
Zoro got lost again!

Zoro thought it would be a good idea to leave the ship without telling anyone to buy Sake, and ended up getting lost......again. What he didn't expect is that he not only got lost, but also ended up in another world! NoHarem/NoRomance

The_Sheep · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Read this, you will.

It's night. The bright full moon illuminates the city of Kuoh as if it were the sun itself. The city was silent and its streets were empty, creating a ghost town atmosphere, and together with the bright moon, it formed a beautiful mystical and apocalyptic backdrop.

However, even under the beautiful moonlight, shadows roam and the supernatural comes back to exist. On this dense night, hurried footsteps and voices can be heard in the shadows of the city.

''Huff.....huff....huff....'' A person can be seen running down the dark and ghostly road. It's a person of small build, who is covered by a large cape that covered his entire small body. The person ran erratically and unsteadily, breathing heavily as she held her chest.

''Hey! I found her! Don't let her get away!'' A scream sounded right behind her, alerting her.


The girl took a deep breath, caught her breath and went back to running with full force, and behind her, several shadows followed her behind at great speed.

'I need to lose them!' The girl thought, biting her lips in frustration.

Running at full speed, she realized she was close to one of the city's parks, and without hesitation, she ran straight for it, with the idea of ​​lose them in the park.

Arriving at the park, she jumped the fence nimbly and ran into the trees. Crouching down, she took another deep breath, and concentrated on regulating the respiration to make no noise, and slowly, she began to walk with light and silent steps.

'I need to bring this information to Yasaka-sama at all costs! To think that after so long, those responsible for the Nekomata accident that happened so many years ago were the Demons themselves!' She clenched her fists tightly, almost making them bleed as she remembered bad memories.

Approaching the park exit, her heart started to slow down and she gave a small sigh of relief. Looks like she lost them.

Before she could think of anything else, her ears twitched slightly, her eyes sharpened and she quickly jumped to the side.


''Oh? You didn't think you could get away that easy after stealing information from a noble house, did you?''

After positioning herself, she quickly looks where she was previously, and sees a medium-sized crater. If she was hit by the attack that caused it, she would die. Then, moving her eyes in the direction of the voice, she looked up and saw several men equally hooded as herself, however, on the men's backs, there was a pair of dark wings that resembled bat wings on each of the men.

''Tch!'' From her robes, the girl drew a dagger, and positioned herself for the inevitable fight. She couldn't escape, she was surrounded.

''How did you find me? I made sure to cover my tracks.'' She asked. A drop of sweat ran down her forehead and her hands shook slightly. She was scared, but she couldn't fail, not again.

She needed to buy time and formulate a plan, fighting so many of them would be suicide, and the information she stole would be destroyed.

''Oh please. You covered a lot of your tracks and hid well, but that was it. An inexperienced child like you cannot escape experienced trackers like us!'' Said the winged man who was in the lead of the others, giving the young woman a sneer.

Unlike the others who wore black capes, he wore a red cape that set him apart from the others, probably their leader.

''Now, be a good girl and give me what you stole. If you do this, we'll let you go. If you don't....'' With a snap of his fingers, several spells and curses were cast by some of the hooded men's while others wield their swords.

The girl smiled, ''Let me go? Ha! We both know damn well you're not going to let someone who knows what your master did live.''

''Well...you're right. I think it was a waste of time trying to deceive you, when in the end you're going to be dead anyway. Kill her and bring me the flash drive.'' He says with a wave of his hand.

'' '' YES!'' ''

Facing a fight that would kill her for sure, the girl's blood began to pump faster, adrenaline flowing at breakneck speeds in her veins. Her instincts sharpened and she let them take care of her.

She may die today, but she's going to take some of these despicable demons with her.

Several spells were thrown in quick succession towards her. She jumped back nimbly, and started bouncing in zigzag, trying to get around and dodge the spells. She managed to dodge several fireballs and lightning hurled at her, while some grazed her.

Not giving her time to catch her breath, the hooded men who had their swords in hand flew quickly towards her.

Seeing a sword aiming for her throat, she quickly raised the dagger and parried the blow, using the impetus of the man who flew swiftly towards her, she slipped the dagger over the man's sword and with a quick movement hit the man's throat, beheading him.

She felt happy to kill one of the bastards who had been following her for days, but unfortunately she didn't have time to celebrate.

With a thud, the decapitated man fell to the ground, but a moment later two others appeared between her sides.

The two men started to attack her, but she managed to parry and deflect the attacks with a little difficulty, unfortunately, she didn't have room to counterattack.

Sensing imminent danger, she quickly crossed her arms over her body and the two men who were attacking her backed away.


A fireball hit her directly, causing a small explosion.

''That's why I hate children, they are so inexperienced...so weak and so easy to kill...'' The man in the red cape says with a sigh.

The smoke began to disperse, and the girl's figure could be seen. The cloak she wore was completely burned off and her arms were completely singed.

The girl had purple hair and black eyes, on top of her head, two fluffy feline ears could be seen, and a purple tail protruded from her lower back. Her black eyes radiated hatred and anger towards the man in red.

''Don't look at me like that, you animal.'' He responds with a snort.

''You bastard..! Even if I die today, I will take you with me!'' She screamed.

''Oh? And how do you intend to do this with your charred arms? You can't even move them anymore. And even if you could, I would never fight a being as inferior as you.'' He looked at her like she was an animal, a pig that was about to be slaughtered.

