
~Demon Guardian~

In a world where everyone is born with a demon companion whose sole purpose is to make their life a living hell, Ryu is an exception. He was born with a girl named Hanako, whose life is already a nightmare due to circumstances beyond her control. Ryu's fellow demons expected him to revel in making Hanako's life even worse, but he had a different plan. Instead of tormenting her, Ryu decided to help Hanako heal and grow. He understood that she had suffered enough and wanted to make a positive impact on her life. At first, Hanako was skeptical of Ryu's intentions, but as she got to know him better, she realized that he was genuinely trying to help her. As Ryu helped Hanako navigate her difficult life, he also found himself getting into trouble with the demon higher-ups. They couldn't understand why he would want to help a human, and his actions were seen as rebellious and dangerous. Ryu knew that he was risking his own existence by going against his nature, but he was determined to help Hanako no matter the cost. Together, Ryu and Hanako faced many challenges, both from the human world and the demon realm. But through it all, they formed a strong bond that transcended their respective natures. Ryu learned that being a demon didn't have to mean causing harm, and Hanako discovered that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope for a better future.

Emna_Najar · Urban
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Questionable Companion

"So you're saying that you came here to capture and kill an ancient spirit?" I asked Tenshi, who's sitting across from me in the empty classroom, that we decided to convene here after lunch to talk about some details concerning Tenshi's mission in the human world. "Yes, my mother defeated this spirit a very long time ago, but she managed to regain her strength from consuming the fear of students who go here" I looked at Ryu who was standing next to me then looked back at Tenshi as he continued to explain the reason why he's here.

He explained that his job is to get rid of this vengeful spirit and rid the school of their evil presence. "Great! So you're leaving for good after you complete this task?" He questions and Tenshi nods quietly, "Splendid! Let's go look for it now!" Ryu smiled and started walking away, I scoff and grab his arm to pull him back. He scratches the back of his neck and looks at me and Tenshi with a nervous grin, "Or let's wait until we're ready..." I rolled my eyes as we continued our conversation. "This spirit is highly dangerous, if we don't plan ahead... we might risk putting innocent people in danger" Tenshi explained, worry filling his voice. "Well, a small sacrifice won't hurt anybody. So what if a human or 2 died? It's not your fault, you're only doing your job" I looked at him in bewilderment, expecting him to say that he's a joking, but the silence continued. "Are you out of your mind?" Tenshi asked, "I came here to protect humans, not to put them in further danger!" Ryu scoffed and looked the other way.

Minutes later, my friend Hina entered the classroom with a wide smile and a girl walked slowly behind her. We all looked at the girl, that we've never seen before today. She had short brown hair, dark green eyes that shined like emeralds, and beautiful tan skin. She smiled at us and bowed. "Hey, guys! I came to introduce you to my cousin, Miya. She was absent for a while, but now she's back!" She looked at me and Ryu and waved "Nice to meet you guys" Miya greeted. Tenshi looked at her with a puzzled look, but he smiled anyway and introduced us "My name's Tenshi, this is Hanako and... Ryu" he glared at him and Ryu smirked. "My name is Miya" She smiled at us. Her smile seemed normal at first glance, but the longer I looked at her, the way her eyes gleamed with joy, the way her lips curved unnaturally... It seemed too weird, she didn't look normal. I brushed off my concerns as she walked towards me, putting her hand out for me to shake. I shook her hand hesitantly, her smile widening more, sending shivers down my spine. "How about we all go out this weekend?" She spoke after giving each of us a firm and long handshake. "There's a karaoke bar nearby, we should all go!" She turned to face Hina, waiting for her answer. Hina smiled warmly in agreement, "Totally! It would be a great opportunity for us to get to know each other better!" Hina looked at us, Tenshi simply nodded and I did the same. "Well, if Hanako's going, I'm going" Ryu spoke all of a sudden, making me cringe. "Jesus..." Tenshi muttered, and I rolled my eyes again.

