
zombieland quarantine

Bryan_Williams_732 · Action
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3 Chs

shocking rescue

As the car pulls past the city limits sign they see smoke over the horizon and are starting to get nervous, at first glance it looked like smoke billowing out of a factory's smoke stack, but after further inspection they saw building after building going up in flames from what looked like raids, and as they pulled closer, someone had thrown themselves in front of the car. Maysin immediately slammed on the brakes stopping almost right after and still nearly hit the person as they stopped, they saw that the person was badly wounded from gunshots and lacerations all over their bodie. Jack shot out of his seat and ran to grab the person who was about to collapse from pain. as he got them in the car he heard a faint voice saying thank you. 'maysin get back there and patch up the wounds I'll drive to an alley where we can stash the car, and hide so that we can figure out what's going on.' explained jack moving towards the driver's seat. 'alright good thing I have a reasonable idea about how to get bullets out with little pain.' snickered Maysin, who was climbing to the back to stabilize the person, and trying to stop the bleeding.

As Jack pulled into an alley way Maysin said 'we need to find a good place to lay low while she heals.' 'you mean that person is a girl?, d#mn I didn't know she was a she I couldn't tell.' laughed jack as he looked for a decent building to duck into. 'hey over here, there is a good building right here where you can treat her wounds.' cried jack

as Maysin helped the bleeding woman towards the door jack got it open and ran back to help carry her in. As they played her on the table Maysin ran back out to the car to grab his medical bag so he could save her life, and as Maysin gor started treating her wound jack went to take a look around the building to see what he could find.

after rummaging through a few room he found one that was triple bolted shut. he couldn't get the bolts undone without making a huge noise which would attract unwanted attention so he looked through the rest of the rooms as hot to the last room he found a set of keys in a side dresser next to the door. he thought about if they would fit in the bolt locks and went to see, as he opened the door his jaw dropped, he found a treasure grove of weapons ranging from pistols to assault rifles, with plenty of ammunition. he went to tell Maysin but was stopped by the sight of the woman, he knew her but he couldn't remember from where. then he realized it was his cousin who had followed him around everywhere when they was younger. he hadn't seen her in a few years, he thought she moved away to another state, but now she was here laying on a table tedering on life and death, so he stopped ten feet from the table and asked 'will she be alright?' with a face of anger. maysin who had spent the last twenty minutes getting the bullets out, was now sowing up the wounds, he turned and smiled and told jack 'she'll be fine don't worry but we can't move her for a while or her wounds might open up if we try.'