
Chapter 236: Nanites

Zanr held Rose against his chest and laid her down on the bench in Viglar's shuttle. He turned to Viglar, battling the need to pick a fight, to destroy something; he needed a battle to be himself again. How could he be a person without Rose?

"I will liaise with the ship and our scientists on home world about the shutdown codes." His lip curled. "It is hard to believe that these humans, even in their Golden Age, could create codes we cannot break."

"I hope you are right."

"In the meantime, you complete your mission," Viglar said.

"I do not care about the mission now." Zacar could discipline him as much as he wanted. His priority was Rose. If he only had a month left, he'd spend every moment with her. The horror of that thought choked him.

Viglar fiddled with his equipment. "I did not agree with this modern idea of sending a breeder on a mission."

Zanr snorted. "I extended my claws to Zacar when he told me to use my breeder like this."