
Zombolution: Unleash the Undying Power

In the wake of the apocalypse, betrayal doesn't just stab you in the back—it bites. Zorvax learned this the hard way. Abandoned by those he trusted, he didn't just become another number in the legion of the undead. No, his fate was far more peculiar. "I thought death was the end... I was wrong," Zorvax mutters, his voice a gravelly echo of his former self. He's a zombie, but with a twist—he's got his human mind intact. Trapped in a decaying body with an insatiable hunger, Zorvax finds himself in a gruesome predicament that's just the beginning of his ordeal. Enter the 'Zombolution System,' a mysterious power he awakens that's as cryptic as it is potent. "They wanted a monster? I'll show them the true meaning of terror," Zorvax boasts, with a smirk only a sentient zombie could muster. This dark gift is his ticket to ascend beyond a mere walking corpse, promising to unlock abilities that could crown him the emperor of the undead. As Zorvax hones his newfound skills, the line between man and monster blurs. Will his human intellect triumph, or will the beast within claim the throne? "This world has no place for the weak," he arrogantly declares, ready to challenge fate itself.

HaozDancer · Fantasy
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287 Chs

Meeting Gamma Again

As they navigated the dimly lit corridors of the human camp, urgency marked every step Zorvax and Ophelia took. Amidst the shadows and echoes of their hurried movements, a shared determination bound them together. Yet, within Ophelia, a question lingered, its weight growing heavier with each passing moment.

Finally, unable to hold back any longer, Ophelia turned to Zorvax, her eyes reflecting the turmoil of her thoughts. "Zorvax," she began, her voice tinged with hesitation, "about this power within you... what path will you choose now?"

Zorvax's stride slowed, his footsteps echoing softly in the corridor. He turned to face Ophelia, his expression a canvas of contemplation and uncertainty. "I... I don't know," he admitted, the truth of his words resonating in the silent corridor. The revelation of his power, its origins, and its potential had thrust upon him a burden of choices and responsibilities he never anticipated.