
~Demon Guardian~

In a world where everyone is born with a demon companion whose sole purpose is to make their life a living hell, Ryu is an exception. He was born with a girl named Hanako, whose life is already a nightmare due to circumstances beyond her control. Ryu's fellow demons expected him to revel in making Hanako's life even worse, but he had a different plan. Instead of tormenting her, Ryu decided to help Hanako heal and grow. He understood that she had suffered enough and wanted to make a positive impact on her life. At first, Hanako was skeptical of Ryu's intentions, but as she got to know him better, she realized that he was genuinely trying to help her. As Ryu helped Hanako navigate her difficult life, he also found himself getting into trouble with the demon higher-ups. They couldn't understand why he would want to help a human, and his actions were seen as rebellious and dangerous. Ryu knew that he was risking his own existence by going against his nature, but he was determined to help Hanako no matter the cost. Together, Ryu and Hanako faced many challenges, both from the human world and the demon realm. But through it all, they formed a strong bond that transcended their respective natures. Ryu learned that being a demon didn't have to mean causing harm, and Hanako discovered that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope for a better future.

Emna_Najar · Urban
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


I sat at the foot of Hanako's bed, lost in thought, gazing at her for a bit. She was asleep, safely tucked in her sheets. I scanned my surroundings, from the beautiful view of the bedroom window to the bookshelf in the corner.

This is a nice feeling, sitting here in the dead of the night watching the moon from the window. But unfortunately, this feeling won't last, tonight is going to be busy for me. I promised to teach each member of her despicable family a lesson they'll never forget after all, and If there's one thing you should know about me, is that I always keep my promise.

I had to keep myself from getting too excited, I need to focus and stay on track for this. It's going to be an intricate, complex plan. Well, not really. I just have to be quiet and subtle with every move I make.

First, I had to know everything about them, their daily lives. I made sure Hanako was sound asleep before taking myself to the demon realm, where I usually go at night when she falls asleep.

It's full, jam-packed with demons at this time. Everyone usually comes here when their humans are asleep, the low-ranking demons. I walk around for a bit, I was looking for someone, Irina's demon. That wicked witch of a stepmother's demon must be around these areas.

I'm not really well acquainted with my human family or their demons, obviously. I've never really seen any demons in the human world, none of the demons on my level can show themselves to other demons. Except for him of course, he could do anything he wants.

After walking for a bit, I found them. Her stepmother's demon, along with her father's and her brother's. Jackpot.

Demons aren't as smart as humans, they do not possess the natural intelligence and wit of a human being, but I never imagined this group of demons to be this unintelligent and dumb.

They were more than willing to tell me every single detail about their human life, their schedule, friends, and so on. Which should have been confidential information as far as I'm concerned. My encounter with them was quite eventful, I got more than enough information to carry out my plan now.


Hanako was still asleep when I got back, it's not like her to sleep after 8 am. I let her be, she deserved some rest after this week's events. It was the weekend, the most boring time for demons since their humans usually have nothing to do. But not for me, I was a busy man. A man on a mission.

I found out through Irina's demon that she has a home hairdresser appointment at about this time. Of course, she does, she never leaves the house unless it's a party or an outing with her friends, I've learned that much from her dimwitted companion.

I did not waste any time, I ran towards her room, where she was getting her hair done by a couple of hair stylists. They looked nervous and slightly scared as they carefully brushed her hair. Now it was time for my intrusion.

I walked closer, paying close attention to every step I take to make sure I wasn't causing any unnecessary noises. I scanned the vanity Irina was sitting in front of, there it is! Her golden necklace sat delicately inside a jewelry box.

While the ladies were busy with whatever they were doing with Irina's hair, I used some of my powers to grab the necklace without them noticing. Everything is going in my favor so far, now I just have to dispose of it somewhere and I wanted to kill the part of me that said that I should give it to Hanako. That'll get her into more trouble than she already has to deal with.

I ultimately decided to throw it away in the demon world. I held it in the palm of my hand and it slowly vanished, before anyone could turn around and see it. I smiled to myself as I watched it disappear. Minutes felt like decades when I waited for her to realize the absence of her precious necklace, but after what seemed like years she finally noticed.

