
Zombiettack! The Game Diary

Touya369 wakes up in a dusty shed and was roped off to fight zombies! What the heck!? It looked like the game he designed! What's happening? He was supposed to be dissecting a game but seems like the only way to go back to his world is clearing this game. Wait, Beach and Limo are here too but they don't seem to recognize him! What's going on?

Yukichi69 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Touya369’s Game Diary 07-Tutorial Part 1 – Opening Story

The only thing good about summoning the Game Master is when you need to freeze something. He is like this freeze charm. Getting him out means you pause the game to let the menu out. You can only freeze people because when it comes to battle, the battle continues, just in slow-mo. The monsters eventually will get you if you let it slow-mo long enough to get you, I learn that the hard way. The only benefit of calling him out like this is when you need time to strategize how to run away from scary things or from scary Tent, scary Beach or scary Rosie. I know, I don't know which is scarier.

This game is weird. Everything is weird. I'm weird. Let's go back to the first time I even noticed how to start the main menu. How is it start-up button is attached to my neck? The game is already in progress way before you wake up and it seems you have to figure out everything by yourself which, isn't too bad since the fun of a playing any game is to figure out shit by yourself. I didn't mind that. The only thing I mind, now I found out about Game Master, wait, he made me find out about him, was him talking to me randomly. It's like a ghost following you everywhere and gives a random boo every now and then.

"You can open your eyes now," I heard him said. I opened my eyes to my surrounding, still black. Oh yeah, Game Master was the only thing glowing blue in the darkness. He was staring at me with his blue glowy eyes.

"Don't you have more, like colors?" I blurted out. I know, that was rude of me. He gave me a look and snapped his fingers. I meant colors on him, not my surrounding.

My surrounding switched into a out of space scenery. I saw the earth, like I was in some kind of space ship.

"Umm, what's-,"

"Ssshh, no talking," Game Master hushed me, I kept my mouth shut. Then scene moved to the interior of the space ship. There were three guys and a woman surrounding a dude laying inside some sort of incubator case or something. All of them looked worried. One of the dude looked familiar but I couldn't place him just yet. Everyone seemed to be talking but I can't hear anything.

"Umm, there isn't any sound?" Game Master gave me a stare and pointed upwards. Oh, there were words up above me, wow, like giant subtitles. He made a swap gesture. I swapped the text. The sound started.

"We can't take him back to earth with us!" dude one said, he was the furthest from the incubator. The girl in front of him shot him an angry look.

"Then what do you suppose we tell the authorities? They will notice anyway when we go back with one person missing!" she shouted.

"We tell them the truth of how he was hit by the black mass at the space station," dude two said nearest to the incubator. He never stopped looking inside the incubator. He even caressed the glass area where the face was at.

"That black mass was not supposed to happen! It's all because of you man," dude three, just behind dude two, accused dude one, who snorted out a laugh.

His laughter got louder, "I don't recall anyone objecting when we all agreed to the plan to bring back sample of the black mass, especially greedy piggy you," he looked at dude three.

What? This is getting all confusing. I kept watching as the dude in the incubator began to wake and when he realized he was trapped in the incubator, he started to trash, begging to be let out. Dude two wants to oblige and was about to press the button to unlock the incubator but was stopped by the other dudes.

"Let him out!" Dude two shouted as he was subdued by dude three and dude one, leaving the girl all by herself to guard the incubator.

"No! Release the poison, now!" Dude one commanded the girl who hesitated. Dude two struggled even harder but his skinny body was no match for two guys pinning him down.

"NOW! Or else we all die!" Dude three shouted and in a moment of shock, the girl pressed a button by the incubator, releasing some sort of gas. The dude in the incubator trashed as much as he could as he realized the gas is out.

Dude two was hysterical and broke loose but dude one tackled him, smashing his head against the corner of the incubator and knocked him out cold.

"Sorry Ian, I know you will understand," dude one and dude three stood over watching as the dude in the incubator gradually stopped trashing and then stop moving in the incubator. The girl fell down the floor crying. Then this scene switched.

Showed a densely populated city, everyone was walking about, doing their own thing. The scene zoomed to a figure wearing all black with a hood covering his face, walking aimlessly in the crowd. The sun was setting and it looked like it was about to rain. He bumped into this sweet looking old lady and she dropped her umbrella. He picked up the umbrella and handed it back to her.

"My, thank you!" she said. Her shaky hand touched the bare hand which handed him back the umbrella. He nodded and walked away.

