
Zombo Stars

Zombo country had serious events among them a war in the galaxy is also a civil war is a revolution war, will zombo country ever have peace, just read on to find out

Gellius_Helder · Fantasy
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49 Chs


Zombo Stars

Volume 2: Galaxy Uprising

Chapter 3: The Hero of the Alternate World

While Ana Cruz, Rex, Nikking and Nikkomam were in the alternate world, trying to rescue the Bee Woman from Huguel's hands, they found an unexpected ally. A hero who lived in the alternate world. A hero named Pedro.

Pedro was a 15 year old boy who had the power to control metal. He could manipulate any metallic object with his mind. He could create weapons, shields and armor from the metal. He could fly with metal.

Pedro was one of the few who opposed Huguel's reign in the alternate world. He was one of the leaders of a rebel group that was fighting Huguel's forces. He was one of the defenders of freedom and justice in the alternate world.

Pedro found Ana Cruz and her friends when they were being attacked by a group of Huguel's soldiers. He saw that they were strange and different from the inhabitants of the alternate world. He saw that they had powers and weapons he had never seen before.

He decided to help them. He used his metal power to defeat Huguel's soldiers. He introduced himself to them and asked who they were and what they were doing there.

They introduced themselves to him and told his story. They told that they were from the real world and that they had come to the alternate world to save their friend, the Bee Woman, who was trapped in Huguel's palace.

He was surprised and curious about their story. He was impressed and in awe of their courage. He was interested and willing to help them.

He said that he knew where Huguel's palace was and that he could take them there. He said he had a plan to break into the palace and rescue Bee Woman. He said he had some friends who could help them.

They accepted his help. they trusted him