

I was born in a normal family with caring parents. When I was one and half years old I already talk fluently and by the time I was 3, I could solve Elementary school problem with ease. Even though I was a prodigy I never got to know any real friends since all of the students just get close to me for asking about the lesson and stuff. They never really interact with me on anything else. But one day, I met a girl she's called Eina, she's so beautiful and perfect in my eyes. So I took the initiative to get close to her and we become close friends.

A few months have passed by, Eina and me became really close, we're practically almost always together. A few years have passed now we're in Middle school and I finally got the courage to confessed to her. Then I confessed to her and she accepted. Making me really happy and I tell the news to my parents. Also, I found out that I could make things disappear and appear at my will when I was messing around like some light novel and stuff.

A few years had gone by, I and Eina are now married. I become one of the richest men on earth. After the wedding, I decided that I would tell her about my ability and the expression she makes after hearing it are priceless. She asked me a lot of question and I answered all of them since I trusted her. But one day, I suddenly got kidnapped and was sent to a secluded place my tracking device doesn't even work anymore.









I got tied up on a chair and was blindfolded. When the blindfold was released. My heart was broken to pieces when I saw something disturbing my wife was lying on the floor lifelessly. I asked the one who released my blindfold about what happened. He said that she was tortured to spill my secret and she refused to and we're gonna **** her but when she heard that she killed herself since she wasn't being tied up she grabbed a knife and slit her own throat.

When I hear that I got mad and using my abilities removing the rope and killing the man. The I escaped from the place and I got accused of killing and being an alien. So I was hunted down. My and my wife parents, relative, even friends all of them got tortured, captured, and killed just to know about me and my abilities. I spent almost everyday hunting down the people who did that and when I'm going to kill the last one and after that hide and live as a normal human again. I got caught in a trap and finally got captured.

I don't know how but they got a material which could restrain my abilities. So, I was brought to a secret lab where they do a lot of inhuman experiments. I was Tortured almost every time. Every living second is like hell to me. It hurts so much I wanted to die. Then explosions happen everywhere, I also got caught in it. Before my consciousness fade away I hoped that I would be stronger than anyone and everyone to protect my loved ones.

~In the god's realm~

There's a man working hard on regulating the rules in the world and now his shift is almost over. He's the god of life Phanes, one of the 4 overgod in God's realm. "Hmm, Finally my shift is almost over," he said while stretching his arm just when he wanted to go home he saw a blob of light and he never saw one like it before. So he decided to take the blob home by putting in a jar.

When he arrived home the blob started to transform into a human. He was surprised because the blob before doesn't have any soul before and now it contained a soul and a really strong one at that strongest that he ever felt. He then keeps on watching as the blob completed its transformation to a human.

The human(blob) looks confused and he sees a man in front of him, "Daddy?" Phanes is really surprised with the human and said to him with a smile on his face, "I'm not your daddy, I just found you and bring you home with me ?" The human suddenly holds his head and falling to the ground while screaming in Agony. After a few whiles, the human looked around and asked in a confused face "Where am I? no more importantly who am I ?"

Phanes then approached him while patting his head and talked to him about God's realm while in reality, he tried to read his memories. When he saw it he felt pity for the man and he started looking toward his soul and got blocked by an unknown force. He got repulsed and slammed down to the floor. He asked the man what does he knows about himself. He answered and Phanes understand that the one blocking him was an SIW a really rare weapon only one out of the impossibly many people could unlock it, more importantly, he has the unique rare one making him one out of hundred thousand SIW wielder to have it.

So Phanes decided to send him to the multiverse to explore the world he gives him details about the world tiers, equipment, skills, abilities, etc. He gave him the right to choose 1 unique ability every world he goes to with a max of 8 unique abilities. He gave him a status board to keep track of his progress. Phanes also sealed his memories because it will cause some problem. The man which now named as Hino (by Phanes) decided to spend a year in the god's realm with Phanes. They quickly become closer eventually their relationship becomes that of an Uncle & Nephew.

When it's almost the time for Hino to leave the god's realm. Phanes actually cry for the first time in who knows how long. He told Hino to quickly get stronger and ascend to the god realm. He also told him that to be able to protect the ones he loved he needed to become strong. Stronger than Phanes himself and reach the Apex of the whole multiverse to achieve it. Before leaving Phanes to give Hino a Contact and told him if he wanted to talk to me he could contact him through the system. When he arrived in the first world he would get the right to choose 2 unique abilities and the world after the first one is 1 unique ability And he could choose skills from his previous life to bring with him.

Hino try to ask him what's his previous life is like but His uncle always changes the topic or ignore it completely. After trying for about 2 weeks Hino gave up and stopped asking much to his uncle relief since he didn't want Hino to ask about it. Hino then says goodbye to his uncle and told him to not worry about it. Then Hino started to be engulfed in light and his body disappears from the god's realm.

New prologue guys.

Is it better than the old one? For me its yes since there's an actual back story.

RekiOScreators' thoughts