me during this time."

Auntie White sensed that something was wrong and asked, "Miss Jones, are you going on a long trip?"

"Yes, quite far."

"Not coming back?"

"Not coming back."

"What about Mr. Evans?"

Eve smiled. "He knows."

Last night, he escorted her back to the villa and gave her a card.

"Go wherever you want."

Bryan put the card down and left, but she didn't take it, leaving it there.

Upon careful thought, their relationship had always been clear, and she had never entered his heart.

It was she who had dreamt a foolish dream!

Watching Eve leave, Auntie White was worried and decided to call Bryan.