
~Billionaire's Hated Wife~

Seven_Author · Urban
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Chapter 2: Dissatisfaction Of A Billionaire

Ellen POV

Beside my girlfriend Rylee, I wake up and look at her sleeping figure while trailing my finger over her cheek. "Morning, baby," I whisper near her ear."Umm, morning," she says with her husky, alluring tone. The sound of her voice, which as usual seems preoccupied with attempting to entice me, causes me to scoff. With the lobe of her ear, I tinker around, enjoying the opportunity to tease her. "Uh, Ellen!" I'm all too accustomed to hearing my name come out of her mouth after hearing it countless times throughout the night. The former enjoyment of hearing my name repeated now just helps to make me suddenly detest it. My parents deliberately selected the name Ellen John for me, but it has never felt right to me. Despite being the 26-year-old scion of a rich family, having a number of residences, enormous wealth, an impressive car collection, and the company of my girlfriend, I severely want my father's attention and love. Even my mother, who has only occasionally interacted with my father since my birth, presents me with an austere and unyielding attitude, at least in my eyes."Oh, no! What is the significance of Mom's phone call?" To keep a fair distance from her doubt, I pick up the phone immediately. "Hey, Ellen! Where are you? You need to visit our new restaurant?" She roars. "I'm sorry, Mom, but I'm busy today, so can you please w—?" Due to my mother's interruption, I'm unable to finish my sentence. "You must leave as I order you to do." In a monotone voice and still furious, my mother says, "You will never refuse my order. To go or not to go?" Rylee comes out of the washroom at that moment and approaches me while removing the towel and revealing her body shamelessly in front of me. Her shamelessness is my enjoyment. Sitting on my lap, she takes the phone from my hand, making me astounded. She promptly hangs up the phone and tosses it on the bed. "Ellen, you are old enough now so you don't need to listen to your mother's worries. Enjoy your life the way want." She adds with no expression, eventually stomping her lips on mine. Despite her unwavering desire to satisfy me, I frequently wonder about her motives. Is she really motivated by love, or just playing games? Despite how much I admire her, I have doubts about the honesty of her opinions.Above all, I can't shake off the feeling that she doesn't truly make me happy in the depths of my heart, leaving me with a sense of incompleteness in my life. The concept of true love doesn't bother me after witnessing how my parents' relationship deteriorated despite their professed love for each other. "I love you, baby," I tell her, breaking the hug that doesn't make her happy when the prince charming of her life pulls away from her so early. "Baby, if I make my mom angry, I'll run out of money, so goodbye for today. See you later," saying that I start to get dressed. A bitter expression spreads across her face, which provides no reason for me to care about her. From the new detached house I secretly bought a few days ago for myself, I have come out instantly. Whatever I do here, mom never finds out about it, and that's a relief for me because all I need is independence in my life.I'm sorry, mom, for being an irresponsible son. It doesn't take long for me to release a deep sigh because I have no idea how much longer I will be forced to live in this manner. Because I lack freedom in my life, the word has a powerful magnetic pull on my heart. My mother still treats me like a child, even though a grown man like me can produce many children I mean why not, he he. While driving near my house, I find a girl standing in front of her bike. She seems to have come to deliver food. Oh no! When my car passes her, it makes her wet with the dingy, muddy water of the road because I forgot to decrease the speed of the car. The problem for me is that if I stop the car in front of the house and the girl creates a commotion, my mother will hear it, and I will be forced to deal with her unfavorable treatment of me given that she is already upset with me. It's better to drive directly to the restaurant. Considering to overcome all the clashes I'm driving away to the restaurant when the passenger-side mirror of my expensive Ferrari is cracked by a loud crash on the glass! Did she toss anything in the direction of my car? I pull to the side of the road and quickly get out to look for her. She will be held accountable for causing damage to my pricey Ferrari. I'm going to give you a nice lesson, damn chick. I become more furious when I see how much damage was done to my beloved Ferrari, clouding my judgment and making me want to exact revenge. Without considering my surroundings, I've driven my car in the opposite direction to find her. No matter what, I'm going to find you and make you pay for it.Yes, it's her! It makes me pleased to find her in front of my car. Now where will you flee, little bird? A sly grin conquered my face thinking how did she dare to compete with me, Ellen John. Now she will find the consequences of it. As I pulled my car in front of her bike to block the road, causing her to stop, she was filled with terror, unable to move or escape my wrath. As she takes off her helmet and her dark brown hair flows in the wind while approaching my car, I feel a sense of anticipation and curiosity, eager to catch a glimpse of her face and discover the mysteries that lie beneath her confident demeanor. I am instantly shocked and mesmerized by her lovely features when I finally get a sight of her face, and I am immediately impressed by her remarkable attractiveness. As I watch her from inside the car, drenched and with her clothes and bike soaked and dirty, I can sense her anger and frustration, knowing that I am the cause of her current predicament. As I struggle to hear what she is saying, I see her getting on her bike and starting to twirl around my car, bewildered and unsure of what she is trying to achieve until I realize that the glasses of my car are covered with muddy water, and to top it off, she shows me her middle finger, leaving me in disbelief and questioning how someone so cute could be so rude! As I get out of the car and witness the extent of the damage and dirt caused by her reckless behavior, I can barely tolerate it, but what pushes me over the edge is when she shows me her middle finger, insulting me in the process and leaving me seething with anger and disbelief. Seeing her celebrate her victory only fuels my determination to not accept this humiliation.Fueled by anger and frustration, I open a bottle of water and splash it on her face, feeling a sense of satisfaction as I watch the water drip down her face, temporarily quenching my thirst for revenge.This girl is so beautiful, but so annoying. She is dumbfounded and looks at me. Gosh, this stare is too much for my heart to handle. As I get lost in her oceanic eyes, feeling the depth of their beauty and mystery, I remind myself to stay focused and in control, determined to make her repay for the damage and insult she has caused.Why am I falling for her charm? When I ask her about the damage to my car, her attitude pisses me off. Her personality is annoying. I don't know from where she is producing the guts in front of me. Is she unaware of who I am? C'mon, who doesn't know about me? Still, she is trying to annoy me. When I ask her to pay fifty thousand dollars for my car, her eyes go wide open. I know a girl like her will never be able to pay the money, but her attitude is like she has done something great! There is no sign of guilt on her face. But she has no idea about me. When I say I'm sending her to jail, her face goes dry, which is great to see. Suddenly an idea comes to my mind. I know that girls of this age know nothing but money; all attitudes are destroyed in front of money. Of course, she is no exception. After seeing her agreeing to come to listen to my terms don't know why mixed feelings start to play with my mind. "One night stand and a perfect usage of my middle finger cause nobody in my whole life dared to show me middle finger but you did so!" Making my cheek divided into two parts hard slap falls on my cheek like a thunder falls on me. As the reality of being slapped in the middle of the road sinks in, I struggle to believe that it is not just a nightmare, but before I can even gather my thoughts and respond, the incessant calls from my mother begin to interrupt, further complicating the situation. Despite the burning desire to make her my prey for the rest of my life, I know that today I have to let go and move on, leaving the situation unresolved but determined to seek revenge in the future."You don't know with whom you have messed up." As I start the car and look at my prey through the passenger-side mirror, I feel a burning sensation within me, a yearning for revenge that is impossible to ignore, driven by the mere existence of her.