A few seconds later, there were screams coming from behind as he turned to look calmly. The sweet lady, now no longer so sweet, was writhing on the street, screaming as her body started to contort in unusual ways. Her pupils turned black as reddish black liquid started to trail down her mouth. If this was a street performance, it would have been a good one. That was what some people thought as they stop to watch and started filming. No one thought it was an emergency. Only a performance.

Finally, the contorted form stood up and huffed. A strange moan emitted from her as the surrounding audience curiously waited what would happen next.

In a flash, she latched on to a girl nearest to her and bit down her throat.

That was when the real screaming began.

The stranger in black walked calmly away from the crowd. The next scene flashed fallen cities, nasty looking, out of the norm, rotten looking creatures, what was once human beings trotting along slowly, aimlessly. These creatures actually walked near me and I was about the cream when Game Master hushed me again.

"They can't see you and they can't hurt you either," Game Master said and I relaxed a little, it doesn't help that they can still come near me and looked as gory still. I continued watching.

Everywhere seemed abandoned, building, old cars littering around the city, not even animals were about. Human zombies occasionally make their signature moaning voice while zombie animals, snarled and were scampering about looking for non-zombie animals to attack on.

Then I heard a truck coming from a direction behind me. Since Game Master said they can't see me or hurt me, I didn't bother moving and let the truck go pass me. I did felt a gust of wind though. The truck looked fortified with wires around. The scene switched to the passengers inside.

A young boy and an older guy. Who was the older guy? But the young boy, TENT!

"We are not going to make it are we?" young Tent asked. He looked about 10 years old? The older man looked nervous but said nothing as he continued driving. They both looked like they didn't shower in a long time. They drove past zombies which were too slow to catch on them but nevertheless alerted them so some of them started to trail after them.

Drive faster! When I saw them.

It was just this time that the truck started making weird noises.

"No, no, no, no!" The driver man started panicking. Yup. The car gradually stopped a distance away past the city but not far enough for the zombies to stop trailing after them.


"Daddy?" young Tent asked, his blue eyes full of concern as he watched his father started panicking. The man quickly shouted "Get out" to Tent, grabbed his gears from the back seat and got down the car. Tent got down as he was told and ran to his dad.

They looked back and yup, the zombies were definitely catching up to them, as slow as they were. The man grabbed Tent's hand and they ran. They seemed to running to something, or towards something.

As the sun starting to set, both father and son could hear more strange noises but all they could do now is to continue running as fast as they could.

I was cheering for them to run as fast as they could, hoping they could make it wherever safe. As they were running, Tent fell down and scraped his knees. His dad stopped, now pale in the face. He stopped to carry him before they continued running. What a loving dad!

They ran and ran until they finally reached this gated area. Why does that look so familiar? The man started shouting for help from afar, which attracted the attention of the guards at the look out tower but they were doubtful.

"HELP!" he shouted.

One thing I learned watching this was, you shouldn't shout when there is a zombie apocalypse happening and if you were near jungles. Probably the man didn't know it or probably he was just desperate for sanctuary as the zombies which trailed him from way before, the numbers grew and they were coming nearer.

The guards at the look out tower notice the approaching group of zombies and sounded the alarm.


The settlement I was taken to "tour" today was definitely more glamorous than the one Game Master is showing me right now. No sooner the alarm sounded, a gate near the man and Tent opened and a group of people came out with weapons.

"Left wing, charge, right wing on defense, and you," a familiar voice commanded, coming from… A YOUNGER UNCLE POB! He pointed his gun to the man and young Tent.

"Please…please help us…," the man begged weakly, Tent hugging his dad very tightly.

Uncle Pob has to make the decision to or not let these two strangers enter the settlement. He finally decided to let them in, "Nova, Sze Sze, take them straight to Doc for tagging," a younger Nova and Sze Sze appeared! Nova didn't have her scar then yet.

Uncle Pob then changed his stand to defense position, "Right wing, defense position, now," he shouted as his men did as he told and waited to exterminate the incoming horde.

The scene cut to black.

What? That's it?

I looked at Game Master and he looked at me. What now?

"I'll continue tomorrow, I'm sleepy now. Good night," he said and then disappeared without another word. The black cuts back to the moment RIGHT before Tent pounced me.

What the fuck!?

Tent lunged forward towards me and the last thing I remembered was a smashing pain in my forehead and then total blackness.

I was told I faint too easily. I guess I have to work on that.

Signing off,

Touya 369