
Zosia: Quick Transmigration System

༒Participating in WSA 2024, Please Vote for me.༒ ============= Zosia Meave Brendan, the world most sought after assassin. After leaving the guild by completing the task that almost cost her, her life, was finally free. To her, the best way to enjoy her freedom is by going on tour, enjoy her life to the fullest. But who knew that her first step to enjoy her freedom, was her first step towards meeting Death. Awakening to find herself in a strange space with a strange System, what would be her next step. Join me to find out.

XNight_Glow · Fantasy
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83 Chs

Chapter 18- Arc 1

Chapter 18- Arc 1

Zosia stared out of the window her thoughts going back to three months ago.

She had just graduated as at then. Due to how brilliant she was, she was accepted as an intern in one of the largest firms in the country.

Today, she is following her master to go and settle a case.

The case is a murder case.

According to what her master told her, his friends daughter had been killed by a drunk driver. Apparently, the said individual had no remorse and believes that her money would help her buy her way out.

She had not gone through the case file yet as her teacher has yet to give her the file.

Her thoughts were brought back to the present by a knock on her head

" We are here. Let's go." Kamil knocked on Zosia head as he said, " You are always spacing out. I know geniuses have their own quirks, I just hope this doesn't put you in trouble."

"How could I get in trouble. I'm not a trouble maker" Zosia answered as she came out of the car while arranging her hair.

"Alright, let's go." Kamil strode forward with Zosia following behind him.

Entering the elevator, Zosia clicked on the floor they would be heading to, which was the 4th floor.

The elevator that was closing, slowly reopened following the entrance of two men dressed in well tailored suit.


Zosia looked at the person that just came in and was pointing at her, did she know him from anywhere.

She slowly recalled and remembered he was the one who had paid for her fare when she was going to the train station.

"Oh, hey. Thanks for that day." Zosia light and airy voice entered Dominic ears causing his lips to twitch.

Kamil looked at the scene and abstained from saying anything about it.

'Sigh! Did he think my thanks to him that day was not enough, that is why he pointed at me.

Well, why should I think about the thoughts of whom I know nothing about.

I just hope this case would not be boring' she thought inwardly while closing her eyes to cultivate.

As she cultivated, she listened to the discussion going on between her teacher and him.

Well, she really didn't understand what they were talking about about especially since she could neither grasp the head or tail of what they were saying.

'I better cultivate. I have already reached a bottle neck and need to keep accumulating Qi.' she thought.

She filtered out their voice, slowly immersing herself in the cultivation which was abruptly cut short.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the said floor.

The two young men led the way while her teacher walked side by side with the man who had paid her transport fare.

Seeing the situation, she walked beside the other guy who seems to be the assistant, if her guess was right.


The door they arrived at, opened after a knock.

Zosia did not understand why the people kept on following them and even entered the house with them.

Zosia ran her eyes around the room. She caught sight of a weeping woman surrounded by some people of her age as well.

Her teacher and the other man had sat down on the only available chair as others had been occupied by the women following the deceased mother to cry.

She decided to stand behind her teacher and the assistant also did same.

Knock! Knock!! Knock!!!

Everyone turned to look at the door, even the crying mother was now sniveling.

Zosia stared at the door but didn't attempt to go and open it, this was neither her house and she does not also know the owner.

The husband that they had greeted stood up to open the door.

The door was opened wider to accommodate the entrance of the people coming in.

"They are?" Kamil asked.

This was a sensitive period, so this kind of influx of people could very well make the conversation he was about to have with the family be postponed to a later date.

"They are my daughter's classmate."

Kamil did not say anything more but handed over the file that has been in his hand to Diana.

Zosia opened the file that had been handed over to her, over looking the piercing eyes she felt on her.

"How could you let her in? After everything she had done." A lady shouted in a shrill like voice dropping the gift she had come in with on the floor.

"Who are you, miss?" Zosia asked with a frown as she watched the young lady match towards her.

"You, how dare you. You dare to ask me who am I? How dare you?! After killing my best friend." Pointing at her was no longer enough for her, she swung her arm intending to slap Zosia.

Zosia was stunned by the audacity of the young lady, but she had to first deflect the incoming slap.

Kamil was incensed by the young lady attitude and the attitude of the family, as they had done nothing but kept quiet, allowing the girl to continue her charade.

"You dare to slap my student in front of me. The audacity of you." Kamil voice became colder, his presence commanding dignity.

"Young Miss, please calm down." Her friends quickly dragged her back.

"Aunt, Uncle. Why did you let this whore in, she is the Trisha. Did you forget how she insulted and belittled you."

Zosia frowned the moment she heard the name she had long tucked to the recess of her memory.

"How could my disciple be that incorrigible fellow. For your information, my disciple name is Diana, you can't even recognize the face of the culprit you intend to accuse." Kamil said while Zosia packed up the files.

She knew her teacher was angry on her behalf and his attitude showed he was willing to walk out of here any moment from now.

"She is sorry sir, she was just angry on behalf of my daughter. They have been friends for years now. I'm sure she did not mean it." The victim's father spoke.

The wife sniveled and turned to Zosia.

"I don't blame her, after all, both of them do look alike. The biggest difference found between both of them is in their body shape."

The woman's words caused everyone to run their eyes openly on her especially on her assets causing Zosia to frown further.

During this period, she had also been working on her patience. If it were before, she was sure she would have already reacted, and trust me, it wouldn't have been anything good.