
Zuri's Future love he is to fast for her?

When Berry Allen goes to far and gets suck back in time and meets a princess

NancyRow · Anime & Comics
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Chapter Four

Berry takes her to his room, and he changes the shirt she had on, bearly covering her chest. "let's go shopping," he says and takes her. She ran to a hot dog stand, got one, sniffed it, and ate. Berry paid for it and took her to the mall. He first took her to get sized for a bra and panties. She walks out in a black bra and panties, finds a shirt, smiles, puts it on, and a skirt, and Berry got it. She smiled. Just a bit of her tummy was out. She was running around looking at everything. He picked her up a phone and some more clothes she picked out. They head back to his place. She walks in and smiles, looking around happily.

Berry was putting her stuff away. "Zuri comes here," he said. Zuri walked over. "What's wrong," she said. "This is a cell phone, okay? If I am not here, you can call me on this or send me messages, okay? Even listen to music and watch tv," he showed her. She nods, puts it on the table, hugs him, cuddles up, and falls asleep. There was a knock. "Fucking really," he said. He was about to squeeze her chest. He slowly got up and opened the door seeing Bruce. "What," he said. "Berry, she is dangerous," he said. Berry looks. "She is only Dangerous if you toss her away and say she has to leave," he said. Bruce sighed. "You can't love her, Berry. You're the biggest playboy around," he said. Berry looks at her "That all changed when I saw her and kissed her foot," he said. "The moment I looked at her, I knew I wanted my life to be with her," he said. Bruce sighed and left. Zuri sat up and yawned. "Berry, is there food" she mumbled. He smiles and puts a pizza down. She opens the box and eats; she smiles happily. "Thank you," she said. She removes his shirt, kisses his chest and stomach, and undoes his pants. "Zuri, you don't have to," he said. Zuri smiles, looking up at him. "I know I want to," she said. Berry locks the door. She is kissing his hips and sides. He swallows and moans feeling her mouth; her arms where around his waist as she takes him all in her mouth. He moans and leans against the wall and puts his hand on her head. She was enjoying him in her mouth. He swallowed and moaned loudly and came, and her eyes flashed. He picked her up and laid her down, kissing her neck. He licks up her neck. "I have waited for this since I fucking saw you," he said, kissing her neck and slowly pushing in. She swallowed. "Fuck" he moans, feeling her. She swallows the pain. He looks at her. "You want me to stop," he asks. She shook her head. He nodded and pushed in. He slowly moved and lifted her leg so it was around his waist. She moans loudly and happily. He smiled and kissed her neck. She swallowed and moaned his name loudly. Berry loved it. He was moving, and he slowly picked up speed. She digs her nails into his back and moans, feeling it. He swallows the pain he slams her against the wall, moving. She gasps and groans, feeling it. He had his face in her neck. "I am so close fuck" he moaned. She kisses him roughly. She moans loudly, feeling him finish she was breathing. He sat down and was breathing. She looks at him. "Berry," she said. Seeing his back, she bits her hand and heals it. "Baby, it's fine," he said. She shook her head. "No, my nails are coated in poison," she said and was healing the cuts.

He smiles, enjoying feeling her hands on his back. "All better," she said. "thank you baby," he said. He lays back and sighs. "I have work in the morning. Will you be okay alone," he asks. She nodded. "Yeah, I will be fine," she said. "I have video games and tv, and I put the league's number also in your phone," he said. She crossed her arms. "I will not speak to them until they say sorry," she said. Berry laughs. "Okay, love," he says.