The weekend shortly came after a long, excruciating week. I dreaded this day for some reason, I hate going out, and I started to regret agreeing to today's plans. We meet at a karaoke bar near our school building. After making sure all of us were present, we sat in one of them many karaoke booths and Miya started picking songs for us to sing. "We should do duets! Let's sing together, Hina!" Miya says enthusiastically, and Hina nods in agreement as she rushes toward the big screen. We watched as they sing a fairly easy song, and we all clapped once they've finished. I looked at Tenshi, who was sitting on my right side, and he smiled, "Would you like to sing with me?" He said politely, and I couldn't help but accept his offer with a nod. Ryu looked at us with an envious stare as we sing together. Tenshi's voice was nothing like I've ever heard before, It was quite angelic and melodious. His singing was unnaturally ethereal, it made my heart feel somewhat light and peaceful, it was as if his voice could heal wounds and cleanse hearts. Ryu on the other hand was not entirely effected by Tenshi's singing, he looked irritated and bothered by something that I couldn't quite put a finger on. His facial expression was hard to read, and I decided not to ask him about it after our duet ended. The other 2 girls did not disappoint at showing true amazement at Tenshi's beautiful voice, he truly out shined us all.

Miya decided to sing next, she looked around the room, as if she was looking for something important. She walked towards Ryu, and he gave her a confused glance. She smiled with her unnaturally bizarre smile, and I could have sworn that there was a slight blush on her cheeks "Would you like to sing this next song with me?" she asked innocently, and I looked at him, expecting him to decline her offer. But to my surprise, Ryu reluctantly agreed. As they took the stage, excitement mixed with apprehension filled the air. However, once they started singing, the awkward notes and off-key melodies pierced through the atmosphere like sharp needles, leaving me and Tenshi wincing with discomfort. Each strained attempt to hit the right notes felt like an emotional jolt, tugging at our heartstrings. Despite my best efforts to mask my reaction, the inner turmoil persisted, leaving me anxiously counting the seconds until the song ends. It becomes a test of endurance, and by the end, I'm both relieved it's over and inwardly cringing at the memory. Miya smiled pathetically, expecting a positive reaction from us, but we all stared at her in absolute shock and guilt. "What? You guys didn't like it?" she questioned us as me, Tenshi and Hina shake our heads. She frowns and Ryu walks back to his seat, as if nothing had happened.

After that incident, we left the karaoke bar to go to a nearby café. Unfortunately, Hina had to leave us for an urgent matter and left Miya with our capable hands. We picked a table with 2 chairs on each side to fit the four of us. Before I could motion to Ryu to take a seat next to me, Miya took the seat and Ryu sat in front of her. The next series of actions she decides to take only infuriate me more than I already am with her. She ordered our drinks for us, and she only ordered 2, so we'd have to share with the person in front of us. The waitress arrived at our desk, placing 2 big glasses full of whatever Miya had ordered, and left. The glass had 2 straws poking out of it, and Miya took the first sip of the cup before her. Ryu glared at her with confusion and disgust, "I'm not drinking in the same cup as you!" He yelled bluntly. She looked up to give him a scary glare, her eyes looked blank and devoid of life as she pierced him with her gaze.

He gulped loudly and took a sip of the drink they shared with a fake, terrified smile. I looked at Tenshi, who looked amused by Ryu's reaction. I leaned my head forward and took a sip of our drink, Despite my feeling toward Miya, I had to agree that she was quite good at picking a good drink. The liquid inside matched Ryu's eyes, and the cream on top matched his hair color perfectly. Tenshi watched me drink as he also leaned forward, putting his soft lips against the straw. Our faces were close, I could almost feel our noses touching. Our gazes met as we immediately pulled away. His ocean-colored eyes stared into mine for a single second before looking away shyly. The air around the table felt quite tight, none of us spoke a single word as we took turns in drinking. Miya acted way too comfortable around us, we just met her, yet she's already making herself too comfortable. She wasn't posing a big threat now, but I felt like I had to keep an eye on her, just in case...