
Epilogue 2

"You're back" my aunt Bobina says as if she was expecting me to be home. "why aren't you out being rebellious?" OKAY THAT'S IT!!!! I'M LOSING IT BUT NOT . INFRONT . OF . HER!!!!!!!.... inner me shrieks. "I don't what to get in trouble, so here I'm and I'm going to the meet" "okay" WHAT????she let's me go to this stupid thing thing but REFUSES to let me spend three hours out? I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. I WILL NOT. TOLERATE THIS!!!

"So unbelievable" is all I tell her instead and she knew what I meant.

I can't help it, but down I've been holding back my feelings and interests and all that, all this is gonna have to change good or bad; I don't care for the outcomes I'll deal with them after knowing I have changed everything starting from the humpy not so humpy shoulders and neck; to the bat winged arms to the flat but big butt, and the dark neck; all of this is way too visible, at least for me and I have fix it before it's visible to others too.

"(Lord help me I know I can to this on my own, but with you and the cool amazing powers you have; both of us can me it work, so please help me help myself)"

"All the things I said I would do, I will do; so hold me accountable and shame me for letting me down and stop for the rest of your life"

"okay, sign me up" she says in excitment (I kind of don't want this but it the only way plus my aunt enjoys it and she will) I thought to my self.