She yelled and screamed at everything and everyone for the next hour or so, desperately looking everywhere in the mansion, under every cushion and every table and every bed. I watched her in amusement.

Simple creatures like Irina only care about the smallest problems. And when you're as simple-minded and stupid as her, you definitely can't afford to be causing trouble with people, let alone me.

My next target was her son, a no-life loser that did nothing but plays video games all day. Which makes the fact that he has a girlfriend quite shocking. I have his demon to thank for that valuable information of course.

I walked inside his bedroom, he was of course on his computer while his girlfriend sat on his bed doing her nails. I cringed at this sight, I've never played video games before but I'm pretty sure they're not as entertaining as being with your loved ones. She'll die someday and he'll regret every hour of gaming he has ever done with her around. But that was the least of my worries.

I looked around the room and found his phone on his dresser. I grabbed it turning it on. I typed in his password, told to me by his demon obviously, and opened the gallery. What I did after that was pretty simple to understand, he should already have what I'm looking for here.

I scrolled down for a minute and found, pictures of girls. I put one as his lock screen and another as his home screen and left the scene unnoticed. I stood near the door outside for a minute and there it was, the harmonious sound of their arguing. Music to my ears. A minute or so later the girl stormed out of the room in tears and a few seconds later, he ran after her. My plan had worked once again.

Now for the hardest part, her father. Hanako better gets down on her knees to thank me after this. I have to break several strict rules in order to accomplish this plan, and I knew that from the start. If I was somehow caught doing this I'd be dead, so I had to be really vigilant for this one.

Her father didn't have work today, yet he sat in his office typing away on his computer. Perfect time to start. I locked every single exit from this room. He heard the doors lock and quickly ran to the door handle twisting it. Once he realized that he was locked in, he yelled out for his wife. No one can help him of course, everyone is busy with their problems.

He banged on the door but to no avail. I made sure from his demon that he was not coming to the human world anytime soon and so I had enough time to do this. I darkened the room, and the sky outside appeared black to him. He panicked and ran to the window to watch. He cursed under his breath and pulled out a cross necklace from his drawer to pray, too late for you my guy.

I slowly started to appear in front of his eyes, something I'd never thought I would have to do, and not in my demon form too. My horns grew bigger and my eyes brighter as he stared at me in complete shock, unable to move or speak. My wings almost took up the space in the entire room and my fangs sharpened. I let all the rage inside me take over and I let myself use the maximum amount of my powers for this.

When he finally got the courage to move, he let out a scream and banged on the door frantically. Yelling out to anyone that can hear him outside. His desk lamp flickered and his cross necklace broke into tiny pieces in his hands. He looked up at me, fear in his eyes "W-what do you want from me?" I almost laughed, Is this really the brave strong masculine father that he claimed to be?

My heart started beating faster from excitement. All these years, I've watched him inflict this same level of fear on his daughter every day. He saw her suffer and chose to keep her that way, he feeds her shit and barely provides for her and just thinking about this made my blood boil.

I levitated closer to him, and he screamed again and begged. I suppressed the urge inside me to pull out his head like a flower from the ground and disfigure him beyond recognition, I'd get into more trouble than I already am in if I did that.

"You little man child," I said gritting my teeth. I clenched my fists hard, trying to prevent myself from doing anything I would regret.

He froze and I continued "Do you realize how stupid you look right now?" I charged my hand with power and put it to his face to intimidate him "If you dare touch Hanako ever again" I paused for a moment to let my words be engraved in his mind "I won't hold myself from doing vile things to you, do you hear me?" I said, almost yelling at him. "No one would hear you scream Hiroshi, no one would hear a single sound from you." Before I could continue, he fainted, literally...

I transformed back to my usual self, feeling a little exhausted. I finally let out a good laugh I'd been holding for a few minutes, it felt good to finally show him a piece of my mind.

Hanako was awake by the time I got back, she was reading a book near a tree outside in the garden. She looked so peaceful and at ease. no pain or worries on her face. She noticed me staring at her from a distance and her lips curved into a smile. I wasn't going to tell her about what I did today, nor was I going to make her get down on her knees to thank me. I'm sure keeping this to myself is a better idea. I smiled back and teleported to her. I'm sure her family won't bother her anymore.