
Zoro in Naruto World

What would happen if our favorite one piece character zoro got transmigrated into the naruto world... Read the novel to know more. Warning: I don't own any one piece or naruto characters they own to their respective owners. Peace

zoro_writer · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs


"Sandai Kitetsu" Zoro said.

"Huh?" Shop owner said confusingly.

"The name of the sword, have you named it something?" Zoro inquired.

"No I made this one just two days ago and didn't got the time to name it" He replied.

"YOU MADE THIS??!!!" Zoro shouted.

"Yeah all these swords which you see are made by me" Shop owner proudly said.

"Well can I name it?" Zoro asked.

"You seem to have a good eye and interest in swords I like people like you so I allow you to name it" he replied.

"Sandai Kitetsu" Zoro said while raising the sword up.

"Hmm... that's a nice name" he replied.

Zoro put the sword back into the scabbard and placed it down carefully.

"Now for the next two" he said and started searching for the next swords.

His eye fell on a particular sword whose scabbard was all black with just a golden stop at the tip. He took the sword which really shocked the shop owner to the core as he never expected that sword to be picked.

"It's quite light" Zoro said and removed the sword from the scabbard revealing a perfectly sharp sword with the same design with the colour of the design to be grey, it's tsuba is golden, shaped in the form of a plus sign. Going down was it's handle which was all black with a little golden pearl in between with the back tip also being golden.

"It is one of the best swords I have here you have quite an eye" shop owner said.

Zoro just looked back and smiled.

"Yubashiri, this time I will take better care of you" Zoro said to himself.

"Huh... Did you say something?" Shop owner asked confusingly.

"Umm... Yes I said does this sword have a name?" Zoro asked while not taking his eyes off the masterpiece.

"Yes it's name is Hinokami" Shop owner said.

Zoro was confused at this "Hinokami doesn't that mean fire God?"

"Yes it does" Shop owner replied.

"So does this mean it can cut fire?" Zoro asked.

"If the hand is skillful enough it may cut through" Shop owner replied with a grin.

Zoro understood it and smiled back at him.

"You are not just a common child you are something else I believe you are going to be one of the best swordsman this world will ever see" Shop owner said with pure confidence.

"You bet I will" Zoro said with a huge smile.

"Hahaha I like your spirit young man wait here I have something I want to give to you" Shop said laughingly while walking to his attic.

'I got two of my swords but...' he thought and got sad obviously he was thinking about Wado ichimonji and Kuina. He got so much involved that he didn't notice the shop owner who came with sword in his hand.

"Ahmm" Shop owner coughed a little to grab Zoro's attention.

"Huh" Zoro was taken out of his thoughts and looked at what was the shop owner carrying. It had a full white scabbard with just the tip being golden. Zoro was shocked to core his eyes widened, it was as if his eyes would pop out any moment. 'What the hell's happening I'm getting all of my past swords first Sandai Kitetsu then Yubashiri and now Wado ichimonji!!' he thought.

"What's the matter young man?" Shop owner asked in concern as he could easily see how devastated Zoro looked.

"Umm nothing... can I check the sword?" Zoro said coming out of his thoughts.

"Yes yes why not" he said handing over the sword to Zoro "This sword has been in our family for ages and we were told by our ancestors to give it only to someone who you'd think had the caliber of becoming the best swordsman and also had the outmost love for his swords and I see all that in you so I would like to hand this sword over to you only if you'd accept" Shop owner added.

Zoro heard him and took the sword out of its scabbard it didn't have that fire pattern on the blad and it's tsuba is a simple circular golden ring, it's handle was also of White colour with diamond shapes on it.

Zoro examined the sword and placed it back into the scabbard "I accept it" he said bringing a smile upon the face of the owner.

"Now the payment for these" Shop owner said with a grin on his face and rubbing his hand together.

"Yes for that" Zoro said and took out the paper Hokage gave him and handed it to the shop owner who took it confusingly.

"Oh Lord Hokage sent you!!" Shop owner said shockingly.

On the paper it was written 'Let this boy take the swords the price of them will be given by me so come to the Hokage's office and take it from there' below that was the official stamp of Hokage.

"Okay, Thank you for coming to our shop please visit again" Shop owner said to the departing Zoro.

'Now that I have my swords let's go train' Zoro thought and started walking towards the forest. 'No but before that' Zoro thought and ran to his house.

Coming out of the house he had his hands crossed and had a red colour cloth tied around his waist, in the same cloth he had fitted his swords and started walking towards the forest like a fierce hunter.

—_—_—_—Uchiha Compound—_—_—_—

Two people are standing near a pond.

"Okay since you are going to be a genin you need to become stronger"

"Yes father"

They are none other than Uchiha Fugaku and his father. Right now Fugaku's father is here with him to teach him a new jutsu which shall make him stronger.

"So tell me what to want to learn fire style or taijutsu?" his father asked

"Fire style" Fugaku said with determination to which his father smiled.

"I knew it, you are just like me" his father said "Now then watch closely" he added.

—_—_—_—Namikaze Compound—_—_—_—

A yellow haired boy was running with a kunai in his hand but his eyes here closed he jumped and turned 180 degree and threw the kunai and opened his eyes to see that the kunai was at the center of the target he had placed "and now" he said while making some hand signs...






To be continued.

Sorry for the delay I lost on the path of life, anyways hope you like it. Gimme your power stones and comment down whatever you feel like.

zoro_writercreators' thoughts