
Kind of a information dump

A month has passed since Yuna started living with us overall it was a really fun time. We got closer to her and she's happy to with us. Oh, and people had finally moved on from our death (The Star Twins) and thus making our name forgotten but still eternally engraved in the stone. I don't know why but I felt a really strong connection between me and Yuna. It's similar to my current SIW. I wonder if it's from my 1st life but just stopped thinking about it. (AN You know what I meant right ??) I'm also surprised when Yuna said her dad helped Kayaba make this game. Which she was kind of feeling guilty for but I just hugged her and she calmed down.

Yui also approved Yuna's presence in the house and kept pestering Yuna to sing for her. Yuna being an elder sister figure in this house reluctantly accepted every time. Seeing this I just laughed my ass off Yuna pouted seeing me laughing like that and decided not to talk to me for days. I finally apologize and know that I shouldn't laugh at her antics (Learned it the hard way). Well, it's almost Christmas now and my friend kirito just kept on grinding for Exp because he heard a rumor from Argo (The best information breaker that I know of not like I have that many friends T_T) that there would be an event boss which drop a revival item.

In hope of reviving his death girlfriend Sachi (Wife In-game). He basically has been grinding for days now and refused any intervention and even I got rejected. Asuna and other's also just let him do whatever he wanted to. Well, I'm going to support him and Yui also wanted to since she saw that he's the same as me a loner. It's not like I wanted to be loner okay? It's because people seemed to avoid me no matter what even if I wore a mask.

Exactly 25th December, right now I'm with Yui and Yuna eating dinner in the house. We're talking about some stuff until I received a call from Argo to go to the event boss floor. We finished our food and went there using a cloaked hood with our group logo on it. It was a logo of a dragon in the shape of infinity with 12 orbs surrounding it. Our group name is called Infinity. We're well known for players as a party of monsters. Since our team consists of player which can battle multiple players at the same level at once. Take me and Yui, for example, we can battle about 25 players each and 100 players when we're together even Yuna could battle 10 players at once. It mostly attributed to our stats and SIW of Yuna, yeah Yuna also has an SIW.

I now wonder why people that's really close or I deemed important to me has an SIW. Maybe a cheat given by uncle but its impossible since only a few out of all beings in the multiverse could have one. Even if there's something similar in the universe it couldn't be the same. Because SIW is the strongest type of weapon in the multiverse if being trained to its apex. Uncle is one of the examples with his SIW he could battle 3 gods at the same time. It just shows how absurd SIW is. Back to the story, we arrived at the site and sees kirito we greeted him and told him if he didn't want the item to give it to us. He said okay and we thanked him for it.

When the bosses wanted to spawn various guild started to appear and thus a contest for the revival item begins. Kirito rushes to the boss and our group with the help Fuurinkazan (Klein's guild) we blocked of the other guild. After a few whiles, Kirito went out with a solemn face and give the item to us. Yui wanted to ask him what happen but I stopped her and show her the description of the item. She just nodded and stay calm. Thus we went home. Tomorrow night we'll celebrate Christmas even though it's one day late but we're tired today.

~The next day~

I decided to go to a craftsman to craft me three necklace one for me, Yui and Yuna. I then got him to craft a beautiful necklace made out of white gold with engraving on it and it has an amulet consisting of pictures of us together. When I got back I was surprised seeing the decoration they did in the house. It was amazing, I knocked on the door.

"I'm home," I said.

"Ah, Nii-chan welcome home." Yui opened the door. She was wearing an apron. "That apron looks good on you Yui." I give her a kiss on the cheek, she blushes and turned away.

"Where's Yuna?" I asked while looking for her. "She's in the dining room setting the table," Yui said pulling me inside the house.

We walked in. Yui entered the kitchen again and I went to the living room seeing Yuna setting the table. I walked towards her and hugged her from the back. She got startled and then she calmed down.

"Mou, don't hug me suddenly like that," Yuna said with a pout on her face. I laughed then pulled her cheeks "Who told you to be so cute and pretty." She blushes and just stayed there silently. The atmosphere suddenly becomes subtle and full of love. I turned her around and our eyes met. We got closer and we almost kissed but Yui suddenly entered and she runs toward me and hugged me.

Yui sees me with eyes like a puppy being abandoned by its owner. I just patted her head and told her that it was okay I wouldn't leave her even when I got a wife. She then released the hug and pull Yuna towards the kitchen. Seeing this I don't know what I should do so I just continue what Yuna has started.

~Yui Pov~

I pulled Yuna to the kitchen and I glared at her.

"What do you think you're doing towards my Nii-chan?" I asked while tapping my foot with my arm crossed. "Umm... It's. it's" Yuna said while looking down and holding her own hands fidgeting her body.

I sighed "Well, it's okay if you wanted to be with Nii-chan but at least wait till tonight." She tilted her head not understanding the meaning. I shook my head and thought 'What a pure girl. I wonder how she fell in love with Nii-chan.'

I then got closer to her ear and whispered her my plan for tonight. Hearing what I said she blushes and said "Wha..wha... No way it's so embarrassing and to do that with Hino." Yuna thought about her and Hino being together and got more embarrassed.

Seeing her I just said, "Its okay look at me I love my Nii-chan not as a sister but as a woman and there's no stopping love." Hearing that Yuna gained confidence and tonight she would definitely get together with Hino.

~In the dining room~

Hino sneezes and said "That's weird I thought you couldn't get sick in this game." then he felt shiver all over his body. He felt like something mayor gonna happen. "I hope it doesn't involve me."

Title: 'Kirito's regret' 'Yuna and Yui talk'

Quick question

My default POV is Hino's do you want to change the default to be a 3rd person or just Hino pov and switching sometime?

Next chapter finally first NSFW content yay ??

sorry for the late release by the way just got home today from out of town.

RekiOScreators' thoughts