

Here it comes, here it comes.

Bai Pu had long anticipated this moment.

However, when it truly arrived, all the psychological preparations were rendered useless.

Nervousness instantly caused her palms to sweat.

Lu Zhaohe's gaze was too piercing as if everything was laid bare under such scrutiny. Including her secret visit to Chengchuan.

But Bai Pu's experience over the past few years still had its effect.

Even though her heart was pounding, she wouldn't be frightened by just a single gaze.

The more she shrank back, the more suspicious it would appear.

Her mind raced, but on her face, only a few seconds had passed.

Bai Pu met his gaze without flinching, biting her lip. It wasn't out of guilt, but rather a hint of embarrassment. "Um, well, this is a long story, actually."

"Then make it short," Lu Zhaohe's voice remained calm and unruffled.