''I don't want to waste any more time. Kill her and then search her body.'' The men in black nodded and prepared to cast their spells. The girl could only look at them with hatred as she awaited her death.

'Is this how it all ends...? I can barely move, my arms are unusable, and my legs don't want to move, I'm at my limit.....Yasaka-sama, forgive me for failing you again...!' she thought with regret. She closed her eyes tightly and waited.




''Gulp....gulp...gulp.... puah! Where the hell is the sake store?''

'' ''!?!?'' ''

''Hm? Who are you?''

The girl heard footsteps coming towards her and a heard man's voice. Confused, she opened her eyes and looked toward the sound of the footsteps, and then she saw the man.

The man has short green hair and black eyes that are sharp like an eagle's and his left eye had a scar and was closed, probably blindness resulting from combat. He is wearing a open dark-green coat, closed on his waist and is held by a red sash, in which three swords are tucked into. He have a black bandanna that is tied around his left forearm. His coat exposes his bare chest, revealing a green haramaki underneath the coat, he also wears dark green boots, matching his haramaki.

'Is he some kind of samurai? What are these clothes?' The little girl thought.


The man then finally realized what was going on around him. He saw a hurt little girl with purple hair who had some cat characteristics, and some hooded men who were flying with black wings on their backs.

He rested his piercing gaze on the man in red, and feeling the pressure of his gaze, he broke out in a sweat. He felt like a prey being watched by a predator, like a rabbit being targeted by a ferocious wolf.

'W-What is this feeling of panic? How did he appear out of nowhere?!'

''Who are you?!'' The man in red exclaimed.

The samurai then looked away from the man, who gave an instinctive sigh, and then looked at the little girl, and then at the bottle of Sake in his hands.

'Did I drunk too much?'

Coming out of her stupor, the girl returns to the reality of the situation and looks in panic at the man, ''You! Get out of here, quickly! If not they will kill you too!'' she didn't know how a human had come to this place in the middle of the night, but she wouldn't forgive herself to see an innocent soul die because of her.

The green haired man just watched in silence for a few seconds. ''Hmm...a cat girl and men with bat wings...yeah, I did drunk too much.'' He muttered, scratching his chin in contemplation.

Getting angry at the fact that the green haired man ignores him and the shame of feeled afraid of the gaze of the lowly human, he quickly conjures a mana arrow and shoots it towards the samurai's head.


''N-No! Watch out!'' The girl looks with concern and fear at the samurai, who stands still.

However, to the surprise of the girl and everyone, when the mana arrow was going to hit the man's head, he tilt his head to the side at the last second and the arrow misses him, passing through his head.

Being clearly targeted, the air around the samurai became cold, his eyes get even sharper, and an invisible pressure suddenly hangs over the winged men.

''No matter where I am, there will always have idiots.'' Saying in a hoarse and murderous voice, the samurai starts walking towards the demons in slow steps.

The man in red began to sweat even more, he could feel a strange power coming from the samurai, which made him fear. His senses and instincts told him to get out of there right now, but as a proud pureblood demon, he couldn't bear to run away from a lowly human being.

''Kill him! Kill this insignificant human!''

The other demons hesitated for a moment, they had already spent almost all of their mana against the girl, they could no longer cast strong spells. Nodding between them, the rest of the demons drew their swords and all charged against the man.

If anyone outside saw this scene, they'd say it's an exaggeration so many demons against a human. But all the demons present who felt the killing pressure he emited know that this human...is strong.

The samurai with a quick movement of his hand, threw the Sake bottle in the air and slowly took his swords from their scabbards. Advancing towards the man, the demons saw him with two swords already in hand, and then he put another sword in his mouth.

Then, he muttered: '' Santoyu:...'' like a flash, he disappeared from the sight of the demons, stunning them. However, they all felt a deep pain in their chest, and then they heard the hoarse voice of the man, who, to their surprise, was behind them, ''.... Kokujou O Tatsumaki! (Black Robe Dragon Twister!)''

A huge tornado appeared, engulfing all the demons and destroying a part of the square. A deep cut was formed in the chests of all the demons, and small other cuts appeared on their bodies, obliterating their robes and skin, making spurting blood everywhere.

The man in red was completely amazed, he froze for a few seconds until he came out of his stupor, ''I-I don't know who you are, samurai. But you'll regret having poked your nose into the affairs of a noble house! You will regret attacking us!'' with a mixture of anger and fear, he turns and flew at high speed, running away.

He didn't follow the hooded man and tucked his swords back into the scabbards at his waist, ''Tch, what a load of bullshit.'' He opened his palm, and the bottle of Sake he had earlier thrown up fell into his hand as if it were something natural.



Turning around, he saw the little girl who was hurt. Her eyes are bulging and her jaw dropped reaching the floor in astonishment.

'W-What happened? Everything happened in the blink of an eye! He defeated them all in an instant! And where did that tornado come from?! Is he really a human?' Questions filled the young girl's mind, making her momentarily forget the pain that is felt throughout her body.

''Oy, girl.''

''Y-Yesh?!'' Surprised by the sudden call, she bites her tongue.

''Where I am? I don't remember entering a forest.''

''O-Oh, we are in....Kuoh City?'' She responds with a question, confused as to why he wants to know this out of nowhere.

'Kuoh....City?' scratching his chin he looks up at the bright full moon, 'Hmm....did I got lost?'

What if every country in the world has ninjas, but we only know Japanese ninjas because they suck at being ninjas?

The_Sheepcreators' thoughts