
1) chapter : 1

1. ( "Devansh" wakes up suddenly and opens his eyes in a weak state ). when did I fell asleep ( He says ) and How did I get in my room. I was fighting 'Sss rank' zombie that was bigger than buildings and what happened to my companions are they alive or dead ( he says in a confused way and scared of being attacked by the zombie monsters ).

wait a minute is that my calendar from 36

year ago. why is my room seems different, these are all the things from my past, no no no... is this the apartment that my parents brought me 36 years ago. argg, why is my head hurting so badly aah, ooohh' now I remember correctly that while I was fighting with the zombies some kind of screen showed up in my head. ( he is talking about the system ).

Saying that,

[ Zombie system is loading ]

[ Now zombie system is merging with the host body ].

( Devansh starts to recol what had happened to him before he wakes up )

What... what the hack is going on,

what is this I'm seeing in front of me is some kind of illusion or what and suddenly that "Sss rank zombie" throw a giant rock containing sharp iron needle which pears through my chest, and that system think showed up saying that.

[ Zombie system had successfully merged with the host body ].

what nonsense is this,ahh my wound.

[ Host has received a Beginning package and legendary package ].

What is this now. Is god playing with my life right now even when I am going to die.

[ Would you like to open it ].

"Sigh" 'let's just Play along with it, for now

Let's just open the beginner's package and see if it is really working or I am just seeing

the novel's plot system, that I read when I was young.Let's see what's in beginning package.

[ Host has opened the beginner's package ]

[ Host has received 200 zombie points and a 'F' Rank zombie evolution stone ].

[ Host still has legendary package ].

[ I thought in comics or games only characters receives beginner's package ]

So system why did I get a legendary package.

[ Because host has Achievements that can not be achieved by any masters or any teachings and also you are not favoured by any gods or celestial beings and you are not there apprentice ethier ]

[ The things you have achieved until now without any external helps and teachings are terrifying enough to shock the gods that you have reached this height ]

What do you mean favoured by gods or celestial beings what does this have to do with achievements

....Just open it,

[ Host has received.. past stone ].

( devansh ask system ).

System, what is past stone.

[ Past stone is one of the ten rarest ancient stones that can only possed by high ranking gods or celestial beings and it must only be used to solve problems that had become small problem to emergency situations in the future thats why it's used to stop future disasters ]

[ But you have been gifted this stone to return to the past and stop the upcoming disaster ]

Why me ?

There are thousands of people still leaving in this world can't you just chose them and solve the problem with them, why me.

are you kidding me, system can I really ask for anything.

[ Yes, host can ask for anything ].

Hmm, let me think... even if I ask you to save the world is it possible for system to do it.

[System is made so that it can be used to save the world from zombie attach and zombie mist, because it is harming and interfering in the 'World Energy' as well as in 'Nature' in many ways.]

[ System is made from world energy so that system can find a suitable person to merge and host body, mentality and host nature is more suitable, as well as to make host kill each and every zombie so that it can bring benefits to both, host and system (World Energy) and make a win win situation for all of us.]

So, you are saying that you have made me your vessel.

[ System is temporarily staying in the host body until zombies are killed and World Energy start properly functioning again ]

[ So, What choice had host made ]

System I want to go "back in time" '36years ago'.

[ Host will fall in sleep in the processes and when he wakes up he will be in his past self ].

... ( next chapter )....>>>>>
