
Chapter 223: You Will Be Safe

Two hours later he pulled off the road. "We will sleep here and drive the rest of the way to New York tomorrow."

Rose tried to look unconcerned, but her heart beat overtime. What if he tried to force himself on her? One thing she had to say for Zanr, he might like to mess with her hair, but he was a gentleman, even when he slept in the same bed with her. Fifty babies, he wanted you to have fifty babies, she reminded herself.

She'd prefer to push on, but he was doing her a favor. New York was only about five hours away, but they'd had a late start going back for the weapons. Rose pretended to adjust the leg of her jeans and felt the reassuring bulge of the laser pistol she'd strapped to her ankle before Zanr had come upon her. If she had to defend herself, it would have to be with the laser. She didn't stand a chance against someone of the trucker's size.