
Zombo Stars # 1

Zombo country had serious events among them a war in the galaxy is also a civil war is a revolution war, will zombo country ever have peace, just read on to find out

Gellius_Helder · Fantasy
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5 Chs


In some elite schools in the country Zombo, the schools are competing to see who will be the most powerful school in the country, but there will also be war between the schools, only one can see.

The protagonist who entered the school was very excited at first to see the school, but after seeing some students fight, his face turned pale.

He thought to himself: "What a school is this!".

The protagonist looked at Houka with a smile, but at the same time he was very careful not to become friends with that boy.

The protagonist to himself thought:

"This boy is the leader of the school, surely he must have had a lot of experiences and have very much information about the school, but maybe he has dark intentions, so I'll have to be careful around him".

The protagonist took Houka's pen and paper, and wrote down his rookie name: "Shijie".

"This boy is interested in my name, I hope to make a good first impression in this school". Shijie thought to himself.

The protagonist listened to Houka with a lot of interest, he looked down at his feet and thought to himself:

"This is going to be dangerous, I thought that in this elite school everyone was friendly".

He then looked back up at Houka and asked him:

"What other elite schools do you compete with?".

The protagonist listened quietly to what Houka said, and asked himself:

"These schools should be very powerful, especially after hearing Houka say it like that".

His thoughts were interrupted by Houka asking him a question:

"Shijie, which of the elite schools are you aiming to become part of in the future?".

Houka listened to what the protagonist said with a smile and thought:

"Wow, this rookie sure isn't stupid, he's really going to be a great asset to our elite school".

After a while Houka said to the protagonist:

"Well then Shijie, I'll give you the school uniform, let's talk more about elite schools on the way to your dorm room".

Shijie walked in harmony with Houka's rhythm, he nodded his head in agreement and thought to himself:

"Looks like he really wants to go to the war with those two elite schools".

As he was walking, Shijie looked at the surrounding environment, everything was quiet and peaceful, in fact there was not a single sign anywhere to show that his elite school was in a state of war.

He looked at Houka's face, then turned and looked back at his surroundings again.

Shijie listened quietly to what Houka said, and then smiled a little and asked:

"What makes our elite school so strong that it can compete with two elite schools at the same time?".

Shijie thought to himself: "The answer is right in front of me? But what does Houka mean by that?".

Then, his curiosity got the better of him, so he followed Houka again, and asked him again:

"Houka, what did you mean that the answer is right in front of me?".

Shijie listened to Houka's words with a lot of respect, and thought to himself:

"I see why they made this boy the leader of the group here, if he's in charge, then the elite school's future will surely be safe".

His respect for Houka rose even more, Shijie also said:

"I'm so glad I met you Houka, I'm really happy to know you".

Shijie followed Houka to the dorm room, but along the way he noticed that Houka was always looking back, so he thought to himself:

"Why does this boy always look back, why is he always so worried about something behind him?".

Houka's movements began to draw Shijie's suspicion, he felt like there was something up with Houka, so he decided to get his guard up.

After Houka spoke, Shijie's suspicions were confirmed, Houka actually has a lot of secrets to hide.

To see what this boy has in mind, Shijie asked him:

"So Ana Paula was the reason you looked back so much?".

Shijie nodded: "I understand, Houka.".

Shijie's attention then switched to Ana Paula, he wondered what kind of girl she was and what she felt for Houka, but he also wondered why they had to hide this love? What danger was there in it?

Shijie looked at Ana Paula with a surprised look on his face, the girl was really cute, and she was not wearing the school uniform so he figured she probably wasn't going to any of the elite schools.

"So these two secretly love each other, I wonder why they didn't tell anyone about their love?" Shijie thought to himself.

Then Houka suddenly turned to look at Ana Paula, who was blushing and shaking her head.

"Why didn't she answer Houka?" Shijie thought, while looking at Ana Paula curiously.

Ana Paula was blushing a lot, Shijie looked at her with a look of curiosity and asked:

"Ana Paula, how come you didn't answer Houka's question?".

Shijie nodded, and thought to himself:

"Ana Paula is really cute, but why is she so afraid to answer Houka?".

He then decided to change the topic, he looked at Ana Paula and asked her:

"I was just wondering, how come you're not a student from any of the elite schools here?".

"Now I understand everything, Ana Paula is still in her training phase" Shijie thought to himself.

"But who could train this girl?" Shijie wondered, then he asked her:

"So Ana Paula, who is training you to become an elite student?".

Ana Paula's answer made Shijie's eyes widen, and he suddenly thought:

"Houka is the one training this girl so that she can enter an elite school?! Now everything makes sense!".

"So I'll be able to train with this girl" Shijie thought to himself and smiled slightly.

He then asked Houka:

"So where is the training place? and do I get to train with Ana Paula?".

"Houka is such a good leader that he's willing to train two rookies at the same time" Shijie thought to himself.

"Okay, that's good, I'm ready to learn new things", he said to Houka.

He then turned to Ana Paula and asked her:

"Ana Paula, are you ready too?"

"Houka is right, we can't waste any more time" Shijie thought to himself.

Houka lead the way to the training area, Ana Paula walked ahead and looked back at Shijie, as if she was concerned about him.

Shijie smiled and waved at her, Ana Paula seemed to smile back at him.

Shijie and Ana Paula listened to Houka's instructions carefully, and they both felt excited about the training. "It's really lucky that I met Houka, otherwise I wouldn't be able to train in all these important subjects here" Shijie thought to himself.

Ana Paula also couldn't wait to join this training, she was really thankful for Houka's effort in helping her become an elite student.

Shijie and Ana Paula stayed and looked around the place, the combat training base looks big and beautiful, they both thought "the training here will be really tough, but we are determined to pass it".

