

Bai Pu, "..."

She didn't expect to wait so long and receive this kind of question.

The current feeling was like acting in a play, imagining all sorts of endings, only to be told that she had the wrong script?

Her expression became awkward in an instant.

Lily didn't notice and thought she didn't want to answer due to the abruptness. She quickly added, "It's okay, if you don't want to answer, just pretend I didn't ask."

She even distanced herself from Bai Pu.

If Bai Pu didn't explain, new rumors would probably spread. She clarified seriously, "There's nothing between Mr. Lu and me. We're just a regular boss and assistant."

"Ah?" Lily laughed awkwardly, "But even the supervisors are staying in double rooms."

Bai Pu didn't think there was anything significant to scrutinize about this. "It's because the three of us are all girls, so they happened to pair up."