
Chapter 173: Larz Not Running down the Mountain

The warriors reached the top and, without resting, turned around, and ran down the mountain. Only they didn't crawl. They ran down the mountain. As if they went down a gentle hill instead a mountain.

Natalie suddenly stiffened. "Is that Zorlof running down the mountain? And why is Larz standing at the bottom?"

When the warriors reached the bottom, Larz handed them silver cylinders, which they tipped up, greedily swallowing whatever came out of it.

Maeve knew why Larz stood at the bottom and handed out water. The knowledge stirred at the edge of her conscience, knowledge she didn't want.

Natalie shook her head and walked away. "I can't watch this. When they were still little, months, months after they were born, I showed them an action move. Afterward, I found them doing backflips on the couch. Larz landed on his head." Still muttering, she walked away and Julia followed her with a quick look at Maeve.