

Bai Pu glanced at him.

What did he mean by "treat Bai Ye to a meal" with her? Did he ask for her opinion?

He really knew how to be the master.

She murmured to herself and realized that once she disliked someone, everything about them became unpleasant.

For example, in the past, when Jiang Lin said such things, she would only think that he was trying to please her family.

But now she could see that he was slick and deliberately implied that they were bound by shared interests, so even if Bai Ye didn't fully trust him, he would trust his own sister unconditionally.

Sure enough, Bai Ye nodded calmly and agreed, "Sure."

A smile formed at the corner of Jiang Lin's lips as he took out his phone. "I know there's a good Cantonese restaurant nearby. Brother Ye, I'll send you the address, let's meet at the restaurant."

"Alright, I'll head over first. You two hurry up," Bai Ye said, hooking his car keys and standing up. He raised an eyebrow at Bai Pu and then walked out first.