Ana Paula then turned to Shijie:

"Are you ready for the training? We can't let Houka down".

Shijie nodded: "Yes, I'm ready for this training, let's do our best and become more powerful".

They smiled at each other and started warming up, ready for the training to begin.

Ana Paula and Shijie started to practice the combat training together, Houka was observing them from a distance and thought:

"Good job, the training is going really well for them, I can feel that these two can become even better elite students".

The training continued, Ana Paula and Shijie did really well, they seemed to be well coordinated and could easily understand the training instructions.

Houka got more and more excited as he observed the training, and couldn't wait to see what these two rookies would do next.

Ana Paula and Shijie both celebrated after passing the combat training, their skills have definitely improved a lot.

Houka said: "Shijie and Ana Paula, now you will need to learn the strategy, in order to pass the second stage you will need to learn the best strategy to defeat your opponents."

Ana Paula and Shijie both nodded and showed that they understood, and started to study strategy.

They were not going to disappoint Houka.

One week later) Ana Paula and Shijie had done a good job learning strategies, they both did really well in the second stage.

Houka was really proud of these two rookies, and thought to himself: "These two really have a lot of potential, I'm sure they will be even great elite students, I should make sure that they reach their goals".

When Houka finally told them that they passed the second stage, they both seemed very happy.

"Manipulation is the key to win these battles" Ana Paula thought to herself as she listened to Houka's words, and knew that the training in this chapter wasn't going to be easy.

Shijie also thought that this training was going to be the toughest one, because he felt that he wasn't very good at manipulating people.

Ana Paula turned to Shijie: "Hey, Shijie, let's try our best and pass this training".

Shijie smiled at Ana Paula and nodded, he also was confident in his potential.

One month later) Ana Paula and Shijie were still working hard to master the last training: manipulation.

Shijie was the first to finally master this training, after a lot of effort and hard work, he could finally become an elite student in this elite school.

Ana Paula was still trying to get it right, but she wasn't able to fully master it yet, she kept trying day and night to make sure that she could finally pass this difficult training.

Another week passed) Ana Paula finally mastered the training, and finally she could become an elite student in this elite school.

Shijie and Ana Paula both celebrated, they were both ready for the battle against the two elite schools

Shijie and Ana Paula both looked at Houka with wide eyes as they listened to his words, and then jumped up and said to each other:

"We did it. We mastered all of our training and are ready to defeat those two elite schools. We definitely won't let Houka and this school down".

Shijie and Ana Paula were really excited to know that the day of the big battle between them and the two elite schools is coming soon, they both couldn't wait to show their skills to everyone.

Shijie asked Ana Paula: "I wonder what your two rival schools are?", Ana Paula started to think:

"Well, there's City News School and Victors School, I wonder which one is stronger?"

She quickly texted Houka, "Houka, what are our rival schools?".

Ana Paula and Shijie both thought:

"So our rival schools are really strong?, that doesn't change anything, we just need to keep fighting until we win".

The day of the big battle finally arrived, the two elite schools that they were going to face also arrived, both parties were ready to start the big battle.

Ana Paula turned to Shijie and gave him a confident look:

"Let's do this, it's time to defeat them".

On one side, there was Houka and two other leaders from the elite school where Ana Paula and Shijie studied.

On the other side, there was Jamie and two other leaders from the City News School.

The atmosphere was tense, since the two groups were facing each other, and everyone was ready to start the big battle.

Houka looked at Jamie and said:

"Let the battle begin".

Ana Paula and Shijie both took a deep breath, and then nodded at each other:

"Let the battle begin."

They both shouted out the starting command at the same time.

The other elite students from both sides heard this and suddenly started to fight.

The battle between the two elite schools has officially begun.

Shijie was fighting against a student from the City News School, they both seemed to be equal in strength.

Shijie was putting all his effort into winning, and Ana Paula was watching him fight, and thought to herself:

"Shijie is really strong, even at this level he's still a good contender."

She cheered on Shijie and believed that he would definitely win.

Ana Paula and Shijie both watched the battle, but Houka was really good at defending himself in this tough fight.

"He's really improved in his combat skills" Ana Paula thought to herself, and then thought to herself:

"Shijie definitely needs to improve his combat skills so that he can become an elite student."

She suddenly thought of an idea, she turned to Shijie:

"Shijie, can I teach you some moves I've practiced before to help you improve your combat skills?"

When Shijie said yes, Ana Paula immediately went over to him and quickly demonstrated some defensive moves she has been practicing in her training.

Ana Paula knew that Shijie has been improving in his combat skills, but she still wanted to teach him some more tricks to help him win the battle.

"Come on Shijie, you can practice doing these moves with me to improve your combat skills" Ana Paula said to Shijie.

Shijie nodded with a determined look on his face:

"Yes I'll definitely do my best".

Shijie and Ana Paula continued to practice the combat moves, but suddenly they saw that their counterparts from City News School were attacking them.

Ana Paula then shouted:

"Shijie! Let's move! The enemy is coming!"

Shijie quickly got up and they both moved to avoid being hit by the students from the rival school.

Ana Paula looked back at Houka and was really worried about him since he was badly injured while protecting her.

She quickly went over to him and helped him back up, Ana Paula:

"Are you okay Houka? The bomb really hurt you."

Shijie was also concerned that Houka was hurt, Shijie:

"Houka, don't worry we will definitely win this battle."

After hearing the words coming out of Houka's mouth, Ana Paula and Shijie were both shocked.

They knew that Houka wanted them to win at any cost in order to protect this elite school. But why did he say that he might die during this battle?

"No, Houka, don't think like that, we will definitely win" said Ana Paula frantically, as she tried her best to put a comforting hand on Houka's shoulder.