
Zombiettack! The Game Diary

Touya369 wakes up in a dusty shed and was roped off to fight zombies! What the heck!? It looked like the game he designed! What's happening? He was supposed to be dissecting a game but seems like the only way to go back to his world is clearing this game. Wait, Beach and Limo are here too but they don't seem to recognize him! What's going on?

Yukichi69 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Touya369’s Game Diary 00-Prologue

Has your mother ever told you, never ever, NEVER take anything offered by a stranger?

No? Ok, then take this from me. When a stranger, especially someone who looked like a dude who never showered, has long unwashed hair, has bad breath, flies lingering around and with dirty hands offering you the latest zombie game software, you should say, "Geez mister, thanks but no thanks. My mom always say never take stuff from stranger," And then, you turn around and run for your life.

No, even if the guy looks like he showered, you should not take anything if he is a stranger. Even it's the game software you desperately want.

Guess who never took that advice? Me.

That's why when moment I woke up in a wooden plank bed on the floor, in a room dusty and hot room which looked like a freaking shed, I know I am screwed. I am not in my room. My head's spinning and I heard funny noises outside, what sounded like a mixture of moans and a lot, I mean, a LOT of gun shot sounds. I don't know what's happening and I don't feel like dying.

Then you must wonder how on earth do I have the time to write this diary entry? Let me start from the beginning.

Before I woke up in a dusty and hot room which looked like a freaking shed, actually, in the real world I am a, newbie but decent computer game designer and tester for this lousy cheapo company. Ok, my boss is the cheapo ass. The company's not that cheap. I joined this company because I love games and I have to prove to my mother that gaming can actually put food on the table and so she can stop sending me allowances every other week, I know. I am embarrassed. I kinda enjoy my work there because I get to create games with other cool geek colleagues of mine, one is Mich, a girl who insists we call her Beach, don't ask why and another cool dude we call Limo. Don't ask me why his name is Limo either. Told us his dad was a limo driver. Maybe that's why. Anyway, moving on.

My name is Touya369. Ok. My professional GAMER name, is Touya369. Touya is the name of my favorite character of this old anime I watched when I was a kiddo and 369, well, it was easy to type on a vertical keyboard. Laptop is a pain. Get? Other times, people call me Nine because I was born on the September 9th, at 9.09 am in 19xx. Shit, I'm not a millennial like ya'll.

Anyway, how I got into this weird situation was messy and fuzzy. First off, our competitor, the other ass company, decided to release the pre-order zombie game called Zombiettack just one freaking day before the launch of MY own zombie game, Attack Of The Zombies. Hey, I know the first three words sound like something familiar but it's not what you are thinking about, no. My team and I were developing this game, our baby, with our heart, mind and soul, blood and sweat and a lot of lost sleep.

The worse thing is, the preview of Zombiettack was similar to Attack Of The Zombies. From the character designs, the plot and backgrounds, graphics, specs, like 99.99%. The only thing different were the background music. You have to give that Zombiettack has slightly cooler songs but that's not the point. Attack Of The Zombies was my baby with Beach and Limo! Like it's a team baby! With two dads and one mom, ok, that doesn't sound so right. The three of us were working on the project so to have our work plagiarized and being accused at the plagiarizer the moment our baby hit the market, I knew I needed to do something.

The three of us were desperate to get hold of the actual copy of Zombiettack and see for ourselves. We just have to. That's why I went online, lurked and found the forum comparing both our releases. Obviously, my baby doesn't get the good reviews once we were accused of plagiarizing the other. Hell no.

Somehow, I managed to find someone who claimed to have a copy of the actual game even it wasn't released yet. How? Who cares but I need to get a copy of the freaking game so I agreed to meet a total stranger, in a quiet alley. That's where I met someone who looked like a dude who never showered, has long unwashed hair, has bad breath, flies lingering around and with dirty hands offering me the latest zombie game software. When I was digging my bag pack for my wallet to pay him and look up, the dude was gone. Poof. Into thin air. That should have been the sign kids but like any dumb ass, I didn't even notice. I was only excited, I mean, anxious to study the stupid game.

I ran straight home, got on video calls with Beach and Limo to dissect this together. We needed proof that this game is NOT at all similar to our baby. Our lives depend on this. Ok, our pockets and livelihood depend on this too.

The opening sequence of the game was pretty standard. It allowed me options to play solo or with other people, making it multiplayers. I decided I'll take the first dive.

The screen flash brightly on my screen. Too bright actually and that's when I felt myself being pulled in by a force. Like I'm floating and flying forward. You know, like those Avenger flying style? That.

That was the last thing I remembered before I blacked out. Ok, let me stop here and fight some zombie before I come back and tell you more.

Signing off,
